Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko


Check summaries and supporting content in full:
What is the book Consciousness: An Introduction about? - Chapter 0 - Exclusive
When and how is the concept of consciousness introduced? - Chapter 1 - Exclusive
What would it be like to be something else? - Chapter 2 - Exclusive
What is the big illussion when researching consciousness? - Chapter 3 - Exclusive
What is the role of neuroscience and how does it correlate with consciousness? - Chapter 4 - Exclusive
How can the brain be compared to a theater? - Chapter 5 - Exclusive
How does consciousness form a unity? - Chapter 6 - Exclusive
What is the relationship between attention and awareness? - Chapter 7 - Exclusive
What is the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness? - Chapter 8 - Exclusive
How are agency and free will related to consciousness? - Chapter 9 - Exclusive
What is the relationship between evolution, the spirit of animals, and consciousness? - Chapter 10 - Exclusive
What is the function of consciousness? - Chapter 11 - Exclusive
How are machines related to evolution? - Chapter 12 - Exclusive
What are altered states of consciousness? - Chapter 13 - Exclusive
What is the difference between reality and fantasy? - Chapter 14 - Exclusive
What is the role of dreams in consciousness? - Chapter 15 - Exclusive
What are the roles of ego theories and bundle theories about the self? - Chapter 16 - Exclusive
How do we perceive ourselves? - Chapter 17 - Exclusive
What is meant by waking up? - Chapter 18 - Exclusive


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