Examtests with Cognition: Exploring the Science of Mind by Reisberg - 7th edition What is cognitive psychology? - ExamTests 1What is the neural basis of cognition? - ExamTests 2How does visual perception work? - ExamTests 3How do we recognize objects? - ExamTests 4What is attention? - ExamTests 5What is memory? - ExamTests 6........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Examtests with Cognition: Exploring the Science of Mind by Reisberg - 7th edition 2084 reads
Examtests with the 5th edition of Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Gazzaniga et al. How have neurosciences evolved over the years? - ExamTests 1What is the structure and function of the nervous system? - ExamTests 2What is the role of methods in cognitive neuroscience? - ExamTests 3What is hemispheric specialization? - ExamTests 4How do sensation and perception........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Examtests with the 5th edition of Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Gazzaniga et al.2598 reads
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Examtests with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko When and how is the concept of consciousness introduced? - ExamTests 1What would it be like to be something else? - ExamTests 2What is the big illussion when researching consciousness? - ExamTests 3What is the role of neuroscience and how does it correlate with consciousness?........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Examtests with the 3rd edition of Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore & Troscianko1887 reads
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Exams: Practice exams and study tips for psychology and behavioral sciences Practice exams and study tips for psychology and behavioral sciencesExams: Practice exams and study tips for biopsychology and neuropsychologyExams: Practice exams and study tips for Clinical and health psychologyExams: Practice exams and study tips for Cognitive psychology and the mindExams: Practice exams and study tips for Developmental psychology and child psychologyExams: Practice exams and study tips for Labor- and organizational psychologyExams: Practice exams and study tips for Personality psychology and human developmentExams: Practice exams and study tips for Social psychology and social relationsExams: home bundleRead more about Exams: Practice exams and study tips for psychology and behavioral sciences347 reads
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