Africa: typical African habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies
African habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies
What are typical Kenyan habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Kenya?
What are the customs in Kenya regarding food?
- Because of the many different tribes and groups of people from Asia and Arab countries, among others, Kenya has a very diverse cuisine. For example, the Massai, pastoralists, eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of milk while the peoples living around Lake Queen Victoria eat mostly fish. Most meals in Kenya consist of ugali or potatoes accompanied by meat or fish and lots of vegetables.
What are the best recipes in Kenya?
- Ugali which is a mixture of water, milk and corn flour.
- Mandazi are a type of doughnut that many Kenyans absolutely love.
- Kachumbari is spicy tomato sauce with meat.
What are the best drinks in Kenya?
- Tea is served British-style with lots of sugar and milk.
- Kenyans like warm beer.
- Try to avoid locally distilled alcoholic beverages such as Busaa and Changaa. These drinks have caused a fair number of deaths due to the unsanitary conditions under which they are made.
- Ginger Ale from Tangawizi is a locally brewed drink enjoyed by many Kenyans.
What are notable holidays and festivals in Kenya?
- Kenyatta Day is on October 20. The holiday of Kenya's first president, Jomo Kenyatta, is celebrated with parades throughout the country.
- Jahmuri Day, or Independence Day, is celebrated on Dec. 12. In 1963 Kenya gained independence from England and in 1964 on this day Kenya became part of the Commonwealth. There are throughout the country, speeches, parades and celebrations with dancing and music.
What are the remarkable habits in Kenya?
- Cultural customs: there are a huge number of cultures to be found in Kenya, and people identify strongly with their own ethnic group and its customs. Yet there is also a strong sense of national identity. General values found in Kenya are caring for neighbors and loved ones, strong family ties and modesty.
- Social norms & mutual communication: greetings are important in both business and personal conversations, titles and formal forms of address are used to show respect, and non-verbal communication plays a big role!
- Etiquettes & traditions: think politeness, respect, shaking hands with a slight head bow, hospitality towards guests, wearing traditional clothing on special occasions. Color and patterns may also be important here.
- Eating and drinking habits: Meals are consumed together and it is polite to wait for the elder or host to start eating. Many Kenyans eat with their hands in the process.
What are some Kenian wisdoms and proverbs?
"Do not mistake a rained on lion for a cat."
even if someone does not feel like hunting he can still kill
"Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it."
wisdom is vast and collective; it requires the contributions of many to fully understand
"The strength of the crocodile is in the water."
You are stronger in your environment than anywhere else
"One who is not disciplined by their mother will be disciplined by the world’
If you are not taught at home, then you will learn it the hard way
What are typical Mediterranean habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?
Typical Mediterranean habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies
The Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by 16 countries. Of these 16 countries, 6 are in Europe, 5 are in Africa, 4 are in Asia. The 6 European countries that border the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, and the island country of Malta and Turkey. The 5 African countries are Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco; the 4 Asian countries are Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Cyprus. Since the Mediterranean area is quite big, it is difficult to generalise, but let's try for a change.
To me the Mediterranean is famous for food. Often people speak about the Mediterranean diet. A Mediterranean diet consists food that is found in the region like fresh vegetables, local herbs and spices, fish and seafood, lentils, poultry, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, nuts. Consume with (a moderate amount of) wine and plenty of water. Many nutrition experts recommend the Mediterranean diet for health reasons. There is hardly any red meat in the diet.
- A Mediterranean habit is everything in moderation and it was coined by the Greek philosopher Cleobulus. It is key in living well.
- Everyone eats late.
Habits in Cyprus
- Family is a priority in Cyprus. Parents take care of their children. When parents grow old, children will take care of them. Old people take care of their grandchildren. Family is everything!
- People Cyprus are generally slow and they postpone things until the next day. Nobody is in a hurry and try to enjoy every minute of life.
- The meze is a selection of small dishes, like tapas. The meze is a good formula to enjoy multiple flavors and to socialize over a long meal.
- Some people in Cyprus believe in the evil eye, which brings bad luck, there are charms to keep you protected.
Habits in Egypt
- The hot climate has defined the Egyptians' national character - calmness. People in Egypt like to take it easy. They are often late and spend a lot of time to make a decisions. Non-punctuality and slowness are justified by the habit of living by the "Egyptian time". It is from the Mediterranean habit to relax. Egyptians' favorite word is "Bukra", which means "tomorrow". Which reminds me of mañana mañana.
Habits in France
- Fresh and homemade are the two words that describe home cooking in France. Most meals are freshly prepared meals. Everything made from scratch from salad dressings to bread. It is a daily practice for many Europeans. The French are famous for drinking wine with their dinner. All in moderation, then it is even good for health!
Habits in Israel
- Israeli diet is considered the healthiest of the world. It totally fits the Mediterranean diet, it is the Mediterranean diet! A lot of vegetables, lemon, chickpeas, moderate amounts of dairy and meat, and all with olive oil. All meals are served in small portions.
Habits in Italy
- I remember my time in Italy with huge meals, of multiple courses, hours and hours spent around the table dining with friends and family. One specific ingredient used in Italy is olive oil. Healthy to the max, used in small portions.
Habits in Malta
- Daily life in Malta is very laid back. No one seems to ever be in a rush.
- Many locals enjoy good conversation over a coffee. Malta is a very much family-orientated island, and you can see families spending time together.
- It is too hot during the day, especially in summer, when the sun is high on the horizon, so the shops are closed and people are resting.
Habits in Monaco
- Monacan habits are also connected to food! Daily eating habits reflect a Mediterranean heritage. French and Italian influences can be found in the local recipes. Breakfast is very small, but lunch and dinner often have multiple courses.
Habits in Morocco
- Morocco has a small part of the country, which is on the Mediterranean coast. You will find Mediterranean habits in Morocco. Family is for most Moroccans is the most important element in life. It is family before work, friends and sometimes even marriage. Many Moroccans live with their families before and after marriage. The topic family is a populair topic to talk about. It is normal to inquire about details of family relationships of a person you don't know.
- The people in the country are in general warm, open and do not have any inhibitions. A guest is a gift from Allah. People are likely to invite you to their homes.
- Dine and feed your guests even if you are starving is a proverb. The people are generous and will likely send you home stuffed and full.
Habits in Spain
- Flamengo is the example of exercise in a fun way, while dancing. Joy and sorrow threaten to overwhelm you. The raw passion of flamengo can bring you to another world. Get transformed as well and listen to:
- Pata Negra, Blues de la fontera (1987)
- Chambao, Flamenco chill (2002)
- Every one takes naps, the so called siesta. Shops are closed, people eat with family and friends and take a nap afterwards. The nap has the effect that you can't sleep early, so you work until later in the evening, since you had a siesta. You have dinner later and you sleep later.
- Mañana mañana is a word from the Spanish language that means tomorrow and morning. This word describes the period of time between midnight and noon. It means it is done sometime tomorrow, which means no stress. Take it easy. Enjoy life and relax when possible.
Please help me adding
- Algeria
- Libya
- Syria
- Lebanon
- Tunisia
Countries: habits, food customs and philosophies per continent and country in the world
Habits and customs per continent, country and region
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