Travel to South Africa to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



South Africa: table of content

 South Africa


Backpacking in South Africa?

  • One of the best backpacking destinations in Africa, with dedicated backpacker buses, unique hostels, variety of beach life, surf spots, nightlife and camping among the big five.
  • Characteristics: diverse, adventurous, rich culture, safaris, great differences between urban and rural.   

Traveling in South Africa?

  • Top destination with safari in the Kruger Park, nightlife in Cape Town, diving around Durban and particularly beautiful car routes. 
  • City spotting: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pretoria, Stellenbosch.
  • Activity spotting: Safari in Kruger National Park, wine tasting in Stellenbosch, mountain climbing on Table Mountain, surfing in Durban, whale watching in Hermanus, diving with sharks in Gansbaai, bungee jumping off Bloukrans Bridge. 
  • Nature spotting: the Drakensberg Mountains, the Garden Route, Blyde River Canyon, the Kruger National Park, the Cedar Mountains, the game reserves of KwaZulu-Natal, Tsitsikamma National Park and much more. Imagine vast savannahs, imposing mountains, lush forests, rugged coastlines and spectacular waterfalls. 
  • Animal spotting: Spot the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, buffalo) on safari, observe whales in Hermanus, see penguins at Boulders Beach, spot dolphins along the coast, and view rich bird life in the many national parks and nature reserves.  

Studying in South Africa?

  • Education in South Africa: The South African education system is internationally recognized and has a number of highly regarded universities, such as the University of Cape Town and the University of Witwatersrand. 
  • Language: the language of instruction is mainly English. 
  • Studies: popular fields of study include social sciences, environmental sciences, medicine and development studies. South African universities also offer excellent programs in law, psychology, and business studies. Healthcare courses and co-ops in South Africa are also popular.
  • Study cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, and Durban.
  • Study culture: the study culture in South Africa is often dynamic and participatory, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and practical experience. Diversity and inclusion are strongly promoted, with respect for students' diverse cultural and social backgrounds.
  • Language learning: for international students, a good command of English is sufficient to study there. 

Doing an internship in South Africa?

  • Internship opportunities: South Africa offers a wide range of internship opportunities, especially in sectors such as tourism, wildlife and nature research, health care, social development, engineering and renewable energy. Large companies and international organizations may also offer internships, often with a focus on innovation and hands-on experience.
  • Internship cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pretoria, and Stellenbosch.
  • Characteristics: many options, mixed culture, dynamic economy, English, lots to do in free time, discovering local cultures and contributing to global challenges.  
  • Competencies: during an internship in South Africa, you will develop skills in professional English, practical work experience while contributing to global challenges, and learn to deal with a diverse and inclusive work culture. Thus, you will also learn intercultural communication skills and networking. 

Doing volunteer work in South Africa?

  • Many projects in animal care, education, social work and nature conservation. 
  • Animals/Nature projects: many options such as wildlife protection, research, nature conservation, marine conservation, animal care and rehabilitation. 
  • Characteristics: many options both social and nature. However, you do often pay a hefty sum unless you find something through private individuals. 

Work in South Africa?

  • Jobs: for temporary work e.g. opportunities at helpdesks and in tourism. For long-term work, for example, in health care, IT, education, mining and engineering, tourism. It is important to note that unemployment is quite high in South Africa. 
  • Work culture: especially in the financial sector and large corporations, the work culture is informal and hierarchical. South Africans are generally very loyal to their employer, being on time, avoiding confrontation and building trust is important. In meetings, therefore, South Africans tend to be direct and honest, any vagueness can be taken as a sign of unreliability. Furthermore, they work hard, but also like to have fun. If you are invited to social gatherings, don't turn them down and use them to build better relationships and trust with colleagues. 
  • Characteristics: English, sometimes a word of Dutch, lots of unemployment, hierarchical, hard work. 

Working as a digital nomad in South Africa?

  • South Africa is very popular among digital nomads because of its amenities, English language, recreational options and relatively low costs compared to similar places elsewhere in the world. 
  • Favorite locations: hotspots include Durban, Cape Town, Port Elisabeth, Stellenbosch and several smaller towns in beautiful locations.
  • Characteristics: large community, lots of activities, good amenities, English language, wonderful life with a good salary. 

Living in South Africa?

  • A beautiful, modern country with a mix of colonial and ancient history. If you like nature you will feast your eyes and the amenities are good, but security does leave something to be desired. 
  • Quality of life: South Africa offers a good standard of living with modern amenities, a well-developed infrastructure and plenty of stores and restaurants. The country is known for its beautiful nature and outdoor activities. In addition, it is one of the most unequal societies in the world and, as a result, there are considerable security challenges. The cost of living, especially in major cities such as Johannesburg and Cape Town, is also quite high. 
  • Culture: South Africa has a diverse and inclusive culture with influences from various ethnic groups, including the Zulu, Xhosa, and Afrikaners, in addition to European colonial history. Respect for indigenous cultures and customs is strongly encouraged. South African culture values diversity, environmental awareness, and a relaxed lifestyle.
  • Features: modern living options, excellent infrastructure and many cultural and recreational activities. English is sufficient to communicate and work, but knowledge of local languages such as Afrikaans or Zulu may be helpful. The work-life balance is not very good, and the country is not secure. Many expats invest in their own security.   
  • Health care: health care in South Africa varies widely between private and public facilities. Private hospitals are generally well equipped and provide high-quality care, while public hospitals have fewer resources and can be overburdened. So arrange your own (international) health insurance well.

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Callcenter agent Kaapstad, Zuid-Afrika

Dienstverlening in Kaapstad Locatie: Zuid-Afrika Periode: Mogelijkheden voor een jaar of langer. Werkzaamheden: het voorzien van goede service voor de klant door middel van goede communicatie, het toevoegen van waarde voor de klant en het efficiënt oplossen van problemen. Je neem...


Samp & beans is a delicious meal that was cooked for us in Durban and in Lesotho. I personally adored it, even though it doesn't look really good. The taste, however, is fantastic!   

  1. 1 Mix and wash the samp and beans together.
  2. 2 Put them in a large pot with 5-6 cu...


Boerewors, pap en saus is echte traditionele Zuid-Afrikaanse maaltijd. Boerewors is een pittige worst die bestaat uit rundvlees en varkensvlees. Zuid-Afrikanen zijn dol op Boerewors en combineren dit vaak met pap, gebaseerd op maïs, en een heerlijke zelfgemaakte saus.  Benodigdheden  ...


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Betoog: Ontwikkelingshulp is de moeite waard

Betoog: Ontwikkelingshulp is de moeite waard Het was juli 2014, dichtbij Durban, een stad in het oosten van Zuid-Afrika. Het was een mooie dag, zo’n dag waarop de zon fel scheen en de lucht stralend blauw was: precies zoals dit land wordt aangeprezen in de vele reisgidsen. Adembenemende natuur...

Interview Mfundo

Op 22 november 2014 nam de oprichtster van de organisatie ons, een aantal andere vrijwilligers en ik, mee naar een zwarte kroeg midden in een township in Port-Elizabeth. Vooraf was er even sprake van dat het niet door zou gaan vanwege de gangs en shootings in de township. Gelukkig was het op dit mom...

terugblik en tips

Ik ben nu al ongeveer acht maanden terug uit Zuid-Afrika en de tijd is gevlogen. Ik heb daar zoveel geleerd en het heeft echt mijn horizon verbreed. Door deze reis weet ik nu ook dat ik dit later nog vaker zou willen doen, en door Joho ben ik nog steeds bezig met de reis. Iedere dag flitst de reis w...


Ik heb de laatste maanden heel veel geleerd. Niet alleen wat er in Zuid Afrika speelt, maar ook in andere landen. Dit hele traject is een zeer leerzaam voor me geweest. Ik heb me verdiept in sociale kwesties, maar ook in persoonlijke ervaringen van verschillende mensen met verschillende culturen. Ik...


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The Blue Sky Mining Backpackers Lodge

Blue Sky Mining Bed and Breakfast is situated in Warner Beach, Kwazulu-Natal. An area best known for its scenic routes, hiking trails, surfing, and iconic attractions. Main accommodation in private rooms, but on the DIY Camp Site is a camping spot that comprises of communal bathrooms and 4...

Hluhluwe Bush Camp in Zuid-Afrika

Hluhluwe Bush Camp is a site with various accommodation options, which is located near False Bay Isimangaliso Park in South Africa.


Aviva is een organisatie die vrijwilligerswerk en tours aanbiedt in Zuid-Afrika. De vrijwilligersprojecten richten zich vooral op dieren- en natuurbescherming en maatschappelijk werk. Verder kan je bij Aviva deelnemen aan verschillende trips, tours en cursussen. Aviva projecten  sinds 2021...


Yobbers brengt binnen- en buitenlandse bedrijven en organisaties in contact met Nederlandse jongeren die op zoek zijn naar vakantiewerk, vrijwilligerswerk of een vaste baan in het buitenland. Mensen inspireren om de wereld te ontdekken, dit is wat Yobbers iedere dag beweegt. Yobbers gelooft erin dat...


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Interview Mfundo

Op 22 november 2014 nam de oprichtster van de organisatie ons, een aantal andere vrijwilligers en ik, mee naar een zwarte kroeg midden in een township in Port-Elizabeth. Vooraf was er even sprake van dat het niet door zou gaan vanwege de gangs en shootings in de township. Gelukkig was het op dit mom...


Gewoonlijk is Zuid-Afrika een favoriete bestemming om tijdelijk te werken, een onvergetelijke rondreis te maken door het Krugerpark of deel te nemen aan een vrijwilligersproject. Momenteel is het vanwege Covid echter even uitstellen van die mooie reisplannen, in dit blog een update van de regels en ...

Callcenter agent Kaapstad, Zuid-Afrika

Dienstverlening in Kaapstad Locatie: Zuid-Afrika Periode: Mogelijkheden voor een jaar of langer. Werkzaamheden: het voorzien van goede service voor de klant door middel van goede communicatie, het toevoegen van waarde voor de klant en het efficiënt oplossen van problemen. Je neem...

Betoog: Ontwikkelingshulp is de moeite waard

Betoog: Ontwikkelingshulp is de moeite waard Het was juli 2014, dichtbij Durban, een stad in het oosten van Zuid-Afrika. Het was een mooie dag, zo’n dag waarop de zon fel scheen en de lucht stralend blauw was: precies zoals dit land wordt aangeprezen in de vele reisgidsen. Adembenemende natuur...

Vrijwilligerswerk Zuid-Afrika voor Worldmapping

In deze periode ben ik met de organisatie Worldmapping voor twee weken naar Zuid-Afrika gegaan. Niet alleen, nee, samen met 19 andere jongeren en twee expeditieleiders uit Nederland. In Zuid-Afrika hebben we verschillende projecten in en om Durban bezocht en hier geholpen waar nodig was. Moesten we ...


ik heb dit gerecht voor heerlijke aardappelsoep gevonden dat me helemaal aan Zuid-Afrika doet denken httppublic://recipe/ Pel en snipper de ui. Pel en snijd de knoflook. Snijd de groente in reepjes. Verhit een scheut olie in een soeppan en fruit d...

Safety and insurances in South Africa

How does healthcare work in South Africa, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in South Africa, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in South Africa?

What is the quality of healthcare in South Africa?

  • Healthcare in South Africa consists of a heavily subsidized public healthcare system and a smaller but high-quality private system. Although the country offers excellent private healthcare, public healthcare faces many challenges. For example, 79% of doctors in South Africa work in the private sector.
  • About 80% of the population uses the public healthcare system, while the wealthy 18-20% mainly use private healthcare. Although public healthcare is often very cheap for people on low/no income, expats still often have to pay a lot.
  • Good medical care is available in urban areas, but the situation varies outside the cities.
  • There is no public insurance system yet. Many treatments have to be paid for in cash.
  • There are two large pharmacy chains; Clicks and DisChem. There are also many independent pharmacies. Pharmacists are generally well-trained. Hospital pharmacies are often open 24 hours a day. Availability of medicines is comparable to Western countries. Life expectancy in South Africa is on average much lower than in the West. In 2021, life expectancy was 59 years for men and 64 years for women.
  • The emergency number for public ambulances is 10177, and the general emergency number is 10111. There are also private ambulance services.
  • The government is working on a National Health Insurance System (NHI), but it is not clear when this will come into effect.
  • The provision of mental health care is very limited, despite the fact that many people experience mental health problems.
  • Traditional medicines still play a major role in South Africa. About 80% of the population report using them. Traditional healers are regulated by the 1982 Associated Health Service Professions Act.

How does the public healthcare system work in South Africa?

  • South Africa's public healthcare system is available to all residents, but the system is often underfunded and overburdened.
  • Although doctors are generally well trained, they are limited by limited or outdated resources, medication shortages and insufficient staff. Public hospitals often have long waiting times and can be very busy, especially in rural areas.
  • The best public hospitals are often associated with major universities.
  • Much is being done to improve health. Various initiatives have been launched, from hygiene advice to immunisations and the construction of new hospitals. The National Health Insurance Scheme has made public health care more accessible.

How does the private healthcare system work in South Africa?

  • The private health care system is world-class, with modern facilities, advanced equipment and highly qualified doctors.
  • There are over 200 private hospitals in the country, offering the best quality healthcare in Africa.
  • Only a small part of the population has financial access to private hospitals. Although apartheid has been abolished, the consequences are still visible, especially in healthcare.
  • Private healthcare can be expensive, so it is essential to take out comprehensive private insurance. If you are not properly insured, there is a good chance that you will end up in a public hospital.
  • In recent years, there has been criticism of private healthcare, due to the very high costs and the monopolisation by large healthcare providers.

How is the general pracitioner arranged in South Africa?

  • General Practitioners (GPs) are often the first point of contact for non-urgent medical care and refer you to a specialist.
  • You can visit a GP without a referral, even for minor procedures and advice.
  • In private clinics, appointments are often available quickly, while in public centres this can take longer.

How is the dentist arranged in South Africa?

  • Dentists in South Africa are well trained, and the quality of private practices is high. Many dentists work in modern, well-equipped clinics.
  • Public sector dental care is limited and often only offered for serious cases and basic care.
  • Private care offers quick access but can be expensive. A consultation costs on average ZAR 500-1,500 (€25-75), excluding treatments such as crowns or root canals.
  • Make sure you have insurance that covers dental care, as specialist treatment can quickly add up.

How is pregnancy care arranged in South Africa?

  • Antenatal care is provided in public hospitals, but quality and experience can vary. Although skilled professionals are available, these hospitals often suffer from overcrowding and long waiting times.
  • Expatriates often choose private hospitals and clinics for their personal attention and modern facilities. Private care offers regular check-ups, ultrasounds and support during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • South Africa offers specialised prenatal care and 4D ultrasounds in many private clinics. Some private hospitals have luxury facilities, such as maternity suites and optional doula services.
  • Contraceptives are widely available in South Africa, but you must have a prescription from your GP. The emergency contraceptive pill is freely available.
  • Abortion is legal up to 12 weeks, and later in certain medical cases. It is also free through the public health system, but most expatriates choose private care.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in South Africa?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in South Africa?

  • The country is safer to travel than many might think, but South Africa does face crime challenges, especially in urban areas. This does not mean you are in constant danger, but awareness and precautions are important.
  • Street muggings, burglaries and car thefts are common, especially in larger cities such as Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban.
  • Avoid remote areas, especially at night.
  • Keep valuables such as phones, jewellery and wallets out of sight.
  • Use secure parking and keep your car doors locked while driving.
  • The use and possession of (soft) drugs is prohibited.
  • Many expats live in gated communities or apartments with 24/7 security. These areas offer extra security and peace of mind.
  • Be careful about sharing personal information with strangers. Rely on official bodies or local guides for advice.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in South Africa?

  • South Africa has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the world. For foreigners, the risk is low, but it does highlight the importance of education and safe practices.
  • Malaria is present in certain areas, especially in the summer months and around national parks such as Kruger.
  • Tropical diseases are present in parts of the country. Be up-to-date on the latest vaccination advice.
  • Tap water is generally safe to drink, but be careful in remote areas. This is not always the case here.
  • Rabies is present in wild animals in rural areas. Avoid contact with stray animals and seek immediate treatment for a bite or scratch.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in South Africa?

  • South Africa has a left-hand drive system, which can take some getting used to. Roads in urban areas are generally well maintained, but in rural areas roads can be poorly lit or unpaved.
  • Avoid driving after dark in rural areas due to the risk of animals on the road or poor visibility.
  • Traffic accidents are common, partly due to reckless driving and failure to comply with traffic laws. Always wear your seatbelt and be alert to other road users. Minibuses, which are used by many locals, are often overloaded and unsafe. Foreigners are advised to use private transport or apps such as Uber in urban areas.
  • Many expatriates rent or buy a car. Make sure you have an international driving permit and that your vehicle is properly insured.
  • Use secure parking spaces and avoid leaving valuables in the car.
  • Cycling on public roads is not recommended due to unpredictable traffic.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in South Africa?

  • Is the trip to South Africa and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for South Africa if you are going to live there for a while?

  • When applying for your visa, you are usually required to be able to prove that you have valid health insurance.
  • If you have private insurance, you can choose your own doctor in South Africa.
  • Read more about insurances for abroad on



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