Consciousness- Questions and Answers
Online Practice Questions - Consciousness - Blackmore (2nd edition)
What's the problem? CH.1
1.1 What is meant by the 'mind-body problem'?
1.2 Which philosophical movement emphasizes the view that there is only matter?
A: epiphenomenalism
B: dualism
C: materialism
D: panpsychism
1.3a What is meant by the philosophical movement 'dualism'?
1.3b Who is a known proponent of dualism?
1.3c From which two movements does dualism exist?
1.4 From which three parts does the subconscious exist according to Freud?
1.5 What are two well-known names that are linked to behaviorism?
A: Wundt and Skinner
B: Skinner and Watson
C: Wundt and Watson
D: James and Skinner
What is it like to be a...? CH.2
2.1 Block makes a distinction between which two forms of consciousness?
A: phenomenality and access awareness
B: qualia and access awareness
C: phenomenality and subjectivity
D: qualia and subjectivity
2.2a What are qualia?
2.2b In what way can the added value of qualia be investigated?
2.3 What does the thought experiment of a zombie involve?
2.4 In which four ways can scientists respond to Chalmers' idea that there is a hard problem when we talk about consciousness?
2.5 What are three possible reasons for ignoring the difficult problem?
How do conscious and unconscious activities differ from each other? CH.3
3.1a From which two visual systems can a distinction be made according to Milner and Goodale?
3.1b Milner and Goodale state that a distinction can be made on the basis of fundamentally different tasks performed by the brain. Which categories do they think play an important role in this?
3.2 In which categories can operations be classified in general?
3.3 Which two representational theories exist and what do these theories mean?
3.4 Who designed the 'global workspace theory' (GWT)?
A: Libet
B: Milner and Goodale
C: Perch
D: Castello
How can the mind be seen as theater? CH.4
4.1 What is meant by the theater as a metaphor?
4.2 What does 'global workspace theory' (GWT) mean (in terms of the mind as theater)?
4.3 What does the 'neural global workspace' model mean?
A: The model states that we become aware of an event when neurons
firing for a certain period of time.
B: The model represents your joy, worries, ambitions, your sense of personal identity
and free will are nothing more than the coming together of nerve cells.
C: The model states that conscious experiences are similar to brain activity.
D: The model states that unconscious processes are being fought for access
get to the limited capacity of the memory.
4.4 What is the idea of the multiple drafts model?
4.5a What does Dennett's 'myth of double transduction' theory entail?
4.5b Does this theory involve a Cartesian theater (CT)?
What do attention and timing more- 2383 reads
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