Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA


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Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 5

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) consists of several subtypes:

  • Primarily inattentive presentation
  • Primarily hyperactive-impulsive presentation.
  • Combined presentation.

Children younger than 17 years need six symptoms to receive a diagnosis whereas children older than 17 years only need five symptoms. Intellectual disability (1), communication disorders (2), autism spectrum disorders (3), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (4), specific learning disorder (5) and motor disorders (6) are included in the neurodevelopmental disorder section of the DSM-5.

There are several symptoms for the inattentive presentation:

  • Careless attention to details.
  • Problems sustaining attention over time.
  • The child does not appear to listen.
  • There is poor follow-through (e.g. schoolwork; homework; chores).
  • The child is poorly organized.
  • There is a poor ability to sustain mental attention (e.g. independent work at school).
  • The child loses necessary materials (e.g. assignment sheets).
  • The child is easily distracted.
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Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 3

The purpose of diagnosis is to classify the problem within the context of other known behavioural clusters or disorders for the purposes of being able to draw on clinical knowledge regarding potential aetiology, course and treatment alternatives. The purpose of assessment is to diagnose the nature of the problem to ensure that the most appropriate treatment can be selected.

There are three questions that need to be answered by the clinician after the assessment:

  1. What are the characteristics of the child’s problem?
  2. How should the problem be evaluated?
  3. What are appropriate intervention strategies?

The diagnostic method can be used to predict what types of measures might be selected. Classifying child disorders can be done by using the categorical classification system or the empirical/dimensional classification system.

The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM) and international classification of

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Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 2

Multifinality should be understood in terms of protective and risk factors. Similar stressors can lead to different results as a result of protective or risk factors.

In longitudinal studies, people are followed and measured for a long period of time (e.g. 15+ years). These studies provide useful results but are very costly and often have a lot of attrition. In accelerated longitudinal studies researchers study several age groups at the same time and follow these groups for the next few years. This is faster than a longitudinal study but protects against cohort effects of cross-sectional studies.

Cross-sectional research refers to studies looking at different age groups at the same time and measuring these groups at one point in time. This does not provide information regarding developmental pathways and there may be cohort effects.

There are risk and protective factors across several areas

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Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 1

Goddard established one of the largest training schools for the mentally disabled (i.e. extremely low IQ) but did much to harm the attitudes towards these people. There were several obstacles that prevented child psychopathology to become a unique discipline:

  1. The nature-nurture debate about the origins of a child’s problem.
  2. The shift in emphasis from treatment to identification (i.e. identified from an adult perspective).

Developmental psychopathology defines a system on human development as holistic (i.e. the whole child needs to be looked at) and hierarchical (i.e. moving toward increasing complexity). Recently, emphasis has been placed on finding protective and risk factors for the development of maladaptive behaviours in children.

To diagnose a child, information is necessary from several sources (e.g. school, home environment, sport team) to get a holistic image of this child. A case formulation refers to a hypothesis about why

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Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains all the articles needed for the course "Childhood: Clinical and School Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following articles:

  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 1 
  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 2 
  • Child and adolescent psychopathology by Wilmhurst (second edition) – Summary chapter 3 
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Spilt, van Lier, Leflot, Onghena, & Colpin (2014). Children’s social self-concept and internalizing problems: The influence of peers and teachers.” – Article summary

It is not clear what through what processes peer rejection lead to internalizing problems and how the teacher can be a protective factor in this. School-age children who experience difficulties in their relationships with peers are at increased risk for psychopathology. Social self-concept act as a mechanism through which peer rejection influences the development of internalizing problems.

The social self-concept refers to cognitive self-perceptions of one’s functioning in the social domain and this is negatively influenced by peer rejection. A poor self-concept is a cognitive vulnerability factor leading to the development of internalizing problems.

Teacher-student relationships are predictive of internalizing problems and self-perceptions. Supportive teacher-student relationships may compensate for the negative effect of peer rejection on children’s self-concept. This means that good teacher-student relationships could be a protective factor against the negative effect of peer rejection on one’s social self-concept.

Peer rejection predicts declines in

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Traub & Boynton-Jarrett (2017). Modifiable resilience factors to childhood adversity for clinical pediatric practice.” – Article summary

Early childhood adversity is common (i.e. 48% - 60%). Early life trauma impacts the developmental trajectory of children and health outcomes over the life course. No experiences with maltreatment and a non-depressed primary caregiver are associated with resilience. Adult health outcomes are influenced by the cumulative incidence of adverse life experiences. Differences in risk are influenced by chronicity (1), severity (2), contextual factors (3) an type of childhood traumas (4).

Resilience refers to good mental and physical health despite early adverse life events. This means that it includes a ability to withstand, adapt to and recover from adversities. It may buffer a child from adversity by reducing the impact of trauma (1), reducing negative chain reactions stemming from trauma (2) and it may enable opportunities for recovery (3).

Resilience results from the interplay between a child’s genetics (1), temperament (2), knowledge and skills (3), past experiences

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Susperreguy, Davis-Kean, Duckworth, & Chen (2018). Self-concept predicts academic achievement across level of the achievement distribution: domain specificity for math and reading.” – Article summary

Self-concept of ability refers to the perception of one’s capability to successfully perform on academic tasks. This may explain academic achievement. It is possible that young children successfully perform various academic skills which develops a positive view on those skills, making it more likely that they engage with these skills and become proficient in them. A positive perception of skill could be increased by peer comparison and positive feedback.

When a student feels competent, this sense of ability may enhance one’s self-concept, allowing the student to persist at and seek out activities that further influence academic achievement. This means that a positive self-perception of abilities may promote academic achievement.

Early math achievement predicts later math achievement even when controlling or child characteristics, background and demographic variables and early reading achievement also predicts later math achievement.

Self-concept of ability in math between the ages

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At its most basic, qualitative psychological research can be seen as involving the collection and analysis of non-numerical data through a psychological lens in order to provide rich descriptions and possibly explanations of peoples meaning-making, how they make sense of the world and how they exper...


The phases of DBT are:

  1. Severe behavioural dysfunction to behavioural control Goals: Less life-treatening behaviours, therapy interfering behaviours adn quality-of-life-interfering behaviours More behaviorual skills
  2. Quiet desperation to nonanguished emotional experiencing Goals: Les...

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DSM-5 voorbij! Hoofstuk 7 DSM-isatie van de GGZ DSM-specialisatie GGZ als een vorm van verkokering De toenemende nadruk op de diagnosen van de DSM is de psychiatrie gaan verkokeren en opgesplitst in subspecialisaties, zo’n beetje op het niveau van de hoofstukken van de DSM. Dit geld ook voor ...



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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

  • VSPA is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Amsterdam.
  • VSPA organizes study-related and social activities.

Summaries and study assistance & JoHo WorldSupporter

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UvA Methodologiewinkel Wiki

Hulp nodig bij Statistiek en Onderzoeksmethoden? Check out de Methodologiewinkel van de Universiteit van Amsterdam! Op deze wiki vind je informatie over de statistische aspecten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Deze wiki is gemaakt door researchmaster studenten van de opleiding psychologie. Zij hebbe...


The three most important elements of Bayesian statistics are:

  • The Prior: the relative plausibility of hypothesis, before seeing the data
  • Likelihood: the predictive updating factor
  • The Posterior: the relative plausibility of hypothesis, after seeing the data

For ...


De stadia van een slecht nieuws gesprek zijn:

  1. Voorbereiding
  2. Mededelen slecht nieuws Eerst aftasten wat de cliënt wilt en weet en daarna stapsgewijs brengen.
  3. Stoom afblazen en ruimte bieden voor emoties Hier is het belangrijk niet te snel over te stappen op de volgende...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into ...


What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need in the second year of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into so-called bundles, whic...

Spotlight organizations

Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

  • VSPA is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Amsterdam.
  • VSPA organizes study-related and social activities.

Summaries and study assistance & JoHo WorldSupporter

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