Summaries and study services for Psychology at the University of Groningen - Year 2022-2023


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Summaries and study services for Psychology Bachelor 1 at the University of Groningen - Year 2022/2023

Introduction to psychology: Summaries, Exam Questions and Lecture Notes - B1 RUG - Study Bundle
Statistics 1B: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - RUG

Statistics 1B: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - RUG

  • This bundle contains Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams for the course Statistics 1B of Psychology Bachelor 1 at the University of Groningen.
  • For Dutch study materials, see the bundle for the course Statistiek 1B
  • For a complete overview of the summaries & study service offered by JoHo and the available printed summaries for this course, visit Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor RUG - Summaries and study assistance
A Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods: Summaries, Exam Questions and Lecture Notes - Psychology B1 RUG - Study Bundle
Summaries and study notes with the 9th edition of Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan - Bundle
Lecture notes for Social and Cross-Cultural Psychology at the University of Groningen - 2015/2016

Lecture notes for Social and Cross-Cultural Psychology at the University of Groningen - 2015/2016

Lecture 1: An introduction to Social Psychology

This course on social psychology provides a more in-depth look at topics that have been introduced in Introduction to Psychology and Psychology, History, and Application.

What is social psychology?

Social psychology seeks to understand the motivation behind people's behaviours in a social context. It aims to uncover the interactions between people in a given society and how and to what extent the environment (including other people) influences the actions of an individual. An official definition is thus: the study of people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people.

One example is the Bystander Effect, where in traumatic situations, many witnesses and bystanders do nothing to help the victim, while simultaneously holding the belief that they would. This occurs due to complex networks of relationships between the bystanders, resulting in a general non-response. In fact, the larger the number of bystanders, the less likely anybody is going to help. This is applicable in a number of situations.

The main reason for this effect is diffusion of responsibility - that is, the more people there are, the more helping the victim becomes a shared responsibility, and the less responsibility an individual feels towards helping in the situation. Another reason is the 'nothing has happened ' assumption. If no one is taking action, it is plausible to assume that nothing has actually happened, which may lead to fear of embarrassment for jumping in on a situation that did not need help in the first place.

In order to avoid the bystander effect, several measures can be taken, including assigning specific responsibilities to specific people, and making it clear that help is required.

An example of the application of social psychology is in the Earthquake issue in Groningen. Gas companies initially denied responsibility for these earthquakes and the problem has posed a huge problem to the government, as reparation costs would be a toll on government income. This made for a good study on collective injustice, which falls under the realm of social psychology. When people perceive that they are being treated unjustly and that they have the power to change something, they tend to take action in the form of protests. In the case of the Groningen Earthquakes, however, very few more

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Summaries and study services for Psychology Bachelor 2 at the University of Groningen - Year 2022/2023

Clinical Psychology: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - UG

Clinical Psychology: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - UG

Theory of Science: Summaries, lecture notes and practice exams - RUG
Summaries 2022-2023 - Groningen University, psychology, bachelor 2
Psychologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG B2 - Studiebundel

Psychologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG B2 - Studiebundel


In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, oefententamens en collegeaantekeningen gedeeld voor het vak Statistiek II voor de opleiding Psychologie, jaar 2, aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Voor een compleet overzicht van de door JoHo aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp en de beschikbare geprinte samenvattingen voor dit vak ga je naar de Samenvattingen Shop Psychologie B2 - RUG op

Summaries and study services for Psychology Bachelor 3 at the University of Groningen - Year 2022/2023

Gerontology: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - RUG

Gerontology: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - RUG

  • This bundle contains Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams for the course Gerontology of Psychology Bachelor 3 at the University of Groningen.
  • For a complete overview of the summaries & study service offered by JoHo and the available printed summaries for this course, visit Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor RUG - Summaries and study assistance
Cognitive Neuroscience: Summaries, lecture notes and practice exams - RUG
Interpersonal Relations: Summaries, lecture notes and practice exams - RUG
Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

  • In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, collegeaantekeningen en oefententamens gedeeld voor het vak Ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs voor de opleiding Psychologie, jaar 3 aan de RUG
  • Voor een compleet overzicht van de door JoHo aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp en de beschikbare geprinte samenvattingen voor dit vak ga je naar Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor RUG - Summaries and study assistance
Seksuologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

Seksuologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

  • In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, collegeaantekeningen en oefententamens gedeeld voor het vak Seksuologie voor de opleiding Psychologie, jaar 3 aan de RUG
  • Voor een compleet overzicht van de door JoHo aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp en de beschikbare geprinte samenvattingen voor dit vak ga je naar de Psychology: Groningen - Bachelor RUG - Summaries and study assistance
Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

  • In deze bundel worden o.a. samenvattingen, collegeaantekeningen en oefententamens gedeeld voor het vak Diagnostiek in de klinische psychologie voor de opleiding Psychologie, jaar 3 aan de RUG
  • Voor een compleet overzicht van de door JoHo aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp en de beschikbare geprinte samenvattingen voor jouw studie ga je naar de Samenvattingen Shop Psychologie - RUG - jaar 3 op
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