Module 7 and 8 summaries and study notes: Psychology Bachelor 2 University of Twente 22/23 - Bundle


Module 7 and 8 summaries and study notes: Psychology Bachelor 2 University of Twente

  • Psychological & professional skills
  • Summaries and study notes Psychology Bachelor 2
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Summary of the Book Psychological Communication (H. van der Molen, G. Lang, P. Trower & R. Look, 2nd edition, 2020)

Summary of the Book Psychological Communication (H. van der Molen, G. Lang, P. Trower & R. Look, 2nd edition, 2020)

Here, there are all the summaries of the chapters of the book Psychological Communication, by H. van der Molen, G. Lang, P. Trower & R. Look. It's the 2nd edition, done in 2020.

Hope you enjoy!


“…each observer gains a partial superiority of insights from the peculiar position in which he stands.” (William James, 1899)

Chapter 1: Intro

1.1 Purpose and Structure

  • Part I: processes involved in counselling
    • Chapter 2&5: theory underlying counselling, nature of effective helping-skills based on theories
    • Chapter 2: philosophy for working with people on their personal problems
    • Chapter 3: client-centred therapy
  • Part II: detailed description of concrete skills needed to help a person
    • Chapter 6: nature and function of the basic skills needed to conduct a counselling interview
    • Chapter 7: more complect skills that build on those mentioned in Chapter 6
    • Chapter 8: process of working out solutions to problems and implementing them
  • Good helping: have a goal in mind, able to modify approach towards client at various stages of the process. It is not enough to know what we want to achieve in counselling, we must also have the skills to bring I about in practice


Chapter 2: The Helper’s Basic Attitude

2.1 Intro:

  • Helper stand: personal choice, influenced by helper’s own ideas and beliefs as to how people should behave towards each other

2.2 Typical Attitudes of Friends and Relatives:

  • Michael displays uncertainty when communicating message to friend (unsatisfaction with his studies) --> unsure whether they should bother somebody with their problems --> possible friend reaction --> reassurance, encouragement, well-meant advice, clear and direct more
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Summaries and study notes with Psychology Bachelor 2 University of Twente 22/23 - Bundle

Module 7 and 8 summaries and study notes: Psychology Bachelor 2 University of Twente 22/23 - Bundle
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