Conditions for personal happiness and contentment


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What are the conditions and elements for happy and meaningful travel, studies, jobs and life choices?

  • Happiness elements are those elements (conditions, values) that lead to a satisfied life, a satisfied group or a satisfied society.
  • These are elements that play a role in the degree of satisfaction you could have as a person or as a group of people (organization, family).
  • These elements have been in literature since ancient times. They are regarded as crucial and determining elements in the context of happiness and contentment.

What are the twelve elements for sustainable happiness and contentment?

It all adds up in feeling:


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The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
Themes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful life


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Poem: "Stufen" by Herman Hesse (English: Steps) - My favorite

When I was an Erasmus student in Alicante, Spain, one of the dear friends I made shared the following poem with me when saying goodbye. The poem really touches me, I love it, wise words and so beautifully written by this German author and poet. That's why I wanted to share it with the world! It's ab...

What's in a name... de contenties verder verkent

Op ontdekkingsreis door de contenties...

  • Zelfbewustzijn
  • Onafhankelijk zijn
  • Verbonden zijn
  • Nuttig voelen
  • Reisgericht zijn (beleven)
  • Bronnen

Op ontdekkingsreis door de contenties... Deze blogpost is een work-in-progress (steeds verder i...


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Summary of the Promise of Sustainable Happiness

Short Summary of the Promise of Sustainable Happiness The article suggests that, despite several barriers withholding people to increase their well-being, less happy people can successfully strive to be happier by learning a variety of effortful strategies and practicing these with determination and...

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Een min of meer gelukkig en zinvol leven leiden - Thema


Poem: "Stufen" by Herman Hesse (English: Steps) - My favorite

When I was an Erasmus student in Alicante, Spain, one of the dear friends I made shared the following poem with me when saying goodbye. The poem really touches me, I love it, wise words and so beautifully written by this German author and poet. That's why I wanted to share it with the world! It's ab...

Hoe verhoudt je passie zich tot je levenskeuzes

Sint gaf mij een boekje over lang en gelukkig leven. Het concept Ikigai wordt er in behandeld, wat zoiets betekent als de zin van je leven, het doel in je leven, en/of passie voor het leven. In Japan, waar mensen actief bezig zijn met hun Ikigai, worden mensen relatief oud en gelukkig en de schrijve...

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