VIP: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance via VIP

  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.

VIP & JoHo WorldSupporter

  • VIP is JoHo WorldSupporter's partner for summaries and study aids for Psychology students at Leiden University.
  • Together with JoHo, VIP aims to make the best possible summaries and study help as accessible and affordable as possible
  • See below for the book summaries and study aid materials here on WorldSupporter and how to get sufficient access online
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Bachelor and Masters of Psychology in Groningen - Dutch and English

How do you get to your summaries and study assistance?

  1. Go to your academic year or block: scroll to the assortmentpointer of your academic year or your study block.
    • Select and open the assortmentpointer by clicking on it
  2. Go to your book or course: scroll to the study guide of your book or course.
    • Select and open the study guide by clicking on it
  3. Go to your summary or exam test: scroll to the title of your summary or exam test.
    • Select and open the summary or exam test by clicking on it
    • Click on the linked title to go to the page with the full summary or exam test
    • Start studying, learning and passing your exams!
Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie RUG Groningen

Samenvattingen: Assortimentwijzers voor Psychologie RUG Groningen

Samenvattingen en tentamentests voor Psychologie in Groningen in 2024-2025

Voor welke vakken kan je samenvattingen en tentamentests vinden?

  • Bachelor 1 (jaar 1):
    • In semester 1: Ontwikkelingspsychologie + Introductie in psychologische theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden + Statistiek 1A + Academische vaardigheden + Biopsychologie + Persoonlijkheid en individuele verschillen + Statistiek 1B
    • In semester 2: Sociale en cross-culturele psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden + Statistiek 1B + Geschiedenis van de psychologie + Gespreks- en groepsvaardigheden
  • Bachelor 2 (jaar 2):
    • In semester 1: Testtheorie en testgebruik + Statistiek II + Klinische psychologie + Psychologie op het werk
    • In semester 2: Sociale omgeving en gedrag + Statistiek III + Cognitieve psychologie + Wetenschapstheorie
  • Bachelor 3 (jaar 3):
    • Verschillende vakken, waaronder: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop + Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Sensation and perception + Social influence + Conflict Management + Forensische Psychologie + Intergroup Relations + Overview of Psychotherapy + Social Cognition and Affect + Cognitive Neuroscience + Developmental Neuropsychology + Interpersonal relations + Seksuologie
  • Masters (jaar 4):
    • Diverse boeksamenvattingen, waaronder: Applying social psychology + A conceptual introduction to psychometrics + Using multivariate statistics

Hoe kom je bij de samenvattingen en tentamentests?

  • Ga naar je studiejaar of blok:
    • scroll naar de assortimentwijzer van je studiejaar of je studieblok. Selecteer en open de assortimentwijzer door er op te klikken
  • Ga naar je boek of vak:
    • scroll naar de studiegids van je boek of vak. Selecteer en open de studiegids door er op te klikken
  • Ga naar je samenvatting of tentamentest:
    • Scroll naar de samenvatting of tentamentest. Selecteer en open de samenvatting of tentamentest door er op te klikken
    • Klik op de gelinkte titel om naar de pagina met de volledige samenvatting of tentamentest te gaan
    • Start met studeren, leren en je tentamens halen!
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1A - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 1B - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2A - RUG Groningen
Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 2 Blok 2B - RUG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen
Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UG Groningen

Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UG Groningen

Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Groningen in 2024-2025

For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

  • Bachelor 1 (year 1):
    • In semester 1: Developmental psychology + Statistics 1A + Introduction to psychological theories and research methods + Academic Skills + Biopsychology + Personality and individual differences + Statistics 1B
    • In semester 2: Social and cross-cultural psychology + Dialogue and group skills + Statistics 1B + Cognitive Psychology + History of Psychology
  • Bachelor 2 (year 2):
    • In semester 1: Test theory + Statistics II + Clinical psychology + Psychology in the workplace
    • In semester 2: Statistics III; Social environment and behaviour
  • Bachelor 3 (year 3):
    • Various courses, a.o.: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies + Human error + Sensation and perception + Social influence + Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology + Conflict Management + Intergroup Relations + Overview of Psychotherapy + Social Cognition and Affect + Cognitive Neuroscience + Developmental Neuropsychology + Interpersonal relations
  • Masters (year 4):
    • Various booksummaries, a.o.: Applying social psychology + A conceptual introduction to psychometrics + Using multivariate statistics

How do you get to your summaries and study assistance?

  1. Go to your academic year or block:
    • Scroll to the assortmentpointer of your academic year or your study block. Select and open the assortmentpointer by clicking on it
  2. Go to your book or course:
    • Scroll to the study guide of your book or course. Select and open the study guide by clicking on it
  3. Go to your summary or exam test:
    • Scroll to the title of your summary or exam test. Select and open the summary or exam test by clicking on it
    • Click on the linked title to go to the page with the full summary or exam test
    • Start studying, learning and passing your exams!
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 1B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2A - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 3 Block 2B - UG Groningen
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen

Summaries and study assistance via VIP

  • VIP is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Groningen.
  • VIP organizes study-related and social activities. As a VIP-member, you receive a discount on study books as well as a discount on VIP activities.<...>


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