Travel to Namibia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Namibia?

  • Namibia is beautiful! The landscapes are breathtaking, the nature is diverse, you can go off the beaten path and the people are incredibly warm-hearted. It is a very sparsely populated country set up for tourism. A good first entry point to the African continent! 
  • The country lends itself to both short and long vacations. For both backpackers and travelers, although it is a bit more difficult for the former to find cheap accommodation and activities. 
  • Activity spotting: climb the sand dunes of Sossusvlei, wander the Namib Desert, spot the big five in Etosha National Park, visit Fish River Canyon and the lurid skeleton coast, discover the history of Windhoek and Swakopmund, get to know the Himba and Herero peoples in the north, see the stars (yes really, one of the best places), go on self-organized safari.

Study in Namibia?

  • The quality of education in Namibia is okay and the choice of studies is relatively limited. It is an interesting country if you want to learn more about local development, African politics and colonial history. Further popular fields of study are business administration, engineering, social sciences and medicine. 
  • Language: Afrikaans & English.
  • Study city: Windhoek.

Internship in Namibia?

  • It is not easy to find an internship in Namibia, but if you look carefully there are opportunities, for example in the field of nature and animal protection or research, at social NGOs, in ecotourism and at universities as a researcher.
  • Competencies: do you succeed in finding an internship? Then you can develop the following competencies, among others - ecological skills, intercultural communication, adaptability and working in remote areas, independence, sustainability and environmental ethics. 

Volunteer in Namibia?

  • As a volunteer in Namibia, you can work well in conservation and wildlife protection. In fact, the country is a forerunner in Africa in this field. You can also volunteer on horse ranches, in education and health care. 

Working in Namibia?

  • Most expats were sent to Namibia by a company where they were already working. Namibia's economy has been stable for a long time and there are many jobs for expats with specific skills. Do keep in mind that the policy is to give preference to a local worker over an expat, which makes finding work a little more difficult. 
  • Work culture: learn about the Namibian handshake, a firm handshake, the crossing of thumbs before returning to a normal handshake. This happens particularly between male colleagues. Women greet each other with words, unless a woman is of higher seniority. Men and women greet each other with a simple Western handshake. Greetings are important in Namibia, as is smalltalk. 

Working as a digital nomad in Namibia?

  • Namibia is a great country for digital nomads! There is an awful lot to experience, the people are tremendously hospitable and the combination of expats and locals means that there is a lot of variety in food and goods on offer. Facilities are good, with availability of coworking cafes and relatively good wifi in the larger cities. Also, the main language is English, which makes it easier to integrate into society and make new friends. 
  • Favorite locations: Windhoek, Swakopmund. 
  • Visa: a digital nomad visa is also available in Namibia these days. 

Living in Namibia?

  • Namibia is one of the most popular countries for expats in Africa. This is mainly because of the high quality of life. The supermarkets have a lot, including Western offerings, the health centers are good, there are international schools and it is quite safe. 
  • In addition, people are tremendously open and friendly toward expats. So it is easy to get to know people and make new friends. 
  • Namibians love to chat, sometimes to the point of nonsense. Keep in mind that this “poop talk” (yes really!) and “braai” are also an important part of socializing! 
  • It does come in handy to have a car when living in Namibia. This gives you more freedom to explore the country and the roads are very good. You can also easily travel by bus and train between major cities. 

Supporting content

Namibia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Namibia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Content about Namibia on WorldSupporter

Namibia: Updates & Travel

Namibia: Updates & Travel

Travel in Namibia?

  • Namibia is the second least populated country in the world, so this leaves plenty of room for extraordinary natural beauty. Besides the imposing Kalahari and Namib desert and views of the Atlantic Ocean, Namibia is also chock-full of ancient culture. A perfect destination for a short or longer stay.
  • Namibia has several deserts with different flora and fauna. The Namib Desert in Namib Naukluft National Park, for example, is the oldest desert in the world with immense red sand dunes.
  • Etosha National Park is one of the largest game parks in Africa, known for its diversity of wildlife and easy accessibility.
  • You can visit seals at Cape Cross, near Walvis Bay. And in the month of November, they often have pups!
  • Check out Swakopmund, with all its German influences, is an oasis of calm, after the scorching hot desert.
  • Visit the capital Windhoek, which includes German architecture from colonial times.
  • Waterberg plateau is a beautiful natural park where you can walk around on your own. Here are black and white rhinos, among others.
  • Be prepared that the temperature can soar high above 40 degrees Celsius.

Updates Namibia

  • More about Namibia, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Namibia: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
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Matoke Tours

Matoke Tours raakt reizigers in het hart met de mooiste reizen door het oosten en zuiden van Afrika. Matoke Tours is een kleinschalige reisorganisatie die gespecialiseerd is in groeps- en individuele reizen in onder andere Oeganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagaskar en Rwanda.

The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN)

Onderwijsinstelling in met enkele vrij kleinschalige locaties verspreid over Namibie. Naast bachelor onderwijs wordt er ook voorgezetonderwijs aangeboden met focus op Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

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Let's Go Africa

Let's Go Africa is een Nederlandse bemiddelingsorganisatie voor stages en vrijwilligerswerk in Afrika. Het doel van de organisatie is om studenten, vrijwilligers en jonge professionals wereldwijd in contact te brengen met lokale projecten en organisaties in Afrika.



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Matoke Tours

Matoke Tours raakt reizigers in het hart met de mooiste reizen door het oosten en zuiden van Afrika. Matoke Tours is een kleinschalige reisorganisatie die gespecialiseerd is in groeps- en individuele reizen in onder andere Oeganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagaskar en Rwanda.

The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN)

Onderwijsinstelling in met enkele vrij kleinschalige locaties verspreid over Namibie. Naast bachelor onderwijs wordt er ook voorgezetonderwijs aangeboden met focus op Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Namibia: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Namibia?
  • Updates Namibia
  • Travel in Namibia?

    • Namibia is the second least populated country in the world, so this leaves plenty of room for extraordinary natural beauty. Besides the imposing Kalahari and Namib desert and views of the Atlantic Ocean, Na...


Stories, tips and experiences from Namibia


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Een weekje Kanaan; Mooi en levensgevaarlijk

Oké, ik heb het waarschijnlijk over mezelf afgeroepen toen ik in mijn vorige blog schreef dat ik niet begreep waarom iedereen gillend weg rent wanneer ik een machete oppak. Maar de huidige status is: een pink die dik en geel is, door een of andere contra beweging; een geel, groen, blauw en pa...


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The Revenant

Daar zit ik dan, in het vliegtuig op een 18 uur durige reis naar Afrika, vergezeld door Guus Meeuwis en Nick en Simon. Nee, niet fysiek (opeens heb ik een vreemde smaak ontwikkeld voor Nederlandstalige muziek. Misschien ontwikkel je nationalisme als je weet dat je je land gaat verlaten? Ik weet het ...


Dag lieve lezers van mij blog, Helaas moet ik mededelen dat ik, net zoals de collega-schrijvers van mijn kaliber zoals Willem Frederik Hermans en Harry Mulisch wel eens, gestuit ben op een writer's block. Sinds donderdag probeer ik me te focussen op het schrijven, wat niet wil lukken.  Het is n...

The Big Daddy

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Een weekje Kanaan; Mooi en levensgevaarlijk

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