Travel to Qatar to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Qatar: table of content



Backpacking in Qatar?

  • Backpacking and touring in Qatar is like skating on an artificial ice rink. 
  • Characteristics: not well equipped for solo travelers, though cheap hotels, beautiful traditional sites and still little discovered by the backpacker. 

Traveling in Qatar?

  • When traveling in Qatar, think shopping malls, traditional souks, beautiful coastline with long beaches, impressive museums and an impressive desert. 
  • City spotting: Doha, Doha, Doha....
  • Activity spotting: camping in the desert, sand sports like sandboarding, visiting ancient museums and forts, seeing bizarre buildings, visiting the underwater world and kayaking! 
  • Nature spotting: the mangrove of Purple Island, the rolling sand dunes contrasting with bright blue sea at Khor Al Adaid, the mangrove of Al Thakira, the glowing cave of Dahl Al Misfir, the beautiful beach area of Al Wakrah Beach and the Al Reem Biosphere Reserve. 
  • Animal spotting: the Arabian oryx and gemsbok, dromedary, the hawksbill turtle, poisonous (but cool) centipedes, flamingos, the cute Arabian desert fox, the manatee and whale sharks.

Studying in Qatar?

  • Education in Qatar: the quality of education at Qatar's universities is high, there are also many branches of international universities including a Dutch college. 
  • Language: teaching is mainly in English, with the exception of some programs. 
  • Studies: anything is possible! 
  • Study cities: Education City, Doha. 
  • Study culture: international, Islamic influences (respect for prayer times, Ramadan etc), modern facilities. 
  • Language learning: it is not necessary to learn Arabic to study in Qatar, but it is possible at universities and language institutes. 

Internship in Qatar?

  • Internships: there are internships to be found, but this is not easy. As a student, you have the most opportunities and here and there in the museum, banking and oil & gas world. 
  • Internship cities: Doha.
  • Characteristics: few options, international environment, English will get you far, cultural adjustments. 
  • Competencies: Arabic language, technical expertise, project management, cross-cultural communication, adaptability to a considerably different culture! 

Volunteering in Qatar?

  • Volunteer work can be found in: community services, museums, education, health care, child care, conservation and animal welfare. 
  • Animal/nature projects: beach cleanups, tree planting days, animal shelters.
  • Characteristics: hardly any full-time volunteer work to be found that includes accommodation (and food). It is mainly volunteering on an off-and-on basis. 

Working in Qatar?

  • Jobs: working without a work permit is basically not possible, you need an employer as a sponsor. The best chances for full-time work are with international companies. 
  • Work culture: relaxed work culture, the working language is English or Arabic, you need a strong dose of patience, there is a strict dress code and a big difference between men and women. 
  • Characteristics: temporary jobs are not possible, a work culture you will have to get used to, international environment. 

Working as a digital nomad in Qatar?

  • A comfortable country for more and more digital nomads as long as you earn enough. 
  • Favorite locations: Doha.
  • Features: life costs a pretty penny, lots of expat activities, good amenities, safe and a very different way of life. Also note that there are strict rules regarding all sorts of things such as dress, no public kisses and most of all be friendly about the royal family. 

Living in Qatar?

  • Expats: in many sectors there is a good mix between expats and local employees and you will make contact fairly easily. 
  • Language: everyone speaks English in Qatar, although you will make some nice friends with some Arabic. 
  • Quality of life: the quality of life is good, provided you keep a few things in mind. You are provided with everything, there is even beautiful nature to experience, but women are treated differently than men and there are many strict rules and laws. So be sure to read up on this!
  • Culture: In Qatar, respect for Islamic values and local traditions plays a central role, including adherence to dress codes and respect for prayer times. Society values politeness and discretion, and alcohol consumption is strictly regulated. In addition, it is important to show cultural sensitivity not to show affection in public. So no public hugging! 
  • Characteristics: modern, many expats, everything you could wish for, hot, unequal treatment and relatively pricey.  
  • Health care: the quality of health care is good, with modern facilities, but do arrange your own (international) health insurance well.

Supporting content

Qatar Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Qatar Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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How does the healthcare system work in Qatar, and which travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
Qatar: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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