Finances and financial management


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What is Finances?

  • Finances encompass the flow of money and its resources, including income, savings, expenses, and debt. It's the overall picture of financial health.

What is Financial management?

  • Financial management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling money. This involves setting financial goals, budgeting income and expenses, making smart investment decisions, and working towards financial security.


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Werken bij JoHo: Financiën, Administratie & Organisatie
  • Organiseren: van alle financiële en administratieve processen rondom de gehele bedrijfsvoering.
  • Adviseren: aan alle interne netwerken met betrekking tot wet- en regelgevingen.
  • Beheren: van contacten met externe (financiële) instellingen en organisaties.
Take a 20 week internship or traineeship in Cusco

Take a 20 week Internship or traineeship in Cusco, Peru. This organisation can place you at several organisations, depending on your interests and skills. During the internship you will follow intensive Spanish lessons and share housing with other students or you can choose for home stay with a loca...


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Check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Finances and financial management'

List of important terms Economics of banking

Extensive list of important terms and definitions on the Economics of Banking

  • Availability doctrine: States that spending is always in excess of available funds. Not the price but the availability of credit is the important determinant of credit.
  • Credit rationing: The act of pla...

Gedeeltelijke samenvatting Corporate Finance van DeMarzo (3e druk)

Uitgebreide samenvatting van de hoofdstukken 9-12, 14-18, 20-21 en 29 van het boek 'Corporate Finance' van Berk en DeMarzo. Gebaseerd op de meest recente druk. LET OP: Gebruik de bijlage om de tabellen, grafieken en formules te zien.

  • Hoofdstuk 9: Waarderen van aandelen
  • Hoofdstuk 1...

What is finances?

Finance is the field of study concerned with the management of money and other financial assets. It encompasses a broad range of activities, from individual financial planning to complex corporate financial decisions. Here's a breakdown: What are the main features of finances?

  • Time Value of...

Summary Multinational Business Finance by Eiteman

Summary written in 2013-2014 - contains only a small set of chapters.

  • Chapter A: The exchange market
  • Chapter B: The concepts of international parity conditions
  • Chapter C: Foreign currency issues
  • Chapter D: The concepts of transaction exposure
  • Chapter E: ...


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Balloon Ventures

Balloon Ventures is een Britse organisatie die zich inzet voor verbinding tussen jongeren en afgestudeerden over de hele wereld. Dit doet Balloon Ventures onder andere door Europese young professionals te matchen met jonge initiatiefnemers in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana en op de Filipijnen, via het Balloon...


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Organizations & Services: home bundle



Financiën en financieel beheer: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Financiën en financieel beheer Wat is financiën en financieel beheer?

  • Financiën verwijzen naar het beheer van geld en andere bezittingen, inclusief activiteiten zoals sparen, investeren, lenen en budgetteren. Financieel beheer omvat het strate...

What is finances?

Finance is the field of study concerned with the management of money and other financial assets. It encompasses a broad range of activities, from individual financial planning to complex corporate financial decisions. Here's a breakdown: What are the main features of finances?

  • Time Value of...

What is financial management?

Financial management, also known as corporate finance, delves into the world of managing a company's finances. It's essentially the art and science of planning, acquiring, and utilizing financial resources to achieve a company's goals. Here's a breakdown of this crucial field: What are the main feat...

List of important terms Economics of banking

Extensive list of important terms and definitions on the Economics of Banking

  • Availability doctrine: States that spending is always in excess of available funds. Not the price but the availability of credit is the important determinant of credit.
  • Credit rationing: The act of pla...


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Werken bij JoHo: Financiën, Administratie & Organisatie
  • Organiseren: van alle financiële en administratieve processen rondom de gehele bedrijfsvoering.
  • Adviseren: aan alle interne netwerken met betrekking tot wet- en regelgevingen.
  • Beheren: van contacten met externe (financiële) instellingen en organisaties.