Industrial and organizational psychology?

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Organizational Behaviour, emerging knowledge and practice for the real world, by S. McShane, M. Von Glinow (fifth edition) – Summary chapter 2

The MARS model consists of motivation, ability, role perception and situational factors:

  1. Motivation
    The forces within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary behaviour.
  2. Ability
    The natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task. Aptitudes are natural talents. Competencies are characteristics of a person that result in superior performance. It is important to match employees with the right job requirements. This can be done by looking for employees that already have the required skills or by training employees. Redesigning the job is also possible.
  3. Role perception
    The degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him. Employees need to know their responsibilities, their priorities of different tasks and understanding the preferred behaviours or procedures for accomplishing tasks.
  4. Situational factors
    Any context beyond the
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Organizational Behaviour, emerging knowledge and practice for the real world, by S. McShane, M. Von Glinow (fifth edition) – Book summary

This bundle describes a summary of the book "Organizational Behaviour, emerging knowledge and practice for the real world, by S. McShane, M. Von Glinow (fifth edition)". The following chapters are used:

- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.


Work & Organizational Psychology – Interim exam 2 [UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM]

This bundle contains everything you need to know for the second interim exam of Work & Organizational Psychology for the University of Amsterdam. It uses the book "Organizational Behaviour, emerging knowledge and practice for the real world, by S. McShane, M. Von Glinow (fifth edition) ". The bundle contains the following chapters:

- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


Werkverslaving - SheetNotes (2018/2019)

Sheetnotes 18/19

Wat zijn de veranderingen in de hoorcolleges?

  • Dit college staat niet in de sheetnotes van 2015. Daarom zet ik hieronder de volledige informatie uit het hoorcollege.

  • 75 procent van de Nederlanders werkt over. Gemiddeld: 3,6 uur. 

    Omgevingsfactoren: Nieuwe technologieen

    Trends: 'het nieuwe werken'


    1,4 procent van de Nederlanders werkt meer dan 50 uur. Dit staat onderaan vergeleken met andere landen (Japan).

    Alleen hard werken is niet voldoende voor workaholisme.

    Hard werken kan leiden tot:

    Karoshi: dood door overwerk

    Karo-jisatu: suicidie door overwerk. Hier is sprake van in Japan.

    Werk hangt samen met onze identiteit.  “ik werk dus ik ben”

    Oorsprong ligt in calvinistische wortels. “er is nog nooit iemand in zijn eigen zweet verdronken.”

    Organisatiecultuur. “We hebben hier geen

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Begrippenlijst bij Arbeidspsychologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht

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Hoofdstuk 3



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This is a summary of the book Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S (8th edition). This book is about psychology at the workplace. It contains for instance ways to increase employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. The book is used in the course 'Labor and and organisational psychology' at the f...


Artikelsamenvattingen bij Personeelspsychologie en HRM Artikelsamenvattingen bij Personeelspsychologie en HRM

  • voor 6+ Artikelsamenvattingen bij Personeelspsychologie en HRM, zie de supporting content van deze studiegids


  • Naar effectief diversiteitsbeleid: He...

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