Learning Chinese abroad


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What is a Chinese language course?

  • A Chinese language course is a series of lessons in which you learn the basics of the Chinese language in a short time. Mandarin Chinese is offered at most language schools
  • A Chinese language course lasts on average 50 to 100 hours spread over several weeks or months. Due to the major differences between Dutch and Chinese, you will have to study and practice for a longer period of time to master the basics of Chinese.
  • A Chinese language course normally costs an amount that is comparable to other courses.

Why should you learn the Chinese language and take a Chinese language course abroad?

  • Networking: Chinese is the most spoken language in the world after English. Although most of these speakers live in China, speaking Chinese is now a good way to broaden your career opportunities in more and more professions and countries.
  • Helpfulness: as soon as you speak a local language to some extent, you are immediately better able to communicate with the person you would like to help, and you can also help yourself better
  • Involvement: as soon as you speak someone else's language you become closer to that other person. It strengthens your feeling of being involved and part of the local culture.
  • Experience: going abroad to learn a language is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone in the Netherlands
  • Creativity: learning a language is a way to learn to use your creativity better. For example, when searching for descriptions or using hands and feet
  • Empathy: you train yourself to immerse yourself in a different way of speaking and often a different way of thinking

What do you need to learn Chinese and take a Chinese language course abroad?

  • Be environmentally aware: wherever you take lessons, you will always have to take your environment into account. Each country has its own rules and customs that you will have to adhere to to a certain extent
  • Be organizationally aware: every school or educational institution has its own way in which they provide education or teaching. You will also have to take this into account. Just like with the limitations/challenges that some schools have due to a lack or abundance of money or facilities
  • Ability to communicate: some prior knowledge of the local language is not a must, but it is a great advantage


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Travel, work and live in China: when to go, where to go, what to do?
China Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips
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That's Mandarin

That's Mandarin offers a variety of language courses in both Shanghai as well as Beijing. The organisation was founded in 2005. That's Mandarin works with full-time teachers who are experienced university graduates.

Hutong School

Hutong School matches students with internships in China, and also provides Chinese language courses. The school was founded in 2005, by a team of French, German, Korean, Flemish and Chinese entrepreneurs. It is the first Chinese language school under foreign management officially licensed by the Ch...

China Inside

China Inside biedt Chinese taalcursussen, tours en activiteiten als cultuurtrainingen, vrijwilligerswerk en onderwijsbemiddeling. (Potentiële) emigranten kunnen er terecht voor hulp bij wonen, leven, werken & internationale verzekeringen. Zakelijke relaties worden bediend met o.a. business ...


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Chinese Moon Cake Festival
  • What are typical Asian remarkable holidays and holiday habits?
  • When is the Chinese Mooncake festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival? 
  • What is celebrated on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • What to eat on the Chinese Mooncake festival?
  • How to prepare for ...
China Inside

China Inside biedt Chinese taalcursussen, tours en activiteiten als cultuurtrainingen, vrijwilligerswerk en onderwijsbemiddeling. (Potentiële) emigranten kunnen er terecht voor hulp bij wonen, leven, werken & internationale verzekeringen. Zakelijke relaties worden bediend met o.a. business ...


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