Volunteer abroad and around


Checklists, Organizations, Projects & Vacancies

Skills, Study Assistance, Summaries & Tips


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What is volunteering abroad?

  • Volunteer work abroad means that you work abroad for a certain period of time at a foreign project or organization to help, learn or transfer knowledge.
  • You usually do not receive any compensation for your work in the form of salary, expense allowance or room and board.
  • Projects that have little or no income themselves will generally ask volunteers for compensation for the guidance or for the room and board provided.
  • In the case of an intermediary organization, this compensation can also be made via the intermediary organization.

What are the pages involved?

  • For the main pages concerning volunteer projects: see below on this page

What are the pages involved for paid work abroad per sector and working field?

See the following pages for projects and vacancies per sector:

What are the pages involved for volunteer work abroad per study field?

See the following pages for jobs per study field:

What are the main topics related to volunteering abroad?

What are the skills related to volunteer work abroad?

What are the Worldsupporter goals related to volunteer work abroad?

What are the Dutch pages for volunteer work abroad?


More supporting content:
Volunteering abroad: what is it, why should you do it and where is the best place to go?
Volunteer abroad: home bundle


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Amnesty International is doorlopend op zoek naar vrijwillers voor ondersteuning bij hun veelzijdige activiteiten. Dus wil je in je vrije tijd een bijdrage leveren aan hun strijd voor mensenrechten? Meld je aan voor de activiteit die jou aanspreekt! Klik op de link hieronder voor extra informatie:


reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...


When you go abroad to do volunteer work and travel, bring a (travel)diary! Yes, doing volunteer work is about sharing your skills and knowledge with others - but usually people who do volunteer work learn so much from the people they meet that the knowledge and experiences they gain is the biggest p...

Volunteer in an Ecuadorian hospital

This hospital in Ecuador is continuously looking for volunteers with medical expertise. The hospital offers comprehensive care in a remote region of the Amazon. There is an opportunity to support local staff for every type of medical specialty or expertise.  There are also opportunities for sup...


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Activities abroad: home bundle


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What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination. What are some main features...


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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle


Check all organizations related to: 'Volunteer abroad and around'

Cheetah Conservation Botswana

This organization aims to maintain the current cheetah population in Botswana. The organization does this by means of scientific research and education for the local population. The organization wants to teach rural communities to live well together with Botswana's rich collection of predators. Ther...


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad

Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad


Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad

Go Pure! Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland
Let's Go Africa: Vrijwilligerswerk
Ontmoet Afrika: Vrijwilligerswerk in Ghana
SIW: Vrijwilligerswerk in 70 landen
Wereldstap: for gap year and voluntary work on Curaçao
Vrijwillig Wereldwijd
Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad

Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad


Spotlight organizations: volunteering abroad

Go Pure! Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland
Let's Go Africa: Vrijwilligerswerk
Ontmoet Afrika: Vrijwilligerswerk in Ghana
SIW: Vrijwilligerswerk in 70 landen
Wereldstap: for gap year and voluntary work on Curaçao
Vrijwillig Wereldwijd




Activities Abroad Experience & Travel  - Earn & Learn - Inspire & Enjoy - Move & Emigrate - Prepare & Take Care - Protect & Volunteer


reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...


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Crossroad: spotlight pages
Crossroads: jobs and organizations

Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...

Smokey Tours in Manila

Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness.  All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leade...