WorldSupporter profile of Vera Korf
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Help & Change: 
I support World Supporter by sharing my profile.
Travel & Move: 
One of my experience wile traveling was in the United States. On the campside nearby the Grand Canyon we met some sweet old ladies and we sat with them for the afternoon to talk and drink some tea.
Learn & Develop: 
I support JoHo, because it can help people with studying and get a diploma.
Work & Initiate: 
During my work as a icecream seller, there were a few people who brought their own spoon or cup to be a better person for the climate.
Experience & Leisure: 
One of my contributions to the World during my leisure time was that we gave away some food to the homeless people in San Francisco.


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WorldSupporter News: spotlight
WorldSupporter News: updates

JoHo WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation share great news Smokey Tours, the joint project of WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation was acknowledged as an official resource to generate income part of the Bless Foundation. Bless the Children has been re-accredited by Department...

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal de...


The latest contributions and content of Vera Korf
Belangrijkste uit de colleges gerontology

Tip: bekijk van alle diseases die hier besproken worden ook in de DSM V, op deze manier weet je welke symptomen erbij horen en wanneer het gediagnosticeerd mag worden als welke disorder.  Week 1 Summary:

  • Proportion of older people is on the increase. 
  • Older people can ...

Literatuur Interventions in individual development

Education Category: Health Ages: 16+ Hoi! Ik heb per artikel/bron die gelezen moet worden voor dit vak, de naar mijn mening belangrijkste informatie op een rijtje gezet. Alle afbeeldingen en tekst komen dan ook uit de artikelen zelf.  Week 1 Aaron J. Fisher, John D. Medaglia, and Ber...

College aantekeningen psychopathology

College 1: 15-09-21   Introduction Sexual dysfunction is everything that is not ‘normal’. To be a disorder, it needs to be stressful for the person and not necessarily for the couple. Sexual arousal can be very high when you're young and new in a couple. It can be totally different ...

Colleges testtheorie en testgebruik

Formules op het formuleblad (dus niet uit het hoofd leren):

  • Varianties van een somscore
  • Alfa
  • Spearman-brown
  • Individueel model
  • Groepsmodel
  • 95% BHI
  • Rasch model
  • Birnbaums twee-parameter (logistisch) model
  • ...

College Sport and perfomance psychology

College 1: 13-09-21 How does expertise come about? The talent myth means that you are just born with a talent, it is not due to practice.  Talent is a potential or capacity to excel in a particular domain that requires special skills and training. When there is talent development, the potential...

Wetenschapstheorie hoorcolleges (slides + aantekeningen verwerkt)

College 1: Introductie Er zijn twee dimensies:

  • normatief en descriptief (hoe het hoort vs.hoe het werkt)
  • weten en doen (kennis vs. praktijk)

  Casus over de human smile. Een effect van deze studie is “feedback from facial expressions affects emotional expe...

Wetenschapstheorie aantekeningen hoorcolleges

College 1 Er zijn twee dimensies:

  • normatief en descriptief (hoe het hoort vs.hoe het werkt)
  • weten en doen (kennis vs. praktijk)

  Effect= “feedback from facial expressions affects emotional experience and behaviour”. Hier horen twee theorieën bi...


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Goals & Purposes: home bundle

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