Be and feel self-aware?

blogs, contributions, summaries, study assistance and experiences abroad


Be and feel self-aware


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WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme

Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme


 Recipes from all over the World: From sustainable recipes to local food habits

Table of contents

  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Africa or with a African twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Asia or with an Asian twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Europe or with a local twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Latin America or
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Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable Development Goals - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
Tolerance and understanding another person and culture - WorldSupporter Theme
WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life - Theme
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Be and feel self-aware

How to find your spirit in India?

How to find your spirit in India?

Before I visited India, I tried to find out what to expect. The common answers of the people who had been to India were: you either love or hate it. Even though I had a lot of travel experience, I was a little hesitant to go. I was into couchsurfing, and in

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Gap year: what does it get you?


I read an article in my regional newspaper about young adults who consciously choose to take a gap year. “The coolest thing I have ever done”, “I really stepped out of my comfort zone”, “Good to do something where you get to know yourself better.”

A gap year has all kinds of manifestations. One person goes on a longer

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Wat wil ik van mijn stage?

Van de week kreeg ik de vraag van Joho wat ik nou eigenlijk wil van een stage en wat ik belangrijk vind. In het kader van ondersteuning heeft Joho een hele site over contenties en competenties, dus werd ik gedwongen om een kijkje te nemen. Ik ben allang blij dat ik een stage heb gevonden, want op

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Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko


Hoe meten we intelligentie? - Chapter 6

Wat is intelligentie?

Intelligentie heeft geen eenduidige definitie. Daarnaast is het een begrip dat heel erg samenhangt met het meten ervan en is daarom erg testafhankelijk.

Wat is de definitie en geschiedenis van intelligentie?

Binet en Simon waren de eerste die een test ontwikkelden om het intellectueel functioneren van individuen vast te kunnen stellen. Deze test heet de Stanford-Binet Test. In deze test werden er naast kwantitatieve scores ook gebruik gemaakt van kwalitatieve analyses. Later ontwikkelde Stern een kwantitatieve intelligentiemaat. Hierbij werd het intelligentiequotiënt (IQ) bepaald door de ratio tussen mentale leeftijd en de kalenderleeftijd.

Welke theorieën zijn er over intelligentie?

De eerste theorie die is ontwikkeld over

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24 things in 2024


Actually Gretchen Rubin wrote the book the Happiness Project. She blogs personally every year something about her Happiness Project. I was inspired by her and tried to make my own list, a little bit of her and a little bit of myself, custom made. Very personal, but on the other side it isnt. 

It is 24 things for 2024:

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Samenvatting Politieke wetenschap Universiteit Leiden jaar 1 Bachelor Politicologie blok 4

Summary political science


Lecture 1: 

This was largely an introduction to the field with no real information that you should know for the exams. 


Lecture 2: 



  • Analytical political theory: study of concepts, ideas and values who are used to describe and explain = conceptualizing 

  • Political theory: a combination of analytical, empirical and normative theories 

  • Normative political theory: How politics should be

  • Normative political science: The use of theories about how politics should be



  • Facts

  • Describe and explain

  • observational analysis

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Hoe meten we intelligentie? - Chapter 6
  • Wat is intelligentie?
  • Hoe kan intelligentie worden gemeten?
  • Hoe worden intelligentietests in de praktijk gebruikt?
  • Wat is intelligentie? Intelligentie heeft geen eenduidige definitie. Daarnaast is het een begrip dat heel erg samenhangt met het meten ervan en i...


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Even op adem komen. Je bezinnen op wat je aan het doen bent, in je werkende leven, persoonlijk, of allebei. Je tempo naar beneden schroeven. Van de automatische piloot af. "De sabbatical", "het tussenjaar", "gapyear": er zijn verschillende termen voor de pauze die mensen zichzelf gunnen. Tijd hebben...

How to find your spirit in India?

How to find your spirit in India? Before I visited India, I tried to find out what to expect. The common answers of the people who had been to India were: you either love or hate it. Even though I had a lot of travel experience, I was a little hesitant to go. I was into couchsurfing, and in retrospe...


Personally I had never heard of it, but it sounds interesting. World Braille Day! Louis Braille, was born on january 4. Manneken Pis in Belgium puts on his suit of a blind boy going to school. Braille is not a language, but a way to write, a system of six points in relief. It is a very unique system...

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