Be and feel unlimited


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Be and feel unlimited


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The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
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Deviant Behavior

Deviant Behavior

  • Deviance
  • Medicalization of Mental Health
  • Deviance and Its Ramifications

Deviance Sociologically, deviance is viewed as violation of both formal and informal social norms that characterized a certain culture or a certain environment. According t...


I read an article in my regional newspaper about young adults who consciously choose to take a gap year. “The coolest thing I have ever done”, “I really stepped out of my comfort zone”, “Good to do something where you get to know yourself better.” A gap year has a...


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A review of the causes and consequences of optimism (summary)

Seeing the glass half full: A review of the causes and consequences of optimism Forgeard, M., & Seligman, M. (2012). Seeing the glass half full: A review of the causes and consequences of optimism. Pratiques Psychologiques, 18(2), 107-120. The psychological trait of optimism influences how indiv...


The Artist's Way Find your own inspiration  Julia Cameron What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again? This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxie...

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  • De Stichting Skepsis stelt zich ten doel buitengewone beweringen aan een kritisch onderzoek te onderwerpen. Meestal blijkt dat de beweringen niet zijn gebaseerd op fatsoenlijk bewijsmateriaal of door de mand vallen wanneer ze op de proef worden gesteld.
  • Skeptici prikken pseudoweten...

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