Human resource management and organizational behavior?

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Table of related content to: Human resource management and organizational behavior

What is Human Resource Management?

  • Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic approach to managing an organization's workforce. It focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining talented employees to achieve the organization's goals.

What is Organizational Behavior?

  • Organizational behavior is the study of how people interact within a company or organization. This examines how individuals, groups, and the organization itself influence each other, aiming to improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational success.


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Personeelsmanagement en Organisatiegedrag: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Personeelsmanagement en Organisatiegedrag: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Personeelsmanagement en Organisatiegedrag



  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Campus Handboek Human Resource Management: Back to Basics van Lievens - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Gesprekken in organisaties van Van Der Molen en Gramsbergen-Hoogland - 5e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage van Noe - 10e druk


  • Summary with the book: Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management by Cascio and Aguinis - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge - 14th edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Human Resource Management by Banfield and Kay - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Organizational Change by Senior and Swailes - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Organisational Behaviour by Buelens a.o. - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Personnel Economics In Practice by Gibbs and Lazear

Over Personeelsmanagement en Organisatiegedrag

  • Personeelsmanagement richt zich op het beheren van menselijke resources binnen een organisatie. Organisatiegedrag bestudeert hoe individuen en groepen zich binnen een organisatie gedragen en hoe dit de prestaties beïnvloedt.
Human Resource Management and organizational behavior: The best concepts summarized

Human Resource Management and organizational behavior: The best concepts summarized

Human Resource Management and organizational behavior: The best concepts summarized

Table of contents

  • Organizational behavior
  • Behavioral economics
  • Human Resource Management
  • Employee lifestyle focus
  • Talent acquisition
  • Performance management
  • Compliance and regulations in HR


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Human resource management and organizational behavior

Study Guide with article summaries with Social Psychology in Organisations at Leiden University

Article summaries with Social Psychology in Organisations at Leiden University

Table of content

  • Pygmalion and Employee Learning: The Role of Leader Behaviors
  • Well then - What now? An everyday approach to managerial leadership
  • Leader Humility and Team Creativity: The Role of Team Information Sharing, Psychological Safety, and Power Distance
  • The Interplay of Diversity Training and Diversity Beliefs on Team Creativity in Nationality Diverse Teams
  • Reflections on the Looking Glass: A Review of Research on Feedback-Seeking Behavior in Organizations
  • Job Crafting at the Team and Individual Level: Implications for Work Engagement and Performance
  • Dispositional resistance to change and emotional exhaustion: moderating effects at the work-unit level
  • What leaders need to know about organizational culture
  • Distinguished Scholar Invited Essay Behavioral Decision Making: Implications for Leadership and Organizations
  • Conflict Templates: Thinking Through Interdependence
  • Flow theory and research
  • Pursuing happiness: The architecture of sustainable
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Study Guide with article summaries for Culture and Diversity at Work at Leiden University - 2022/2023

Study Guide with article summaries for Culture and Diversity at Work at Leiden University - 2022/2023


Personality assessment: An overview - Cohen - 2013

Summary of Personality assessment: An overview - Chapter 12 - Cohen - 2013.

In the book Theories of Personality Hall and Lindzey wrote 'it is our conviction that no substantive definition of personality can be applied with any generality' and 'personality is defined by the particular empirical concepts which are a part of the theory of personality employed by the observer'. Personality is the unique characteristics of an individual that consists of psychological traits that stay stable over time. This may defined as the measurement and evaluation of psychological traits, states, values, interests, attitudes, worldview, acculturation, sense of humor,

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What are personality assessment methods?- Cohen - 2018

Summary of What are personality assessment methods? - Chapter 12 - Cohen - 2018.

When assessing an individual's personality you can use a lot of different personality assessing methods. The methods commonly used will be discussed below.

What are objective methods of personality assessment?

Objective methods of personality assessment are often administered by paper-and-pencil means or by computer, and they usually contain short-answer items for which the assessee's

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Article summary with Workplace Stress Management Interventions and Health Promotion by Tetrick & Winslow - 2015

In 2014, 31% of working adults felt tension or stress, and 61% reported that they had enough resources to deal with this stress. A low salary and a lack of opportunities for growth were the most common sources of stress. Job insecurity is also in the top 5. Furthermore, uncertain job expectations and long working days were also in the top 5. With regard to interventions against work stress, the emphasis has probably been too much on 'red cape interventions' with the intention of stopping negative experiences, instead of on the 'green cape interventions', interventions with the aim of growing positive experiences. An example for the focus in this is increasing the employee resources. In this article, literature about stress management interventions is summarized, with an emphasis on green cape interventions.  

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Boeksamenvatting bij de 1e druk van Waarom werken wij? van Luijk

Waarom werken wij? - Chapter 1

‘Waarom werken wij?’ is een vraag waarvan veel mensen het antwoord weten, zoals vaker het geval is bij sociale wetenschappen. Deze algemeen bekende antwoorden zijn juist interessant om te onderzoeken: het vanzelfsprekende ter discussie stellen levert nieuwe, verrassende antwoorden op. In dit proefschrift van Frank van Luijk staat de vraag “Waarom werken wij?” centraal.

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Selected spotlight content related to Human resource management and organizational behavior
What is Human Resource Management?

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the field of study dedicated to managing the people within an organization. It focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining a skilled and motivated workforce to achieve the organization's goals. Here's a breakdown of this essential field: What are the main feat...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Human resource management and organizational behavior
Spotlight summaries related to Human resource management and organizational behavior
Assessment, Careers, and Business - Chapter 15 - Cohen - 2018

Summary of Assessment, Careers, and Business - Chapter 15 - Cohen - 2018. A whole world of tests is available to help in various phases of career choice. Historically, one variable considered closely related to occupational fulfillment and success is personal interests.

  • What are the measur...

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