Travel to Saudi Arabia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Saudi Arabia: table of content

 Saudi Arabia


Backpacking and traveling in Saudi Arabia?

  • Saudi Arabia not an easy country for backpackers, but on the rise as a travel destination.
  • Features: historic cities, endless distances, colorful souks and strong influence of Islam (though more moderate than in earlier times).
  • City spotting: Damman, Dhee Ayn (Marble Village), Jabal Qarah, Khobar, Ryadh.
  • Activities spotting: visiting deserts and practicing desert sports (sand boarding for example), camel safaris, snorkeling, trekking, camping, visiting historical cities and cultural sites. 
  • Nature spotting: the Elephant Rock in Al Ula, the underwater world of the Farasan Islands and the many incredible deserts.
  • Animal spotting: Arabian oryx, Arabian leopard, dromedary, Arabian wolf, sand cat, hoopoe, Arabian cobra, dugong, whale shark. 

Studying in Saudi Arabia?

  • Education in Saudi Arabia: The quality of education in Saudi Arabia has increased greatly in recent years, with several universities in the country highly rated on a global scale. 
  • Language: Arabic is the official language, but many programs are also offered in English, especially at the top universities. 
  • Studies: anything is possible! Especially studies in the field of science and technology are highly valued, but also business administration, medicine, engineering (also regarding petroleum and minerals). 
  • Study cities: Riyadh, Jeddah, Dhahran, Medina. 
  • Language learning: it is usually not necessary to learn the language for study, but if you are going to study in Arabic you can go to universities, colleges, language institutes and private language schools. 

Internship in Saudi Arabia?

  • Internships: it is not easy to find an internship position. You have the best chance in the field of research at universities or at large companies. 
  • Internship cities: Riyadh, Jeddah, Dhahran.
  • Characteristics: dynamic environment, formal with respect for hierarchy and authority, weekend on Friday and Saturday, strict dress code. 
  • Competencies: Arabic language, cultural awareness (essential!), good technical and research skills. 

Doing volunteer work in Saudi Arabia?

  • Temporary volunteering is hard to find. More general and part-time volunteering in community development, health care, education is possible though. 
  • Animal/nature projects: there are some nature organizations that work with part-time volunteers.  
  • Characteristics: virtually no options, strict visa regulations. 

Working in Saudi Arabia?

  • Jobs: temporary work is almost impossible to find without the right connections and sponsorship. For permanent work, there are opportunities, especially in oil & gas, IT, banking and international companies. It is difficult to find work though, especially for women. 
  • Work culture: mainly male, prepare for red tape, influence of religion strong in the workplace, weekend on Friday and Saturday.
  • Characteristics: strict little tolerant national legislation, requires a lot of adaptability, expats live separately so integrating is difficult. 

Working as a digital nomad in Saudi Arabia?

  • Saudi Arabia is not (yet) a very popular country for digital nomads, but the facilities are certainly there.
  • Favorite locations: Jeddah, Al Khobar, Damman.
  • Characteristics: large expat community, good facilities and cafes, strict conservative regulations (also regarding LGBT+), hard to get alcohol.   

Living in Saudi Arabia?

  • Expats: in many sectors there is a good mix between expats and local employees. If you learn Arabic and immerse yourself in the local culture, you are more likely to be included in society and your stay will be significantly more interesting.
  • Quality of life: quality of life depends on your ability to adapt. The laws and regulations are strict and punishments are high. There is also a lot less freedom regarding all kinds of aspects than in the Netherlands. Although the country is slowly becoming more progressive, it is more difficult especially for women and people from the LGBT+ community. Other than that, though, the facilities are good, the costs are not very high and the people are friendly. 
  • Culture: there are major differences between men and women, different social classes (especially with regard to foreigners) and strict conservative rules apply, although this has been easing somewhat in recent years. An important aspect is sharaf (honor), a central concept in the culture. Preserving one's own honor and that of one's family is one of the most important things for people in Saudi Arabia. 
  • Characteristics: the free Friday and working on Sunday, the temperature in summer, the strong influence of Islam and the royal family.
  • Health care: health care is good with modern facilities and broad medical services. Be sure to arrange your own (international) health insurance.


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Saudi Arabia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Saudi Arabia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Content about Saudi Arabia on WorldSupporter

Saudi Arabia: Updates & Travel
Why to study in Saudi Arabia, do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Saudi Arabia?
Why live in Saudi Arabia, why emigrate to Saudi Arabia or stay for a long time?
How does healthcare work in Saudi Arabia, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
Saudi Arabia: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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Saudi Arabia: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Saudi Arabia?
  • Updates Saudi Arabia
  • Travel in Saudi Arabia?

    • Saudi Arabia offers extraordinary contrasts where on the one hand you are confronted with the influence of Islam and on the other hand with increasing globalization in the form of shiny cafes...

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Saudi Arabia: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Saudi Arabia?
  • Updates Saudi Arabia
  • Travel in Saudi Arabia?

    • Saudi Arabia offers extraordinary contrasts where on the one hand you are confronted with the influence of Islam and on the other hand with increasing globalization in the form of shiny cafes...

Safety and insurances in Saudi Arabia

How does healthcare work in Saudi Arabia, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Saudi Arabia, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Saudi Arabia?

What is the quality of healthcare in Saudi Arabia?

  • Saudi Arabia has a mixed system of public and private health care, both of good quality.
  • Public services are free for Saudi citizens, but not available to expats.
  • Expats can go to private institutions including hospitals, clinics and health centres.
  • As a foreigner, it is mandatory to have health insurance that the employer must provide. In addition, you can also purchase your own health insurance because the coverage of the insurance from the employer may be limited.
  • Your employer registers you with a private health insurance, after which you will be assigned an insurance doctor and can go to private institutions.
  • The Council for Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) oversees the insurance system and also provides a lot of information on their website.
  • Saudi Arabia has long lagged behind in the area of ​​women's rights. This is also reflected in the healthcare, where facilities for women are less good than in some neighbouring countries.
  • There are many pharmacies and many medicines are available here without a prescription. However, there are also medicines that are banned or heavily regulated. For example, you cannot get antidepressants or sleeping pills.
  • If you are taking medication into the country, check carefully whether it is allowed.
  • Mental health care is provided in primary care centres. There are also psychiatric hospitals for more serious problems.
  • In case of an emergency, call 999, 991 or 997 (for an ambulance).

How does the public healthcare system work in Saudi Arabia?

  • The public healthcare system offers free care for Saudi citizens and expats working for the government.
  • The quality of care is good and there are many medical professionals from different countries.
  • However, waiting times can be quite long.

How does the public healthcare system work in Saudi Arabia?

  • This healthcare system mainly serves expats and wealthy Saudi citizens.
  • You get more personal care, pay more, the waiting times are shorter and it is more comfortable.
  • There is often international staff, so you can be helped in different languages.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Saudi Arabia?

  • The general practitioner system is not like we are used to in the West.
  • You will actually only find general doctors in hospitals and clinics. It is possible to make an appointment here and you may be referred if necessary.

How is the dentist arranged in Saudi Arabia?

  • Dental care is free for Saudis in public hospitals, but expats can go to private clinics.
  • There are many specialized dental centers with modern equipment.
  • The costs can be high, so make sure you have good insurance!

How is pregnancy care arranged in Saudi Arabia?

  • Pregnancy and births almost always take place in medical institutions. There are more and more doulas and midwives, but they always work together with the hospital.
  • At private clinics and hospitals you can expect good care and receive help from foreign doctors, upon request.
  • Infant mortality rates are low and comparable to, for example, the United States.
  • In general, you have the same doctor throughout your pregnancy.
  • Being pregnant without being married is illegal in Saudi Arabia. When this happens, the advice is to leave Saudi Arabia immediately.
  • If you give birth in a public hospital, your partner is not allowed to be present at the birth.
  • In general you can go home a few days after the birth.
  • Breastfeeding in public is not common in Saudi Arabia.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Saudi Arabia?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Saudi Arabia?

  • Saudi Arabia has a low crime rate thanks to strict laws and enforcement. Everyone is therefore quite safe.
  • Certain border areas with Yemen are not recommended due to safety risks. The situation in the entire region is also tense, which poses risks to life in Saudi Arabia. Be well informed about the latest safety updates.
  • Saudi Arabia has made strides in the area of ​​women's rights, but it is wise to be aware of social norms and traditions due to the still strict rules. In addition, foreign women are sometimes harassed. Avoid traveling alone outside cities and villages.
  • In addition: respect the local culture and rules such as dress codes and etiquette. Criticism of the government or religious matters is also not tolerated.
  • A number of things are illegal, such as demonstrations, but also sex and pregnancy outside of marriage. There are also more strict laws that foreigners are not used to, so keep this in mind!

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Saudi Arabia?

  • Tap water is safe for everyday use, but not recommended for drinking.
  • Avoid street food that has been in the sun for a long time and be careful with raw dishes.
  • Check the latest vaccination recommendations before you leave. 

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Saudi Arabia?

  • The roads are generally of excellent quality, especially in urban areas.
  • Women have been allowed to drive since 2018, which has greatly improved the mobility of expats and Saudi women.
  • Road safety is a challenge due to high speeds and reckless driving. Driving after sunset in remote areas is not recommended.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Saudi Arabia?

  • Is the trip to Saudi Arabia and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Saudi Arabia if you are going to live there for a while?

  • Local insurance through your employer is mandatory, but will most likely not cover all costs. Therefore, it is important to check this carefully and supplement the coverage with private, international insurance.
  • Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on




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