Travel to Laos to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Laos: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Laos?

  • Laos is an often underrated destination for travelers and backpackers. Sandwiched between Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and China, this country is full of everything. You will find unspoiled nature, rich culture and still truly authentic experiences. There is a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with fewer tourist crowds than in neighboring countries, and costs are still very low. 
  • Activity spotting: visit ancient Luang Prabang and the Wat Xieng Thong temple, go on an outdoor adventure in Vang Vieng (tubing, climbing, visiting caves, swimming), discover Vientiane, explore the mysteries of the Plain of Jars in Xieng Khouang, visit the 4000 Islands, drink coffee at a coffee plantation, go trekking in northern Laos. 

Study in Laos?

  • Laos does not have great universities or a large selection of choices, but if you like to study there, there are a few options! Consider finance and banking, political science, law, medicine, tourism and sociology. 
  • Study cities: Vientiane, Luang Prabang.
  • Language: Lao, some French here and there and English in international programs. 

Internship in Laos?

  • Several internships are available in Laos. By doing an internship in Laos, one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, you can contribute to the local economy and developments. Medical internships are possible, as well as internships in the field of education, development work.  
  • Competencies: being satisfied with little, intercultural skills, improving French and Lao, learning to deal with challenges, creative problem solving, positivity, working for social impact. 

Volunteer in Laos?

  • There are several options for volunteering in Laos. Examples include teaching English to Buddhist monks, education, wildlife projects, building and construction. Be aware that some organizations charge a lot of money, very little of which goes to local people. It is better to spend your money in Laos and find volunteer work through local organizations. 

Working in Laos?

  • Since Laos is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, it is not easy to find work. The best chances are with international development organizations and NGOs.  

Working as a digital nomad in Laos?

  • Laos is another relatively hidden digital nomad location in between popular Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. It is a beautiful country with plenty of nature and culture to experience and where you don't have to spend much. 
  • But ... be aware that the facilities are not the most modern. In the capital Vientiane you can still find reasonably good cafes and some coworking spots, but even there the Internet is often slow. 
  • Favorite locations: Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng. 

Living in Laos?

  • In Laos you can still enjoy the relaxed way of life and immerse yourself in the real Southeast Asia with the still traditional, Buddhist values. In addition, the natural beauty is also a big reason. In Laos you can still find beautiful nature that is relatively undiscovered. In your free time you can trek, kayak, explore caves and maybe even find new animal species. All reasons why Laos is more popular among some expats than neighboring countries. 
  • The cost is low, the culture and history is fascinating and the people are very friendly. 
  • However, all this also comes with disadvantages... For example, the infrastructure is not too good, health care is very behind so you have to go to neighboring countries for serious ailments, there is a considerable language barrier and it is quite bureaucratic. And fine of course, a relaxed way of life, but many people who like to work efficiently also struggle with the concept of “Laos time” where everything moves slowly. 
  • Make sure you arrange your healthinsurance well.


    Supporting content

    Travel, living and working in Laos - Theme

    Travel, living and working in Laos - Theme

    Moving and living in Laos for work, internships, volunteering, study, travel or backpacking Laos is the epitome of tranquility, beautiful nature, friendly people and many monks in orange and yellow robes. Although the country is increasingly being discovered by tourists and travelers alike, it has retained its authentic character for now. You imagine yourself back in time in Laos and....... read more
    Laos Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

    Laos Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


    Main suggestions, stories and tips about Laos by WorldSupporters

    Laos: Updates & Travel
    Travel, living and working in Laos - Theme
    Laos highlights, climate and travel times
    How does healthcare work in Laos, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
    Laos: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


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    Let Laos Learn & Laat Laos Leren

    Through Let Laos Learn you can volunteer and find internships in education. The founders want to give you the opportunity to discover and experience Laos.  This can be done by participating in the daily life of the Laotian people. As a volunteer or internship you work for a social project. Thin...


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    Verstoppertje in de tempel, een jaar wonen en werken in Laos Fragmenten uit mijn boek Verstoppertje in de tempel, een jaar wonen en werken in Laos Wonen en werken in laos 'Broem broem. Stop, hier is het ziekenhuis. Is hier een dokter? Nee, kom kind. Deze dokter weet het niet, we gaan naar een ander ...


    Als je in Azie op een school gaat werken vormen de taalbarriere en het cultuurverschil een interessante uitdaging. Zeker als je intensief wil samenwerken met lokale leerkrachten in een gesloten land als Laos. De leerlingen noch de leerkrachten zijn hier gewend om te praten, hun mening te uiten.&nbsp...

    Fair2travel - Fair2do - Fair2work

    Fair2 bestaat uit Fair2travel, Fair2do, Fair2work en Fair2biz. Gezamenlijk focust de organisatie zich op duurzaam reizen, vrijwilligerswerk en sociaal ondernemen. 

    Let Laos Learn & Laat Laos Leren

    Through Let Laos Learn you can volunteer and find internships in education. The founders want to give you the opportunity to discover and experience Laos.  This can be done by participating in the daily life of the Laotian people. As a volunteer or internship you work for a social project. Thin...

    Safety and insurances in Laos

    How does healthcare work in Laos, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

    How does healthcare work in Laos, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

    How does the healthcare system work in Laos?

    • Laos is one of the poorest countries in the region, this is reflected in the healthcare system. Healthcare is being worked on, but in general it is not of good quality and very limited, both for expats and locals. Facilities for medical emergencies are few. 
    • Healthcare in Laos also varies greatly in quality between urban areas like Vientiane and rural areas, where care is limited. 
    • There is no universal healthcare system, but the government of Laos has set up several different health care systems, for different groups of workers. For example, you have Health Equity Funds (HEFs), Community-based Health Insurance (CBHI), the Social Security Office (SSO) and the State Authority for Social Security (SASS). Unfortunately, only a small portion of the population is covered by these insurances and, in most cases, expatriates are not covered by them. 
    • As expats, it is wise to consider purchasing international health insurance because healthcare can leave much to be desired and medical evacuation is necessary in emergencies. 
    • Pharmacies are usually well stocked and medicines are generally inexpensive. Like other countries in the region, Laos does, however, struggle with counterfeit medicines. So it is important to find a good pharmacy. 
    • In case of a medical emergency, you can call 1195. If you are near the border with northeast Thailand, you can also call medical facilities in Thailand. 

    How does the public healthcare system work in Laos?

    • Public healthcare in Laos is provided through state hospitals and health centers. It is affordable, but the quality is often inadequate due to a lack of resources, trained staff and modern equipment. They also provide mostly basic care and often do not speak English.
    • Medications are not always available, and patients sometimes have to bring their own medical supplies.
    • Public care is cheap, but for serious medical problems patients are often referred to neighboring countries such as Thailand or Vietnam, as facilities in Laos are thus inadequate.
    • In rural areas, expect poor access to healthcare due to long distances and poor roads.

    How does the private healthcare system work in Laos?

    • Because of poor public care, private hospitals and clinics have been set up. 
    • Private clinics in Vientiane and other major cities offer better care than the public sector. These clinics often cater to expats and wealthy Laotians. You'll find more English-speaking doctors and higher standards here.
    • Private care is considerably more expensive, but still affordable compared to Western standards. Payment must often be made immediately, and insurance coverage must be arranged in advance.
    • For serious cases, medical evacuation to Thailand (Bangkok) or Singapore is still often necessary. Indeed, private hospitals there are better than in Laos. This makes good international health insurance essential.

    How is the GP arranged in Laos?

    • People generally seek immediate help from experts in hospitals or clinics when something is wrong. 
    • For minor medical problems you can go to private clinics, where you will usually find general doctors. 

    How is the dentist arranged in Laos?

    • Dental care is on the rise in Laos, especially in Vientiane, where English-speaking dentists and modern clinics are available. 
    • Dental care is affordable, and the quality in urban areas is reasonably good. Still, many emigrants choose to go to neighboring Thailand for more complex problems. 

    How is the prenatal- and pregnancy care arranged in Laos?

    • Maternal mortality is high in Laos due to limited access to care, especially in rural areas. Expats are therefore advised to plan carefully and consult with other expats around them.
    • Maternity care in public hospitals is inexpensive but often of low quality. The lack of trained staff and hygienic conditions can be a problem.
    • Many expats therefore choose to give birth in Thailand, where facilities and care are better.

    How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Laos?

    What should you pay attention to in terms of safely in Laos?

    • In general, Laos is reasonably safe, but you should watch out for pickpocketing and bag theft (often from scooters) in tourist areas.
    • Armed robberies are also sometimes committed in major cities. It is advised not to carry expensive items openly.  
    • In addition, it is important to be careful with local alcohol, liquor and food “spiking” (where drugs are put into your food or drink) occurs. 
    • Beware of scooter rental scams where your scooter is deliberately damaged or stolen. 
    • During the rainy season, floods, typhoons and landslides are common. 
    • Beware of landmines and other unexploded weapons, avoid areas where they may occur. 

    What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Laos?

    • Several mosquito-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue fever, are a risk in Laos.
    • Tap water is definitely not drinkable. Also avoid raw and uncooked food. 
    • Other (tropical) diseases are also prevalent in the country. It is wise to check with a vaccination doctor to see what vaccinations you need. 

    What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Laos?

    • With the exception of the China-Laos expressway, the roads in Laos are usually of poor quality and means of transportation are often not well maintained. 
    • Thus, driving in the dark is also dangerous because many cars do not have lights. 
    • Another traffic problem is the amount of stray livestock on the roads, make sure you are prepared for this when you are driving around.  
    • If you are part of an accident, you have to help pay for damages to third parties, whether you are the guilty party or not. In addition, the police are usually on the side of Laotians. 

    Which work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Laos?

    • Is the trip to Laos and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

    What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Laos if you are going to live there for a while?

    • In the case that local insurance is mandatory, it is recommended that you also take out private insurance. The care is free, but so limited that for bigger problems it is better to seek help abroad. Read more about insurances for abroad on




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