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Examtests with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko

When and how is the concept of consciousness introduced? - ExamTests 1



Question 1

Which philosophical movement emphasizes the view that only matter exists?

  1. Epiphenomenalism
  2. Dualism
  3. Materialism
  4. Pan Psychism

Question 2

What Are Two Famous Names Linked to Behaviorism?

  1. Wundt and Skinner
  2. Skinner and Watson
  3. Wundt and Watson
  4. James and Skinner

Open questions

Question 1

What is meant by the philosophical movement "dualism"?

Question 2

Who is a known advocate of dualism?

Question 3

Of which three parts does the subconscious consist according to Freud?

Question 4

What is pan psychism's view of consciousness?

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. Materialism is a movement within monism. Supporters of this theory argue that only matter exists.

Question 2

B. Skinner and Watson. Watson was influenced by Pavlov, and Skinner focused on operant conditioning in particular.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Theories tied to dualism hold that the world is made up of two things: the body and the mind.

Question 2

The most famous dualist is René Descartes.

Question 3

From the "id" (the biological desires and needs), the "ego" (all kinds of defense mechanisms), and the "superego" (all the unacceptable desires and needs that Freud said would be reflected in dreams).

Question 4

Pan psychists believe that mental operations are conscious in a way. The extreme version also believes that all elements (such as clouds and rivers) have some level of consciousness.

What would it be like to be something else? - ExamTests 2



Question 1

Which two forms of consciousness does Block distinguish between?

  1. Phenomenality and access awareness
  2. Qualia and access consciousness
  3. Phenomenality and subjectivity
  4. Qualia and subjectivity

Open questions

Question 1

What are qualia?

Question 2

How can we investigate the added value of qualia?

Question 3

What is the zombie thought experiment?

Question 4

Why, according to Chalmers, is consciousness difficult to understand from a scientific bias?

Question 5

What are three possible reasons for ignoring the difficult problem?

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. Phenomenality and access awareness. Phenomenality means: listening to what people report about conscious experiences. Access consciousness, according to Block, is about the ability to reason and also to direct speech and actions.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Qualia are private qualities, the way someone experiences an experience. The term is used to emphasize quality in order not to talk about physical properties or descriptions in this way, but about the experience itself.

Question 2

This can be explored with the help of thought experiments.

Question 3

A zombie's thought experiment involves the question of whether zombies (someone who looks exactly like you but has no consciousness) exist. There are two possible reactions to this: yes, such a zombie can exist (this reaction is based on conscious inessentialism) and no, such a zombie cannot exist.

Question 4

According to Chalmers, the problem was that consciousness is related to experience. Scientifically, little is known about experience. This makes it difficult to understand consciousness from a scientific basis.

Question 5

Possible reasons for ignoring the difficult problem are:

  1. We know how to deal with the easy problems and therefore we must focus on those problems.

  2. Solving the easy problems will change our ideas about the difficult problem.

  3. Solving the difficult problem is only necessary when we are sure that there is such a thing as a difficult problem. We should not draw that conclusion yet, as the problem is not yet well understood.

What is the big illussion when researching consciousness? - ExamTests 3


Open questions

Question 1

What is the "great illusion" of visual experiences?

Question 2

What two ideas exist about visual experience?

Question 3

What is meant by "change blindness"?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

The term "great illusion" arose in response to research into "changing blindness" and "inattentional blindness". The term "the great illusion" stands for the idea that the richness of our visual world is an illusion.

Question 2

The first idea is that there is a stream of conscious visual impressions that need to be explained. The second idea is that seeing means having internal mental pictures; the idea that the visual world is represented in our heads.

Question 3

Research shows that people often do not notice changes in pictures if they have to make an eye movement at that moment, for example if they first have to look at a picture on the left and then at a picture on the right.

What is the role of neuroscience and how does it correlate with consciousness? - ExamTests 4


Open questions

Question 1

What is the opinion of dualists about the localization of pain?

Question 2

What is Dennett's "myth of double transduction" theory?

Question 3

Does the "myth of double transduction" theory involve Cartesian theater (CT)?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

According to dualists, pain cannot be localized, since pain resides in the mind.

Question 2

The "myth of double transduction" implies that there cannot be any use of an "I" that distinguishes between what someone will be aware of or unaware of. There are just multiple designs of feelings, thoughts and perceptions that the brain works with.

Question 3

There is no Cartesian theater (CT) in this theory, as Dennett does not believe in the comparison of consciousness with a theater and an associated audience. In addition, he states that subjectivity should not be seen in terms of what the "I" experiences. Yet he has a view on the issue of subjectivity.

How can the brain be compared to a theater? - ExamTests 5



Question 1

Who designed the "global workspace theory" (GWT)?

  1. Libet
  2. Milner and Goodale
  3. Perch
  4. Castello

Question 2

What does the "neuronal global workspace" model entail?

  1. The model states that we become aware of an event when neurons fire for a certain period of time.
  2. The model states that your happiness, worries, ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will are no more than the convergence of nerve cells.
  3. The model states that conscious experiences are equal to brain activity.
  4. The model states that unconscious processes are struggling to gain access to the limited capacity of the memory.

Open questions

Question 1

What is meant by the theater as a metaphor?

Question 2

What does the "global workspace theory" (GWT) entail (in terms of the mind as theater)?

Question 3

What are microtubes?

Question 4

What is the relationship between microtubes and consciousness according to the most recent research?

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. Perch.

Question 2

D. The model states that unconscious processes are struggling to gain access to the limited capacity of working memory. This working memory probably works thanks to an extensive network of different brain areas. Information that has been accessed can thus be extensively passed on to other areas of the brain.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

This metaphor was suggested by Hume. He argues that the mind is a kind of theater where different perceptions appear, pass, reappear and mingle in different situations. Denett also described the "Cartesian Theater" (CT), which means that we feel that our "I" is somewhere in our head. Conscious images also enter that place and when they come together, then there is consciousness.

Question 2

Global Workspace Theory (GWT) covers the idea that conscious events take place in the theater of consciousness. Baars, the founder of this theory, argues that consciousness in theater serves as a spotlight on stage. The spotlight focuses on different actors (the events in the outside world) so that we are aware of these events.

Question 3

Microtubes are proteins that resemble tubes and can be found in almost all cells of the body. Because of these microtubes we would feel like we have a self and a free will.

Question 4

Research has found no evidence that microtubes have anything to do with consciousness. Moreover, it is suspected that effects cannot be transferred from one microtube to another to explain the unity of consciousness.

How does consciousness form a unity? - ExamTests 6



Question 1

Which part of the brain plays the most important role in multisensory integration?

  1. Amygdala
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Thalamus
  4. Superior colliculus

Open questions

Question 1

What happens with a commissurotomy (split brain operation)?

Question 2

What are characteristic functions of the left and right hemisphere, respectively?

Question 3

What evidence has been provided for Sperry's idea of ​​the "interpreter" in the left hemisphere?

Question 4

What does the "bonding problem" mean?

Question 5

What is Zeki's view of the unity of consciousness?

Question 6

What does the "dynamic core" mean?

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

D. Superior colliculus in the midbrain.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

The "split brain operation" is an operation technique in which the passage (s) between the two hemispheres of the brain is cut. For example, this surgery was performed to reduce symptoms of epilepsy.

Question 2

Research shows that verbal skills are mainly located in the left hemisphere of the brain and that the right hemisphere is mainly responsible for facial recognition.

Question 3

Research shows that if a person's left hemisphere is removed, that person's consciousness is preserved.

Question 4

The "binding problem" concerns the question of how the brain can bundle all kinds of separate details that we perceive into one object.

Question 5

Zeki doubts whether there is a unity of consciousness. He believes there are many micro-consciousnesses. According to him, the visual system consists of many separate and specialized systems that function in parallel.

Question 6

The dynamic core is a large functional cluster that is always changing, yet maintains its continuity and integration, because it has connections to the rest of the system.

What is the relationship between attention and awareness? - ExamTests 7


Open questions

Question 1

Which two sentences sum up meditation?

Question 2

What are the two basic principles (basic methods) of meditation?

Question 3

How is "mindfulness" defined?

Question 4

What school of thought does mindfulness come from?

Question 5

The answer to the question "how does meditation help us learn about consciousness?" Is related to the reasons people meditate. What three reasons are these?

Question 6

What does the "Maharishi effect" entail?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Meditation can be summarized as: don't think, but pay attention.

Question 2

There are two ways in which meditation can be achieved; namely by means of:

  • Open methods

  • Concentration methods

Question 3

Mindfulness is defined as "actively maximizing breathing and clarity of consciousness" or "paying attention in a certain way with the aim of living in the here and now without judgment."

Question 4

Mindfulness meditation is derived from Buddhism, in particular the "skikantaza" method, which means "sitting alone".

Question 5

Three reasons people meditate are:

  1. Religious or ritual reasons (for example, believing that you will go to heaven through meditation),

  2. Reduce stress, improve personal skills and live better, and

  3. Seek insight, whether it is done in a religious or mystical context.

Question 6

The "Maharishi effect" implies that if enough people meditate together in the same place, their combined consciousness can cause people to live peacefully in that environment.

What is the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness? - Examtests 8


Open questions

Question 1

Which two visual systems can be distinguished according to Milner and Goodale?

Question 2

What two representational theories exist and what do these theories entail?

Question 3

Give an example how research has shown that unconscious perception can be found in the brain.

Question 4

Which three parts exist of intuition?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

The visual systems are, according to Milner and Goodale, the visual perception path (vision-for-perception) and visual-motor control path (vision-for-action).

Question 2

The two representational theories are high-order perception (higher order perceptive, HOP) and high-order thought (HOT). According to HOP, being aware of a mental state means monitoring the mental state. HOT states that consciousness is about having a thought about the condition.

Question 3

Brain scans show that unconscious perception can be found in the brain. Unconsciously perceived images of frightened faces lead to more activity in the amygdala compared to happy faces.

Question 4

These three parts are:

  1. Cognitive processes (processes by which the brain derives information from complex patterns and takes it as a guideline for behavior);

  2. Social skills;

  3. Emotion.

How are agency and free will related to consciousness? - ExamTests 9


Open questions

Question 1

What is meant by "the half second delay of consciousness"?

Question 2

What do we know from research on Gage, who had damage to his frontal cortex?

Question 3

What does the "readiness potential" mean?

Question 4

What were major criticisms of Libet's experiment?

Question 5

Wegner argues that free will is an illusion created in three steps. What three steps are these?

Question 6

Which criteria must a free choice meet according to Wegner?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Libet conducted experiments that showed that there must be about half a second of neural activity to induce consciousness. This is also called "half-second delay". Based on this, he states that an experience is only conscious when it lasts at least half a second.

Question 2

that this damage can lead to more stereotypical behavior and less spontaneous activity. In addition, it can lead to more impulsive behavior.

Question 3

It has been known since 1960 that the "readiness potential" (RP) precedes voluntary movements. The readiness potential stands for a negative charge in the electric potential that can be measured with electrodes applied to the skull before performing any actions.

Question 4

Major criticisms of Libet's experiment were:

  • There was doubt about the way of measuring will, conscious intention. It is impossible to generalize the results found to other actions, because the subjects in the experiment could not choose the actions, only the moment of the action.

  • There were doubts about the method of backwards referral.

  • In addition, it has been suggested by some researchers that awareness of one's own actions is associated with events after intention and preparation, but before the motor command is sent.

Question 5

These three steps are:

  1. Firstly, our brains plan actions and carry them out;

  2. Then we become aware of our thoughts about the actions and we call this an intention ourselves;

  3. Finally, the action is performed after the intention.

Question 6

A free choice must meet the following criteria:

  • The thought must precede the action,

  • The thought must correspond to the action,

  • The thought must have no other causes (except free will).

What is the relationship between evolution, the spirit of animals, and consciousness? - Examtests 10



Question 1

By whom was the theory of heredity first developed?

  1. Darwin

  2. Flanagan

  3. Mendel

  4. Lamarck

Question 2

Which concept fits the following description: "having beliefs, desire, and mental states and attributing mental states to other people"?

  1. "Self-awareness"

  2. "Awareness instinct"

  3. "Theory of mind"

  4. "Intentional mind"

Open questions

Question 1

Into which three groups can drugs be divided?

Question 2

Name some of the differences between Darwinism and Lamarckism.

Question 3

What four views are there on the relationship between consciousness and evolution?

Question 4

On the basis of which three things can be determined whether an animal is in pain according to Dawkin?

Question 5

Which test is usually used to determine whether a particular animal has consciousness?

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. Mendel, this teaching is also known as Mendel's Laws.

Question 2

C. Theory of mind (TOM).

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Drugs can be divided into the following three groups:

  1. Drugs that impair reaction time;

  2. Drugs that cause amnesia;

  3. Drugs that function as muscle relaxants.

Question 2

Lamarck believed that evolution always means progress, while Darwin does not assume it. In addition, Darwin does not believe that there is an internal force in place to trigger this progress, which was suggested by Lamarck.

Question 3

The four views on the relationships between consciousness and evolution are:

  1. Epiphenomenalism: consciousness essentialism. (according to this view zombies are possible);

  2. The view that consciousness has an adaptive function;

  3. The view that consciousness has an independent function;

  4. The view that consciousness is an illusion.

Question 4

Based on the following three things:

  1. The general health of the animal;

  2. The physiology of the animal;

  3. The animal's behavior.

Question 5

The "mirror self reflection (MSR) test", a mirror test. It is then examined whether animals can recognize themselves in the mirror.

What is the function of consciousness? - ExamTests 11


Open questions

Question 1

What, according to Humphrey, is the function of consciousness?

Question 2

According to Edelman's theory of neural darwinism, what factors does group selection of neurons depend on?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Humphrey argues that consciousness is a model by the brain of the brain. According to him, only intelligent and social organisms have consciousness. According to him, the route is a kind of route of self-reflection of the brain.

Question 2

Group selection of neurons, according to this theory, depends on:

  • Developmental selection;

  • Experimental selection;

  • Re-entry.

How are machines related to evolution? - ExamTests 12


Open questions

Question 1

What is Dawkin's idea of ​​"memes"?

Question 2

What does Descartes tell about the human body as a machine?

Question 3

To what extent did Leibniz agree with the above?

Question 4

Which two types of artificial intelligence does Searle distinguish between?

Question 5

What are "artificial neural networks"?

Question 6

Which movement is related to the above concept?

Question 7

What two different views are there about whether robots have consciousness?

Question 8

What different arguments exist to indicate that machines could never have consciousness? Name three.

Question 9

What five criteria did Aleksander come up with to create a conscious robot?

Question 10

What has the GOFAI approach been used for in consciousness research?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Dawkin stated that "memes" can act as a kind of "replicator", just like genes. They also have to deal with variation and selection. Memes are passed on through imitation, learning and reading. Old memes are also used to produce new memes. This means that culture can be seen as an evolutionary process based on memes.

Question 2

Descartes believed that the human body is a machine, but that this machine alone cannot provide speech and rational thoughts. To be able to think rationally would be the result of the operation of consciousness. However, this takes a ghost.

Question 3

Searle distinguishes between "strong AI" and "weak AI".

Question 4

Artificial neural networks (ANN) are statistical learning algorithms inspired by biological neural networks and used to estimate functions. ANNs are used, among other things, to mimic human human cells.

Question 5


Question 6

Leibniz disagreed with Descartes who argued that the mind can influence the brain. Instead, he proposed a thought experiment in which he envisioned there being a conscious machine that a human could fit into.

Question 7

These two different visions are provided by functionalism and inessentialism. According to functionalism, robots have a consciousness, because like robots they can perform certain tasks. According to functionalists, consciousness is related to being able to act. Consciousness is not a cause of task performance according to this view. An inessentialist does not believe that machines or robots can have a consciousness because there is no inner experience with machines.

Question 8

There are several arguments to indicate that machines could never have consciousness. Examples of this are:

  1. On the basis of religion it could be said that God only gave consciousness to man.

  2. It is also possible to say that robots have no consciousness, because only living organisms can have consciousness.

  3. A third argument against the consciousness of machines is that some things require a consciousness and that machines cannot perform these things because they have no consciousness.

Question 9

These five criteria are:

  1. Perception of oneself in an "out there world";

  2. Imagery of the past and fiction;

  3. Attention;

  4. Plans;

  5. Emotions.

Question 10

The GOFAI approach has been used to program computers according to the correct rules. An attempt was also made to teach robots language using the GOFAI approach. The problem with this is that natural languages ​​do not always follow certain rules.

What are altered states of consciousness? - ExamTests 13


Open questions

Question 1

What does the abbreviation "ASC" stand for and what does it mean?

Question 2

Who introduced the above concept?

Question 3

Farthing argues that we need to look at fourteen points if we want to know what exactly changes when someone experiences an ASC. Name five of these factors.

Question 4

In what two ways can attention be affected by an ASC?

Question 5

What dimensions does the "AIM Model" consist of?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

"ASC" stands for "altered states of consciousness", it represents the altered states of consciousness.

Question 2

This concept was introduced by James.

Question 3

Correct answers are:

  • Attention
  • Perception
  • Imagination and fantasy
  • Inner speech
  • Memory
  • Thought processes of a high level
  • Meaning
  • Time perception
  • Emotions and expression
  • Alertness
  • Self-control
  • Suggestibility
  • Body image
  • Sense of personal identity

Question 4

Attention can be affected by an ASC in two ways. First of all, attention can be directed inward or outward. An ASC can also ensure that attention is experienced very broadly or is very limited.

Question 5

AIM is the abbreviation for the three dimensions that make up this model:

  1. "Activation energy": equals arousal and can be measured, for example by EEG,

  2. "Input source": can vary between purely actual or purely internal sources of information.

  3. "Mode": the ratio of amines to cholines.

What is the difference between reality and fantasy? - ExamTest 14


Open questions

Question 1

What is meant by the "mind-body problem"?

Question 2

What is meant by "reality monitoring" or "reality discrimination"?

Question 3

Name three characteristics of a hallucination.

Question 4

What reasons are there for breaking the direct relationship between hallucination and pathology?

Question 5

Which three terms belong to the term "extrasensory perception" (ESP)?

Question 6

What happens with "remote viewing"?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

The "mind-body problem" reflects the problem of the relationship between the physical and the mental. Related to this problem is the problem of consciousness: what does the world consist of? To what extent does consciousness consist of physical components and to what extent of mental components?

Question 2

"Reality monitoring" (or "reality discrimination") is our ability to distinguish between the outside world and what is going on in our heads.

Question 3

A hallucination is an experience that:

  • occurs in the absence of a stimulus;

  • has a major impact on real perception;

  • cannot be controlled voluntarily.

Question 4

First, it is not clear how hallucinations can be distinguished from other experiences and, second, hallucinations are common in the population. Third, there are cultural differences in attitudes to hallucinations. In many cultures, hallucinations are valued, because they could be closer to spirits or gods.

Question 5

Extrasensory perception (ESP) covers three types of communication that do not require any senses. These three types of communication are:

  • Telepathy (where information is passed from one person to another);

  • Clairvoyance (in this case, information comes from objects or events that are distant);

  • Precognition (information that comes from the future).

Question 6

With "remote viewing" it is the case that someone (the target), for example, goes to a randomly selected location and looks around for a while. Meanwhile, another person (subject) sits down and relaxes. This person tells what impressions or images come to him or her. Afterwards, the subject tries to match the impressions with a set of possible target locations and choose the right one.

What is the role of dreams in consciousness? - ExamTests 15


Open questions

Question 1

What are "hypnagogic images" or "hypnagogic hallucinations"?

Question 2

What difference is there in the EEG associated with REM sleep and the EEG associated with non-REM sleep?

Question 3

Hobson established three categories to show that bizarre dreams can take different forms. What are these three categories?

Question 4

What can be concluded about the relationship between REM sleep and dreams?

Question 5

What is a lucid dream?

Question 6

What are "OBEs"?

Question 7

What are NDEs?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

We often have hallucinations just when we are about to fall asleep. Maury called these hallucinations "hypnagogic images" or "hypnagogic hallucinations".

Question 2

During REM sleep, the EEG pattern resembles that of someone who is awake, while during non-REM sleep, mainly long but slow waves can be seen on the EEG.

Question 3

These categories are:

  • Incongruity: the mismatch of characteristics of characters, objects, actions or settings;

  • Discontinuity: sudden changes in the above elements;

  • Uncertainty: explicit vagueness.

Question 4

The REM phase does not appear to be necessary (but not always sufficient) for dreaming

In addition, REM sleep can occur when people cannot or cannot dream.

Question 5

With a lucid dream it is so that while dreaming you know that you are dreaming.

Question 6

The abbreviation "OBE" stands for "out-of-body experiences", events in which a person feels that he is outside himself and is looking at the world.

Question 7

The abbreviation "NDE" stands for "nearly dead experiences".

What are the roles of ego theories and bundle theories about the self? - ExamTests 16


Open questions

Question 1

Which three "selves" does Damasio distinguish?

Question 2

What are the two ideas that exist about why we feel aware of ourselves?

Question 3

Which two theories can be linked to this?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Damasio distinguishes between the 'proto self' (consisting of a set of neural patterns that store the state of an organism at any moment), the 'core-self' (involving the 'core-consciousness', a form of consciousness that does not depend on memory or language skills) and the 'autobiographical self' (depending on personal memories).

Question 2

These two ideas are:

  1. There is such a thing as a self that has all kinds of experiences and makes decisions, and

  2. It appears as if a self exists, but in reality this is not the case.

Question 3

From the first vision comes the "ego theory" and from the second vision comes the "bundle theory".

How do we perceive ourselves? - ExamTests 17


Open questions

Question 1

Why is it difficult to call the "first person approach" scientific?

Question 2

What does Husserl mean by the term "epoch"?

Question 3

What does "heterophenomenology" mean?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

The "first-person approach" looks at how people experience things subjectively. This is an internal process and cannot be measured objectively and cannot be reproduced. The existence of the "first person approach" can be disputed anyway, since the moment you say something your description already becomes data for the third person science.

Question 2

Husserl argues that people should put their learned ideas and previous beliefs out of their minds; especially those dealing with the relationship between the external world and individual experiences. He called this process epoch.

Question 3

Heterophenomenology is about studying things that other people experience.

What is meant by waking up? - ExamTests 18


Open questions

Question 1

In what ways is Buddhism different from other religions?

Question 2

What does "samsara" stand for?

Question 3

What is meant by "awakening" (awakening / waking up)?

Question 4

What do Buddhists mean by "annatta"?

Question 5

Explain why this concept fits so well with Buddhism.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Buddhism, unlike other religions, has no god, creator or soul. Buddhism is mainly about the individual who must come to enlightenment. In addition, Buddhism has no truths to be especially believed in.

Question 2

In Buddhism, "samsara" stands for a continuous circle of birth and death. This has to do with the origin of suffering. We suffer because we cling to things we love and we reject things we hate. Thus we become caught in a cycle of being and becoming, called samsara.

Question 3

"Awakening" is described as the end of a long spiritual journey. It also happens that people say that they have "awakened" and that this "awakening" is the beginning of their spiritual journey.

Question 4

Buddhism starts from "annatta", which means "no self".

Question 5

Buddhists do not claim that the self does not exist, but that the self is conditioned and temporary like everything else. Buddha argues that the perception of the self creates egoism and attachment to the world. In addition, he says that it cannot do things itself: actions and consequences exist, but the person who performs them does not exist.


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Summaries and Study Assistance with Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore and Troscianko

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Summaries and study assistance with the 3rd edition of the book:

  • Summary with the book: Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore and Troscianko - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore and Troscianko - 3rd edition
  • ExamTests with the book: Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore and Troscianko - 3rd edition


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