Psychology UG Groningen: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance - Year 2023/2024

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with VIP & JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Introduction to Psychology; Statistics 1A; A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods; History of Psychology; Statistics 1B
  • Semester 2: Developmental psychology; Social and cross-cultural psychology; Biopsychology; Personality and individual differences

Bachelor 2:

  • Semester 1: Statistics II; Cognitive Psychology; Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology; Test theory; Clinical psychology; Psychology in the workplace
  • Semester 2: Statistics III; Social environment and behaviour; Theory of science

Bachelor 3:

  • Semester 1: various courses, a.o.: Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology; Sport and performance psychology; Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies; Human error; Perception; Social influence
  • Semester 2: various courses, a.o.: Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology; Conflict Management; Intergroup Relations; Overview of Psychotherapy; Social Cognition and Affect; Cognitive Neuroscience; Developmental Neuropsychology; Interpersonal relations


  • Various tracks, a.o.: Applied Cognitive Neuroscience; Applied Social Psychology; Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology; Environmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Clinical Neuropsychology; Theory and History of Psychology; Talent Development and Creativity; Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

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Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024



Block 1A: Introduction to Psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological Science

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Psychology on

  • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

Studying the course Introduction to Psychology

  • About the course: Like most introductory courses, you only get a glimpse of the veil and are likely to be left with a fuzzy feeling. Don't be put off, as the years go by you will gain more and more insight into the relationship with your studies and your appreciation will also grow.

Block 1A: Statistics 1A

Online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to the practice of statistics

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics 1A on

  • a.o. summaries, practice exams and sample questions:
  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

Studying the course Statistics 1A

Block 1A: A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods

Online Summaries and study assistance with Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information

Other online Summaries and study assistance with A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods on

  • a.o. summaries, practice exams and sample questions:
  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

Studying the course A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods

  • About the course: This course relates to the assessment of good and bad scientific research and is therefore a good theoretical supplement to the more practical course Statistics 1A.


Block 1B: History of Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Pioneers of Psychology

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with History of Psychology on

    • a.o. summaries, practice exams and sample questions:
    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

    Studying the course History of Psychology

    • About the course: In this course you will learn about different ways of thinking about certain topics.
    • Examtips: Try to focus on the topics being thought about, which thoughts oppose each other and why, how thinking develops and why, and who are the main people who set out the thoughts. Bonus points if you can quote famous thinkers at the bar!

    Block 1B: Statistics 1B

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to the practice of statistics

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics 1B on

      • a.o. summaries, practice exams and sample questions:
      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

      Studying the course Statistics 1B


      Semester 2: Assortment of summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1

      Summaries and study assistance with semester 2

      Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with semester 1

      Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

      Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024



      Block 2A: Developmental psychology

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Life-Span Human Development

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental psychology on

      • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

      Block 2A: Social and cross-cultural psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Social Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Social and cross-cultural psychology on

        • a.o. summaries and notes on lectures:
        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

        Studying the course Social and cross-cultural psychology

        • About the course: This course provides a general introduction to social psychology and following this course will therefore regularly lead to recognizable situations.


        Block 2B: Biopsychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Biological Psychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Biopsychology on

        • a.o. summaries, bulletpoints and practice questions:
        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen

        Block 2B: Personality and individual differences

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Personality Psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Personality and individual differences on

        • a.o. summaries and practice questions:
        • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 1 at University of Groningen


        Semester 1: Assortment of summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1

        Summaries and study assistance with Psychology semester 1

        Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance of semester 2

        Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

        Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024



        Block 1A: Statistics II

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics II on

        • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
        • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

        Block 1A: Cognitive Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Psychology on

        • including practice exams and sample questions
        • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

        Block 1A: Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Neuropsychology

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology on

        • including practice exams and sample questions
        • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

        Block 1A: Test theory

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological testing: A practical introduction

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Test theory on

        • including summaries
        • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


        Block 1B: Clinical psychology

          Online Summaries and study assistance with Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology

          Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology

          Other online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical psychology on

          • Including summaries and notes with lectures
          • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

          Block 1B: Psychology in the workplace

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Work in the 21st century: An introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychology in the workplace on

            • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
            • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


            Semester 2: Assortment of summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2

            Summaries and study assistance with Psychology semester 2

            Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with Bachelor 2 semester 1

            Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

            Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024



            Block 2A: Statistics III

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on

            • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
            • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

            Block 2A: Social environment and behaviour

              Online Summaries and study assistance with Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Social environment and behaviour on

              • including summaries and notes with lectures
              • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


              Block 2B: Theory of science

              Online Summaries and study assistance with Theory of science on

              • including summaries and notes with lectures
              • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen

              Block 2B: Statistics III

              Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Statistics III on

              • including summaries, practice exams and sample questions
              • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Groningen


              Semester 1: Assortment of summaries for Bachelor 2 blocks 1A and 1B

              Summaries and study assistance with semester 1

              Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with Bachelor 2 semester 2

              Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

              Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 - Semester 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024



              1A: Cognitieve psychologie

              Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind

              Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Cognitieve psychologie op

              • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 3 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

              Prints bij Cognitieve psychologie

              • Geprinte samenvatting bij Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind van Reisberg
              • Zie Printshop VIP

              1A: Introductie in de Klinische Neuropsychologie

                Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Klinische Neuropsychologie

                Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Introductie in de Klinische Neuropsychologie op

                • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 3 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

                Prints bij Klinische Neuropsychologie

                • Geprinte samenvatting bij Klinische Neuropsychologie van Kessels et al.
                • Zie Printshop VIP

                1A: Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology

                Online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Neuropsychology

                Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology at

                • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                1A: Sport and performance psychology

                Online Summaries and study assistance with A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology

                Other online Summaries and study assistance with Sport and performance psychology at

                • see the supporting content of this Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                1A: Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop

                Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Adult personality development: theories and concepts

                Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Persoonlijke documenten en de constructie van de levensloop op

                • zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per vak voor Psychologie Bachelor 3 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


                1B: Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies

                  Online Summaries and study assistance with Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

                  Online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond

                  Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapies at

                  • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                  1B: Human error

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with A life in error: From little slips to big disasters

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Human error at

                    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                    1B: Perception

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Perception at

                    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                    1B: Social influence

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Social influence at

                    • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                    BLOCKS 2A AND 2B PSYCHOLOGY BACHELOR 3

                    Semester 2: Assortment of summaries for Bachelor 3 blocks 2A and 2B

                    Summaries and study assistance with semester 2

                    Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance of Bachelor 3 semester 1

                    Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

                    Assortment Pointer for Psychology Bachelor 3 - Semester 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024


                    BLOCK 2A PSYCHOLOGY BACHELOR 3

                    2A: Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensic psychology: crime, justice, law, interventions

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Capita Selecta Forensic Psychology

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Conflict Management

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Essentials of Negotiation

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Conflict management

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Diagnostiek in de Ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Diagnostiek in de ontwikkelingspsychologische praktijk

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Forensische Psychologie

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Handboek psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Forensische Psychologie

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Intergroup Relations

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with The psychology of prejudice and discrimination

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Intergroup relations

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Overview of Psychotherapy

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Current Psychotherapies

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Overview of Psychotherapy

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Social Cognition and Affect

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Social cognition and affect

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2A: Theorieën over Ontwikkelingsgebieden

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Fundamentals of developmental psychology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Theorieën over ontwikkelingsgebieden

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      BLOCK 2B PSYCHOLOGY BACHELOR 3

                      2B: Cognitive Neuroscience

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Neuroscience

                      • Including summaries and practice questions
                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2B: Developmental Neuropsychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental Neuropsychology: A Clinical Approach

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental Neuropsychology

                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2B: Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie

                      Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Psychological diagnostics in health care

                      Overige Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie

                      • o.a. samenvattingen
                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2B: Interpersonal relations

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Intimate Relationships

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Interpersonal relations

                      • including summaries
                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2B: Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs

                      Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective

                      Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs

                      • o.a. samenvattingen
                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      2B: Seksuologie

                      Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Leerboek seksuologie

                      Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Seksuologie

                      • o.a. samenvattingen en oefenvragen
                      • see the supporting content of this assortment per course for Psychology Bachelor 3 at University of Groningen

                      BLOCKS 1A AND 1B PSYCHOLOGY BACHELOR 3

                      Semester 2: Assortment of summaries for Bachelor 3 blocks 1A and 1B

                      Summaries with semester 1

                      Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with Bachelor 3 semester 2

                      Supporting content II:

                      Assortment Pointer for Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024

                      Assortment Pointer for Psychology Masters at the University of Groningen - Year 2023-2024


                      Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See the supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Applied Social Psychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Applied Social Psychology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Environmental Psychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Environmental Psychology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Psychology / Klinische Psychologie

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • Zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per track voor Psychology Masters aan de Universiteit Groningen

                      Clinical Neuropsychology / Klinische Neuropsychologie

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Clinical Neuropsychology / Klinische Neuropsychologie

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University


                      Online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij de boeken van Ontwikkelingspsychologie

                      Overige online Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij de Master track

                      • Zie de supporting content van deze assortimentwijzer per track voor Psychology Masters aan de Universiteit Groningen

                      Theory and History of Psychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Theory and History of Psychology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Talent Development and Creativity

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Talent Development and Creativity

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University

                      Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

                      Online Summaries and study assistance with the books of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track

                      • See supporting content of this assortment pointer per track for Psychology Masters at Groningen University


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                      Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

                      There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

                      1. Starting Pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
                      2. Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages
                      3. Tags & Taxonomy: gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
                      4. Follow authors or (study) organizations: by following individual users, authors and your study organizations you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
                      5. Search tool : 'quick & dirty'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject. The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

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