Learning Chinese abroad: what is it, why should you do it and what is the best place to go?
Learning Chinese abroad: what is it, why should you do it and what do you need?
- What is a Chinese language course?
- Why should you learn the Chinese language and take a Chinese language course abroad?
- What do you need or can you do to learn a language and take a language course abroad?
- What are the risks of a language course or a language year abroad?
- Are you insured for a language course abroad?
What is a Chinese language course?
- A Chinese language course is a series of lessons in which you are taught the basics of the Chinese language in a short period of time. Most language schools offer Mandarin Chinese.
- A Chinese language course lasts an average of 50 to 100 hours spread over several weeks or months. Due to the large differences between Dutch and Chinese, you will have to study and practice for a longer period of time to master the basics of Chinese.
- A Chinese language course normally costs an amount that is comparable to other courses.
Why should you learn the Chinese language and take a Chinese language course abroad?
- Networking: Chinese is, after English, the most spoken language in the world. Although most of these speakers live in China, speaking Chinese is now a good way to broaden your career opportunities in more and more professions and countries. Helpfulness: once you speak a local language to some extent, you are immediately better able to communicate with the person you would like to help, and you can also let yourself be helped better
- Involvement: once you speak the language of someone else, you become closer to that person. It strengthens your sense of involvement and being part of the local culture.
- Experience: going abroad to learn a language is one of the opportunities to step out of your comfort zone in the Netherlands
- Creativity: learning a language is a way to learn to use your creativity better. For example, when searching for descriptions or using hands and feet
- Empathy: you train yourself to immerse yourself in a different way of speaking and often a different way of thinking
What do you need or can you do to learn a language and take a language course abroad?
- Being aware of your surroundings: wherever you are taught, you will always have to take your surroundings into account. Every country has its own rules and customs that you will have to adhere to to a certain extent.
- Being aware of the organization: every school or educational institution also has its own way of teaching or teaching. Here too, you will have to take more account. Just like with the limitations/challenges that some schools have due to a lack or an abundance of money or facilities.
- Communication skills: some prior knowledge of the local language is not a must, but it is a great advantage.
What are the risks of a language course or a language year abroad?
- The coverage of your health insurance may be cancelled if, for example, you go and work abroad.
- You may suffer from homesickness and want to go home earlier (but there is a lot you can do about it, and prepare for it!).
- You may have problems with the organization with which you are going abroad (read more about solving problems abroad).
- What are the consequences if, for example, you end up in hospital? If you end up in hospital, you may have to pay the costs yourself if you have not taken out insurance that covers your activities.
Are you insured for a language course abroad?
- A language course abroad will be covered by your current travel and health insurance if you are not going abroad for too long, are not going to do paid work or undertake special activities. In other cases, special insurance is often recommended or sometimes necessary.
- Read more: Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
- Read more: Verzekeren van een taalcursus of schooljaar het buitenland (NL)
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