Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Attitudes & Attitude Change by Maio et al.

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Attitudes & Attitude Change by Maio et al.


Check summaries and supporting content in full:
What are attitudes and how are they measured? - Chapter 1 - Exclusive
What are the three "witches" of attitude? - Chapter 2 - Exclusive
What is the influence of attitudes on information processing and behavior? - Chapter 3 - Exclusive
How do attitudes influence behavior? - Chapter 4 - Exclusive
What are cognitive influences on attitudes? - Chapter 5 - Exclusive
What are the affective influences on attitudes? - Chapter 6 - Exclusive
What are the behavioral influences on attitudes? - Chapter 7 - Exclusive
What are basic principles of forming attitudes? - Chapter 8 - Exclusive
What is the influence of the physical state and body on attitudes? - Chapter 9 - Exclusive
What about the external world? - Chapter 10 - Exclusive
Why to have an eye to the future? - Chapter 11 - Exclusive





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