Travel to Cameroon to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Cameroon: table of content



Backpacking or Traveling in Cameroon?

  • Cameroon, often called “Africa in miniature”, offers an incredible mix of culture, nature and adventure. From tropical rainforests to the deserts of the north, volcanoes, beaches and savannahs, the country has an incredible diversity of landscapes. Travelling in Cameroon is like leafing through a book with chapters on all of Africa – it has it all! The infrastructure is not always the best, but that is part of the adventure. Public transport consists mainly of minibuses and motorbike taxis, which can take you through beautiful but rugged roads.
  • Activities to spot: Climb Mount Cameroon, the highest peak in West Africa; visit Kribi and discover waterfalls that fall directly into the sea; go on a game drive in Waza National Park and spot all sorts of beautiful animals; discover traditional dance and music in the south of Cameroon; kayak along the Sanaga River; visit the art market and galleries in Douala; learn about the rich history of the Bamoun Kingdom at the Foumban Royal Palace; visit the cultural village of Bandjoun; discover the beautiful biodiversity of the Dja Faunal Reserve.
  • Animal spotting: gorillas, lions, elephants, buffalos, birds, crocodiles, giraffes, chimpanzees, pangolins, divers.
  • Food spotting: lots of variety from the different tribes in all parts of the country! Think of ndolé (stew of leaves, peanuts, meat/fish), fufu corn (doughy side dish), eru (spicy side dish), poulet DG (chicken dishes with plantain - very popular!), achu (yellow-green soup of taro root), egusi (soup of ground melon seeds), mbongo tchobi (black fish stew).

Study in Cameroon?

  • Cameroon offers more and more opportunities for higher education, especially with a growing emphasis on technology, science and agriculture. There are several universities, including the largest, the Université de Yaoundé, which is recognized as one of the better educational institutions in Central Africa. There are also a huge number of studies to choose from.
  • However, quality varies, especially between urban and rural areas. Popular study programs include law, economics, agriculture, computer science, health sciences and natural sciences. Make sure you find the right study and university for you and enjoy a rich student life where you can experience a lot!
  • Study cities: Yaoundé, Douala, Buea, Bamenda.
  • Language: bilingual, so there are both French-language and English-language programs available.

Internships in Cameroon?

  • There are various internship opportunities in Cameroon and it helps that you can do them with knowledge of both English and French. For example, consider internships at (local) NGOs, international companies and development organizations, but also universities in the field of development cooperation, environmental conservation, education, healthcare, gender equality and research. During an internship you can learn a lot about the country, nature, human rights and your own development. Competencies: intercultural communication, knowledge of English and French in a professional and social setting, adaptability and flexibility, teamwork, problem-solving, understanding of development issues and other cultures.

Volunteering in Cameroon?

  • There is a huge range of volunteer work to be found in Cameroon. The work can range from healthcare to education, agriculture and conservation. You can participate in projects aimed at improving the living conditions of local communities, gender equality, orphans, protecting endangered species such as chimpanzees, nature conservation or supporting educational programs.

Working in Cameroon?

  • There are a variety of jobs for foreigners, such as teaching English at international schools, development work with NGOs and aid organizations, in agriculture and environmental protection and in technology and infrastructure.
  • Work culture: Cameroonian work culture is usually hierarchical and formal, but the pace can vary depending on the sector. Time is flexible, and building relationships is essential for success.

Working as a digital nomad in Cameroon?

  • Cameroon is slowly becoming more attractive to digital nomads, mainly because of the cheap cost of living and access to nature. The internet quality varies, but in the larger cities such as Yaoundé and Douala, the speed is generally sufficient for remote working. There are also more and more initiatives for co-working spaces, although they are not yet available everywhere, and there is a nice nightlife scene.
  • Favorite locations: Douala, Yaoundé.

Living in Cameroon?

  • Cameroon attracts people from all over the world because of its incredibly rich culture (over 200 different language communities!) and perhaps equally diverse nature, which attracts many nature lovers and researchers. It is also quite economically stable, with an economy based on agriculture, oil and mining.
  • The country is therefore quite well developed, but the standard of living varies greatly between cities and rural areas, and while the cost of living is relatively low, some products and services can be in general expensive.
  • Education: There are some good international schools in Douala and Yaoundé for expat children, but access to quality education can be limited elsewhere. The country is particularly family-friendly if you live in the larger cities.
  • Expat community: The expat community is large, especially in Douala and Yaoundé, but only a small proportion of this community comes from outside Africa. Expats usually work in diplomacy, education, or NGOs. There are many expat clubs with social events, but you can also attend local football matches, go hiking and join one of the many cultural events to meet people. Safety: Cameroon has some safety challenges, especially in the north and in the English-speaking regions. It is important to always be aware of local safety warnings. Urban areas such as Douala and Yaoundé are relatively safe, although you should always be vigilant for petty crime.
  • Culture & Religion: Cameroon’s culture is a mix of African traditions and French influences, resulting in a rich cultural heritage ranging from music and dance to culinary specialties. There are a huge number of groups with different languages ​​which is great, but can also be a challenge for some. The majority of the population is Christian, followed by Muslim.
  • Climate: The climate varies from tropical along the coast to savannah in the north, with a distinct rainy season between May and October. Note: French is dominant, so a basic knowledge of the language is useful. You can also take on the challenge of learning one of the 230 other languages. Furthermore, the country is quite bureaucratic and visa processes can take a lot of time and effort.
  • Health insurance: healthcare is reasonable, but for complex or specialized care some expats choose to go abroad. It is therefore important to purchase your own good health insurance.

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Cameroon Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Het Limbe Wildlife Centre heeft nu een geweldige promotie. Als je voor 28 februari boekt om vrijwilligerswerk te komen doen in het Limbe Wildlife Centre in Kameroen, ergens in 2019, dan krijg je nu 15% korting!  Voor meer informatie, kijk op


Livebuild organiseeert samen met de Ping Pong Club een pingpongtoernooi. De opbrengsten van het toernooi gaan naar noodhulp in Kameroen, waar op het moment "een gewapend conflict tussen strijders voor onafhankelijkheid en het leger van Kameroen" plaatsvindt. Daardoor zijn veel dorpsbewoners de bosse...


Kameroen Werkt! ondersteunt projecten die economische en sociale ontwikkeling stimuleren in Kameroen. Daarnaast heeft de voorzitter van Kameroen Werkt! (Bertie Hendriks) goed contact opgebouwd met een school in Gambia, Bymyra Inter. Deze school wordt ondersteund door middel van het doneren van m...


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Toeristenvisum Als Nederlander ben je verplicht om een toeristenvisum aan te vragen wanneer je gaat naar Kameroen. Je kan een single-of multiple entry toeristenvisum van 30 dagen (90 euro) of 90 dagen (120 euro) aanvragen bij de Ambassade van Kameroen in Nederland. Hiervoor heb je nodig:<...>

Cameroon: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Cameroon?
  • Updates Cameroon
  • Travel in Cameroon?

    • Cameroon has many different climates due to the geographical location of the country. You will find beautiful beaches, dense jungles, waterfalls, high mountains with volcanoes, and desert. Cameroon is al...

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World of Wildlife

World of Wildlife is een Nederlandse non-profit organisatie met als doel het wereldwijd financieel, materieel en immaterieel steunen van lokale wildlife projecten die zich inzetten voor de bescherming en opvang van (bedreigde) dieren en hun natuurlijke leefomgeving.

Kameroen Werkt!

De stichting Kameroen Werkt bevordert duurzame economische en sociale ontwikkeling ten behoeve van mensen in Kameroen en Gambia, en initieert of ondersteunt creatief ondernemerschap van deelnemers aan projecten.


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Het Limbe Wildlife Centre heeft nu een geweldige promotie. Als je voor 28 februari boekt om vrijwilligerswerk te komen doen in het Limbe Wildlife Centre in Kameroen, ergens in 2019, dan krijg je nu 15% korting!  Voor meer informatie, kijk op


Toeristenvisum Als Nederlander ben je verplicht om een toeristenvisum aan te vragen wanneer je gaat naar Kameroen. Je kan een single-of multiple entry toeristenvisum van 30 dagen (90 euro) of 90 dagen (120 euro) aanvragen bij de Ambassade van Kameroen in Nederland. Hiervoor heb je nodig:<...>


Livebuild organiseeert samen met de Ping Pong Club een pingpongtoernooi. De opbrengsten van het toernooi gaan naar noodhulp in Kameroen, waar op het moment "een gewapend conflict tussen strijders voor onafhankelijkheid en het leger van Kameroen" plaatsvindt. Daardoor zijn veel dorpsbewoners de bosse...


Kameroen Werkt! ondersteunt projecten die economische en sociale ontwikkeling stimuleren in Kameroen. Daarnaast heeft de voorzitter van Kameroen Werkt! (Bertie Hendriks) goed contact opgebouwd met een school in Gambia, Bymyra Inter. Deze school wordt ondersteund door middel van het doneren van m...

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