Travel to Lesotho to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

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  • Peri Peri Reizen

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Nelleke Priem en Kees Quist startten Peri Peri Reizen in 2011, na vakantiereizen en vrijwilligerswerk in diverse zuid-Afrikaanse landen
  • Nelleke kwam voor het eerst op het Afrikaanse continent in 2005, toen zij voor 3 ma...

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Lesotho

Samp & beans is a delicious meal that was cooked for us in Durban and in Lesotho. I personally adored it, even though it doesn't look really good. The taste, however, is fantastic!   

  1. 1 Mix and wash the samp and beans together.
  2. 2 Put them in a large pot with 5-6 cu...

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