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Fields of study for summaries, study assistance and internships
Studying and learning
Discussions and debates around a happy versus a unhappy life
Discussions and debates around sustainable versus affordable living
Discussions and debates around human rights versus violations
Discussions and debates around mediation versus personal war
Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability
Paid vacancies, internships and volunteer work with organizations and institutions in work fields such as consulting, administration, communications, consulting, finance, health care, legal, social services, management, marketing, environment, education, research, organization, psychology, pedagogy...
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Organizations and institutions in the field of
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- Emigration and long-term residence abroad
- Advocacy, sustainability and global citizenship
- Personal development and knowledge sharing
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Naar buitenland
- Werken het buitenland & Working Holidays
- Reizen en backpacken
- Stage in het buitenland lopen
- Studeren in het buitenland
- Talen leren en taalcursus doen in het buitenland
- Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland doen
- Wereldreis en lange reis maken
- Wonen in het buitenland
- Natuur beschermen en dieren spotten
- Reisverzekeringen afsluiten
- Lesgeven en werken met kinderen in het buitenland
- Inpakken en meenemen op reis
- Documenten en visum regelen
- Emigratie- en expatverzekeringen afsluiten
- Emigreren en vertrekken naar het buitenland
- Gap year, sabbatical of tussenjaar nemen
Studeren met samenvattingen
- Alle samenvattingen, studies en werkgebieden
- Arresten en jurisprudentie
- Communicatie en marketing
- Geneeskunde en gezondheidszorg
- IT en technologie
- Leren, studeren en tentamens halen
- Maatschappij en cultuur
- Pedagogiek en onderwijskunde
- Psychologie en gedrag
- Recht, rechten en bestuur
- Statistiek en methoden
Samenvattingen voor uitgelichte studies:
- Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor pedagogiek in Leiden
- Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Leiden
- Studiemateriaal voor rechten in Leiden
- Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor ISW in Utrecht
- Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor pedagogiek in Utrecht
- Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor psychologie in Utrecht
WorldSupporter features and the functionalities
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Introduction to Statistics: in short
- Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
- The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in ...
Quotes and statements from around the world about a meaningful and happy life, and how to stay happy
Introduction to Statistics: in short
- Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
- The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in ...
Insurances for backpacking, living, traveling, studying, volunteering and working abroad Fair, special and sustainable insurances
- For checking destinations related to Index: you can check the World or backpacking and travel around the world
- For stimulating sustainability related to Index: you can check the Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable travel and fair adventures
- For sharing knowledge related to Index: you can check the use of summaries and study notes
- For choosing international insurances related to Index: you can check insurances for abroad
- For checking volunteerships related to Index you can also use volunteer, project support and opportunities
- For finding work as employee or digital nomad related to Index you can check also jobs and materials for teaching abroad or content for digital nomads, global worker and work & travel
- For living abroad you can check also use the checklists for global nomads, expats and other people moving abroad
- Who is Peter?
- What motivated you to emigrate to Kenya?
- Covid...
- Burn your bridges
- Beautiful Kenya
- Day to day life - a big challenge
- Coral reef restoration project for and by local communities
- Leaving...
- A boost for my ...

For a sustainable and safe travel or emigration insurance you can check JoHo's