Introduction to cognitive psychology

In this magazine, the useful summary for the first year psychology course cognitive psychology is bundled.

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Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M (first edition) - a summary

Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M (first edition) - a summary

This is a summary of Cognitive psychology by Gilhooly & Lyddy. This book is about how cognition works and theories about cognitive psychology. The book is used in the first year of the study of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

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Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M (first edition) - a summary

Introduction - summary of chapter 1 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Introduction - summary of chapter 1 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 1


Cognitive psychology is concerned with how the mind represents and uses information about the outside world.
The study how humans (and other animals)

  • Acquire information
  • Store information in memory
  • Retrieve information
  • Work with information to reach goals

In all these cases we are dealing with mental representations.

Information is taken in through perceiving what is attended to, and is stored initially in short-term or working memory.
Then selected items are retained in long-term memory through learning processes and form knowledge that can be represented in a variety of ways.

Later, stored information may be retrieved if it has been retained, or it may turn out to be forgotten.
Perceived and recalled information shapes skilled actions on the environment and enters into problems solving, reasoning and decision processes.
Information can be shared with others via language and frequently involves an emotional aspect.

History and approaches

Mnemonics: a learning device used to aid memory.

  • The method of loci. → Relies on associating a visual image with the object to be remembered, and placing these images in a familiar location or along a familiar route.
  • The keyword method → used when learning a foreign language vocabulary. The learner makes an association between the unfamiliar word and a familiar word in the native language that sound like the unfamiliar word. The use of an interactive visual image underlies the mnemonic effect. Imagery can be a useful mnemonic device.
  • The phonetic number system (or major system) → commonly used by memory experts, increases memory capacity of numbers. This system converts numbers into constant sounds, which can then be made into words, and potentially viewed as mental images.

Spatial learning are of particular importance for such techniques.
Mnemonic techniques allow us to create associations between unrelated pieces of information. But they are less likely to help us complete meaningful task specific memory tasks.


Empiricist held that all knowledge came from experience and that ideas and memories were linked by associations. Closeness in space as well as in time fosters associations also.


Wundt tried to analyze normal perceptions into simpler sensations which combined to give the perception.


This approach abandoned the attempt to look inside the mind and took only observable behavior and stimuli as its data. This approach essentially aimed to be a psychology without reference to internal cognitive processes. The focus was on learning and particularly about how behavioral responses could be predicted form knowing the history of rewards and punishments following behavior in response to particular stimuli.

Mental maps: mental representations of a spatial layout.

Information processing: the cognitive more
Perception - summary of chapter 2 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Perception - summary of chapter 2 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology 
Chapter 2


Perception is our sensory experience of the world.
The set of processes that organize sensory experience into an understanding of our surrounding world.

Gives insight of who properties of the physical world are transformed into our mental wold and informs our understanding of behaviors like navigation and recognition.

Perception is standing in the continuum between sensation (where physical energy is transformed into brain signals) and cognition (where mental representations of the world and our goals are used to reason and plan behavior.
How physical properties of the world are represented mentally.

Perceptual information is essential to inform us about our surroundings and guide our interactions with the physical and social world.
Visual illusions provide clear evidence that our perceptual systems do not always faithfully represent the physical world.

Somatic perception: perception of the body through touch and sensing the orientation of limbs in space.

Fundamental concepts

From physical world to perceptual representation

The essential problem of perception is that the physical world is ‘out there’ and our mental word is inside our head.

Describes why even for the best sensory organs perception cannot typically guarantee a faithful representation of the physical world.

There are fundamental ways that information is lost in the sensory encoding of the physical world.


The fidelity of our mental representations of the physical world cannot wholly depend upon the incoming information. It must depend upon the ability of perceptual processes to use assumptions about the structure of the world to analyze incoming sensory information in a way that we can overcome the inverse problem to build plausible interpretations of what is out there.

Our perceptual systems have evolved effective principles to overcome theoretical limitations to the processing of perceptual information.

Principles and theories of perception

To tackle the inverse problem, we focus on how best to characterize the flow of information in the fully developed perceptual system and what principles might be at work or organize this information.

The flow of information: bottom-up and top-down processing

A fundamental distinction in perceptual processing is whether we achieve and understanding of the world through bottom-up or top-down mechanisms.
Bottom-up: the original sensory input is transformed in an uninterrupted cascade of transformations feeding forward the information, one transformation following the other until the final representation is obtained.

Also known as data-driven processing.
Characterized by perceptual mechanisms that can independently create increasingly complex representations.

Top-down processing.
Involves connections between the higher levels and the more
Attention and consciousness - summary of chapter 3 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Attention and consciousness - summary of chapter 3 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 3
Attention and consciousness

Attention and consciousness have the idea of selection in common.
We attend to particular aspects of information hitting our senses and seem consciously aware of only a limited view of the world at any one time.


Attention is a limited resource that is deployed to facilitate the processing of critical information.

External attention: selecting and controlling incoming sensory information (like features, objects, spatial locations, sensory modality and time points).
Internal attention: selecting control strategies and maintaining internally generated information. It involves regulating our internal mental life so we can achieve our goals (like task rules, responses, long-term memory and working memory).

The attention system: can be seen as independent from processing systems and it utilizes a network of anatomical areas that carry out functions that are specified in cognitive terms.
Three basic components:

  • Alerting
  • Orienting (type of external attention)
  • Executive function (type of internal attention)


  • The alerting system is comprised of brain areas in the brainstem and frontal cortex that are responsible for achieving a state of arousal.
  • The orienting system includes brain areas in frontal and partial cortex that direct our processing resources to incoming information and includes areas such as the frontal eye fields that are involved with rapid strategic control of attention.

This orienting system is external attention since it has the function of orienting our sensory processing to incoming information.
The frontal eye fields are found in the frontal cortex and are involved with the generation and control of eye movements.

  • The executive system includes the anterior cingulate cortex, regions along the medial frontal cortex, parietal cortex and additional regions in frontal cortex.
    The executive system is related to internal attention since it is critical for control of starting tasks and sustained maintenance of performing a task.

The altering system is a kind of ‘on’ switch that organizes our behavior for when a event might occur.
The orienting and executive systems on the other hand are important for organizing our behavior in response to what is happening in the world and what we should be doing.

Early theories of attention

The cocktail party problem: describes how we successfully focus on one speaker in a background of noise and other conversations.
But, our ability to tune into one speaker can be broken by certain sounds.

Filter theory

A filter is used to block irrelevant information so that only the important message would reach a central channel for further processing.
To goal is to get the important information on a piece of wire (information attention should select to put out the wire) so it can more
Sensory, short-term and working memory - summary of chapter 4 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Sensory, short-term and working memory - summary of chapter 4 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology 
Chapter 4
Sensory, short-term and working memory


  • Encoding: the function by which information is coded in a form that allows it to be stored in memory.
  • Storage: the function by which information is retained in memory
  • Retrieval: the function by which information is recollected as needed.

Distinction between:

  • Short-term memory (STM): the store where information is temporarily held in an accessible state.
  • Long-term memory (LTM): the system where information is held for longer periods, and can be accessed when needed.

Recollection: the act of recalling something to mind. Used by LTM
STM allows a small amount of information to be held in mind, so that it is immediately accessible and can be used.

Working memory (WM) refers to memory that allows us to manipulate active information. There is considerable overlap between the terms short-term memory and working memory.

Before a piece of information enters short-term memory, its sensory aspects are stored temporarily in a very short-lived store called sensory memory.
Sensory memory: a temporary sensory register that allows input from the sensory modalities to be prolonged.

Sensory memory

The sensor memory stores allow input from the sensory modalities (vision, hearing, etc.) to be prolonged briefly in order for us to process relevant aspects of that input.
It is essentially a temporary sensory register, of large capacity, by which fades rapidly.

Models of sensory memory assume a number of modality-specific sub-stores dealing with different types of input.

Sensory memory consists of a number of modality-specific stores.

  • Iconic memory: visual stimuli
  • Echoic memory: auditory stimuli
  • Haptic sensory memory: touch-related stimuli.
  • The sensory store prolongs sensory information so that we an attend to important parts of it. Aspects that are not attended to fade away.

Iconic memory

Iconic store is the sensory memory store for visual stimuli.
The spatial advantage disappears after a delay of about half a second.

There is a brief memory of a visual image, which is potentially very large in capacity but which rapidly fades away. Thus iconic memory.

Iconic memory allows visual input to be prolonged, which means that our visual experience is not an exact reflection of reality.
This allows us to see a series of still images as moving picture sequences in motion pictures and animation.

Echoic memory

Echoic memory is sensory memory for heard information.
A large initial memory of auditory information which decayed rapidly.

The echoic store provides an acoustic register, allowing auditory presented information to be prolonged so that some aspects of the input can be retained later. more
Long-term memory - summary of chapter 5 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Long-term memory - summary of chapter 5 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 5
Long-term memory

Three important aspects of long-term memory processes:

  • Long-term memory processes are not disturbed throughout the brain. Damage to particular areas within the temporal lobes will cause profound long-term memory loss. Particular brain regions are responsible for long-term memory function.
  • Long-term memory encompasses a number of different abilities and some learning may be possible after damage to the system.
  • memory is separable form language, perceptual and other cognitive functions.

Memory and amnesia

Amnesia revers to the amnesic syndrome. A pattern of memory loss characterized by impaired long-term memory and spared short-term memory.
General characteristics:

  • Short-term memory is intact
  • Memory for language, and concepts is largely intact.
  • There is a severe and lasting anterograde amnesia (memory for events after the onset of the amnesia will be impaired).
  • There will be a retrograde amnesia, of variable extend. The patient will have loss of memory for events prior tot the onset of amnesia.
  • Skill learning, conditioning and priming will be unaffected. The patient will also be able to engage in skills acquired prior to the onset of amnesia.

Ribot’s law:
Recently formed memories are more susceptible to impairment that are older memories.
Wechsler Memory scale: a widely used neurocognitive assessment that measures visual memory, auditory memory and working memory.

Causes of amnesia include effects of brain surgery., infections, head injuries or stroke, conditions such as Korsakoff’s syndrome, and injury.

Korsakoff’s syndrome: brain dame related to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. It generally occurs following prolonged alcohol abuse in per-disposed individuals. It is associated with damage to the thalamic, mamillary body and frontal brain areas.

In patients with amnesia, language and concepts are generally intact. The person can answer a question and can understand what a particular object is, and what it does.
However, most of our knowledge about the world and about language is laid down early in life.

One of the problems with testing patients with amnesia is being sure that the information was stored in memory in the first place.

Long-term potentiation (LTP): a mechanism that is inferred from animal models. LTP is a long-lasting increase in the strength of synapses that occurs with repeated stimulation.
Long-term depression (LTD) or depotentiation: a weakening of synapses.

The structure of LTM

There are different kinds of LTM.

When we call something in mind, we are using short-term memory, but all of the memories that we have, whether we are currently thinking of them or not, are stored in LTM. more
Learning and forgetting - summary of chapter 6 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Learning and forgetting - summary of chapter 6 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 6
Learning and forgetting

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge which can be retrieved to help us meet our goals.
Encoding, storage and retrieval are the three main stages involved in learning and in remembering.

Learning: encoding, storage and retrieval

The first step in learning new information is to encode that information in an internal representation in working memory.
The internal representation then needs to be processed further to develop a memory trace (a mental representation of stored information) or record in long-term memory.

Processes, such as rehearsal in which the basic representation is repeated, are presumed to strengthen the trace.
Which meaningful materials, other processes of encoding can elaborate the traces and link the traces to already stored information.

Levels of processing

Levels of processing: a theory that better learning results form deeper semantic processing which produces stronger, more elaborate memory traces that superficial level processing.
Learning needs to be intentional.
Incidental learning could be strong if the material is processed deeply.
Incidental learning: learning which takes place without any intention to learn. Learning is a by-product of attending to the material


Various strategies of encoding can enhance memory performance markedly.
Such strategies to boost memory are known as mnemonics.

One key mnemonic principle is categorization. Grouping of items into familiar categories. Items grouped or organized into categories will be better recalled than unorganized lists of items.
If words are drawn from a few categories, participants tend to recall them in groups or clusters by category.

Hierarchically structured categorizations are particular beneficial for retention.

Use of images in encoding is an important aspect of many mnemonics. Us as:

  • The method of loci
    A strategy in which a familiar route is imagined and images of the items to be recalled are linked to landmarks on the route. Works best when the images are seen as interacting.
  • The method of interacting images
    Vivid and bizarre images are formed of the items to be recalled, interacting in some way
  • The pegword method
    To be recalled items are linked by imagery to an already learned sequence list of imaginable words.
    Highly imaginable nouns linked by rhymes to the number sequence.

Dual-coding hypothesis:
Concrete words can be coded in two different ways, in a verbal code and in an imagery code.

Abstract words can only easily be coded in one way, verbal. Concrete words have two internal codes an two ways of being remembered.

Encoding specificity

The encoding specificity principle: if the context at recall more
Concepts and knowledge representation - summary of chapter 7 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Concepts and knowledge representation - summary of chapter 7 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology 
Chapter 7
Concepts and knowledge representation


Concepts: mental representations of classes of items.
When we treat distinct objects as the same as other distinct objects.
To represent all the distinct object that make up the categories concerned.

Dealing in concepts rather than in distinct individual objects is clearly an efficient way to work and emerges as an inevitable result of who the brain responds to stimulation, in that similar stimuli evoke similar activation patterns and by association will arouse similar memories and action tendencies.

Concepts allow us to organize information in long-term semantic memory very efficiently into hierarchical structures.

Overall, our long-term knowledge about the world is based on concepts and relations among concepts. Also, representations of current situations are in terms of concepts.

All higher-level mental concepts involves imagining possible actions in terms of concepts.

Visual images convey information as to what an object looks like and the image associated with a concept would seem likely to be important in using that concept.

Imagery: the mental representations of sensory properties of objects, experienced as like perceiving the object but with less vividness than in reality.

Theories of conceptual representation

Despite the pervasive role of concepts in cognition, there is no universal agreement on the best way of define concepts in a whole.

Definitional approach

Some concepts are well defined and clear black and white definitions can be given.
Well-defined concepts are the essence of formal subjects such as mathematics and are sought throughout sciences.
Concepts are typically formed from combinations of features that are themselves concepts. Each of these requires its own definition and within a given legal system each would have its own clear criteria.

Many and perhaps most everyday concepts are not so well defined and exhibit a degree of fuzziness. The lack of definitions can have important real life consequences.

Since most concepts that we work with in everyday life are not well defined, a major part of this area of study concerns alternative ways in which ill-defined concepts might be represented and used.

Prototype approaches

Introducing prototypes

Everyday categories have members that vary markedly in how typical they are.
If all concepts were purely definitional and well defined then all examples would be equally representative and decisions about category membership would be clear cut. But over many everyday categories, people reliably judges some examples as more typical of the category than others.

A number of aspects of performance with concepts are affected by typicality (the extend to which an object is representative of more
Motor control and action - summary of chapter 8 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Motor control and action - summary of chapter 8 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 8
Motor control and action

How our body achieves our goals.
The description of motor control and action in three parts:

  • How we use our motor system (the components of the central and peripheral nervous system along with the muscles, joints and bones that enable movement) to produce movement. No matter the motor activity, it is being coordinated by the nervous system and implemented by muscles.
  • Strives to understand how units of motor behavior can be strung together.
  • How the motor system interconnects with other psychological functions

Motor control

How body movements are planned by the brain and performed by the body.

Movement between targets could be described with a two-component process of motor control.

  • The impulse phase initiated the movement and was planned in advance of the start.
    In essence the brain would calculate in advance what limbs to move and how they should move and this plan in the from of a motor command would be sent from the brain out to the body.
  • A control phase where vision is key to controlling the accuracy of the final endpoint position.

Degrees of freedom: of a joint are the number of ways it can move.
When performing a task, the joints do not need to all move in all possible ways.

This provides us with great versatility in performing actions in changing situations.

The computational problem of how to plan a movement out of the multitude of alternatives.
(Like the inverse problem in vision 3D → 2D)

Given all the possible factors for achieving a goal, we can see that the motor planning system is controlled with a difficult task to plan what body parts will move with what motion.
The effortlessness in with we act to achieve our goal shows that our brain has worked out an efficient strategy for producing movements.

Theories of movement planning

Three approaches:

  • Equilibrium point hypothesis
    A theory of motor control that emphasizes how the problem of control can be simplified by taking into account muscle properties.
    Emphasizes the special relationship between the brain and the muscles.
    Muscles exert different forces depending on how much they are stretched.
    Any stable posture requires the setting of various control parameters for muscle activation to achieve stability.
    Moving from one posture to another can be achieved by simply resetting these parameters so that the spring-like properties of the muscle move you into the next posture.
    This planning exploits the spring-like properties of the muscles to simplify what the brain must control to more
Problem solving - summary of chapter 9 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Problem solving - summary of chapter 9 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 9
Problem solving

Problem: a situation in which you have a goal but do not know how to achieve it.
Thinking: a process of mental exploration of possible actions and states of the world.

Problems and problem types

Problems can be said to arise when a person or animal has a goal but does not have an immediately available way of reaching the goal.
Problems can be classified in terms of a few broad characteristics:

  • Degree of definition
  • Whether an adversary is involved or not
  • Whether extensive knowledge is needed or not.
  • Whether the time scale of the problem is long or short.

There are a number of ways we classify problems based on these characteristics which help us to group different types of problems together for understanding and research.

  • Well defined
    A problem in which starting conditions, actions available and goals are all completely specified
  • Ill-defined
    A problem in which starting conditions, or actions available or goals are not completely specified.

We then determine whether specialized knowledge is required to solve a problem. Making them:

  • Knowledge rich
    Problems that require extensive specialist knowledge
  • Knowledge lean
    Do not require specialist knowledge

Finally, we consider whether the type of problem involves a rational opponent.
Problems can be classified as:

  • Non-adversary
    Problems in which the solver is dealing with inert problem materials with no rational opponent
  • Adversary problems
    Problems in which the solver has to deal with a rational opponent (as in board games)

Some problems are large scale and require months or years of effort.
Some are small scale and can be tackled within minutes.

Brief history and background

Gestalt approach

Problem solving as much like perceiving a new pattern in an ambiguous drawing.
The key process was one of changing the way the problem was seen, in other words restructuring the way the problem was perceived.

Changing how one represents a problem.

Insight: a restructuring of a problem that makes the solution obvious and understandable.

No trial and error.

Barriers to insight

Two important barriers to insight

  • Set
    A tendency to persist with one approach to a problem
  • Functional fixity
    A difficulty in thinking of a novel use for a familiar object

Information processing approach

inspired by more
Decision making - summary of chapter 10 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Decision making - summary of chapter 10 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 10
Decision making

Decision making is the cognitive process of choosing between alternative possible actions.

Normative approaches: attempt to establish ideal ways of deciding that will give the best decision possible.
Descriptive approaches: aim toe describe how decisions are actually taken as against who they should be made.

Decision problems differ in a number of ways:

  • Risk: there is a probability that one of the options could lead to negative outcomes for the decision maker.
  • Riskless: choices where the outcomes of the choices are known with certainty.
  • Object variability
  • Single-attribute: decision problem involve alternatives that vary in only one dimension.
  • Multi-attitude: decision task in which the alternatives vary in many dimensions or aspects.

Expected value: the long-term average value of a repeated decision which is determined by the probability and size of the outcome.

Expected value theory

People should act to maximize the expected value of choices.

The expected value of a risky choice is the average result you would get if you repeated the actions many times over.

The expected value approach is an optimal way to deal with risky decisions in which we can put a money value on the possible outcomes and can say exactly what the probabilities of the possible outcomes are.

But the expected value approach does not fit people’s behavior in real life.

Risk aversion: avoiding risky choices even when a higher expected value than riskless alternatives.
Risk seeking: a preference for risky choices even when riskless alternatives of higher value are available.

Utility: the subjective value of an option
Subjective probability: how likely a person believes an outcome to be irrespective of the objective probability.

Utility and prospect theory

Prospect theory
Prospect theory: a decision theory stressing relative gains and losses.

Deals with how people choose among gambles and importantly extended the utility plot into the area of losses.
Decisions about monetary gambles are about gains and losses relative to one’s current wealth.
Losses of any kind are weighted disproportionately to gains of the same amount.
Loss aversion: there is a greater dislike of losing utility than liking for gaining the same degree of utility.
Endowment effect: a tendency to over-value a possessed object and to require more money to more
Reasoning - summary of chapter 11 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Reasoning - summary of chapter 11 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 11

Reasoning: the cognitive process of deriving new information from old information.
People who can correctly derive new information by reasoning do well on tests of general ability or intelligence and in turn do better in education and in the occupational world.

Deductive reasoning

Deductive: drawing logically necessary conclusions from given information.
Inductive: the process of inferring probable conclusions from given information.

In deductive tasks, people are required to determine what conclusions, if any, must follow when they are given statements that are assumed to be true.
Premises: statements assumed to be true from which conclusions are drawn.

Valid arguments: those in which the conclusions must be true if the permisses are true.

Deductive reasoning is of two types:

  • Propositional reasoning: reasoning about statements connected by logical relations such as ‘and’ ‘or’ ‘not’ ‘if’
  • Syllogistic reasoning: reasoning about groups/ sets using statements connected by logical relations of ‘some’, ‘none’, ‘all’, ‘some not’

Propositional reasoning

Propositional logic is a set of rules devised by logicians which enable valid arguments to be developed.

Inference rules: rules for reaching a conclusion given a particular pattern of propositions, e.g. modus pones, which states that given ‘if p then q’ and ‘not q’ we can infer ‘not p’.
Can be used to derive correct conclusions from patterns of propositions, such that different patterns trigger different inference rules.

Three examples:

  • Modus pones.
    If p then q. p → q
  • Modus tollens
    If p then q. not q → not p
  • Double negation
    Not p → not q

Two main mistakes or fallacies when arguing from conditionals:

  • Affirming the consequent:
  • Denying the antecedent

Suppression effects

It has been suggested that what are usually classes as fallacies in conditional reasoning could result from misinterpretations of the premises.
The importance of premise interpretation and how surrounding context can affect interpretations ans so influence reasoning.

Mental logic approaches

People have mental logic rules that they can apply to solving reasoning problems.
People generally have available a set of mental inference rules (or schema’s in their terminology) that permit direct inferences when the schema conditions are met.

The schema typically match some rules of logic but may not include others.
The mental rules/schemas may also include fallacious inferences, such as denying the antecedent. Thus, schemas may or may not match the formal inference rules.
Schemas can take the form of ‘premises→ conclusion’.

Ratings of problem difficulty would depend on the length of the problem in words and on the difficulty of more
Language production - summary of chapter 12 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Language production - summary of chapter 12 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 12
Language production

Syntax: to rules governing the ways words can be combined to create meaningful sentences.
Content words: words that provide meaning to the sentence; these contrast with function words which do the grammatical work of the sentence.
Language production: a number of processes by which we convert a thought into language output, in the form of speech, sign language or writing.
Social cognition: the ways in which people make sense of themselves and of others in order to function effectively in a social world.


Refers to


The level of meaning in language


The rules by which words are combined to make meaningful sentences


The rules by which words are constructed and modified


The sound units withing a language

Conceptually driven or top-down processes reflect the influence of higher order cognitive processes such as thought, beliefs and expectations.

Language and communication

Communication: any means by which information is shared.

Language has been particularly important for human evolution because it promotes social bond and social interaction and because it provides an effective means of persuading others.

Two ways in which we can use language to communicate:

  • Writing
    Involves converting thoughts or speech to print.
    Plays a vital role in language survival, by allowing a record of the language to be retained across generations.
  • Speech
    A feature of human cognition for tens of thousands of years, and without a parallel in the animal kingdom.

People also communicate non-verbally. Non-language vocalizations an convey information, and gestures can supplement or substitute for spoken language.
Gesture is so closely tied to human language that we continue to gesture even when we cannot be seen.

Subtler non-verbal signals such as body language and tone of voice also communicate to others.

Language universals

Mental lexicon: our store of knowledge about words and their uses.

Languages vary in number and type of sounds used, in basic word order, in the size of their vocabularies and in their rules for sentence construction.
However, all languages are capable of expressing complex and new ideas. Non are primitive. The expression of complex ideas is evident in all languages and in all human groups.

Linguistic universals: linguistic features said to be found in all languages.
All languages: more
Language comprehension - summary of chapter 13 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Language comprehension - summary of chapter 13 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 13
Language comprehension

How we understand speech and written language.
Understanding requires accessing semantic information and appreciating the meaning of words, the intention of the utterance, and sometimes the non-literal meaning.
The objective is to understand what is being communicate.

At lower levels the processes involved in speech perception (the process by which we convert a stream of speech into individual words and sentences) and visual word differ markedly.

  • Speech presents us with a virtually continuous signal of sound from which we must decipher words, phrases sentences and meaning.
  • Speech is a rapidly decaying signal and is often encountered in less than optimal conditions.
  • Speech is not simply a string of precise phonemes. Sounds blend into each other and are affected by previous and subsequent sounds within utterances, as well as factors specific to the speaker.

Speech processing is a fast, accurate and automatic process. Once we have acquired language, we readily understand a spoken utterance.
The speed with which the task is achieved does not reflect the complexity of the process.

Word recognition is the starting point for language comprehension and understanding language is the key of much of higher cognition.

Understanding speech

Prosody: the rhythm, intonation and stress patterns in speech.
Aspects of an utterance’s sound that are not specific to the words themselves.

While we perceive a sequence of words within the stream of speech, the speech signal itself is not produced as discrete units.
There are few clear boundaries between words in spontaneous speech and sounds blend together as they are produced so that phonemes differ as a function of the other sounds used.

  • Words in speech are not presented as distinct units as occurs when we reader-b-

The speech sounds produced by a single speaker vary with context.
There are further differenced when we consider: individual differences, differences in accent, and changes over time.
Factors such as speech rate, the speakers age and sex, as well as the amount and type of background noise affect the acoustic form of a spoken word.
The sounds we produce change with age and they change as societies change.

A speaker may produce as many as 150 words per minute, with each word spoken in, on average 400 milliseconds.
When someone is speaking quickly, this rate can double.
Speech occurs at a rate of 10-15 phonemes per second, and can be understood at rates as fast as 50 phonemes per second for artificially speeded speech.
Syllables are produced every 200-400 milliseconds.
Recognition more
Cognition and emotion - summary of chapter 14 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M

Cognition and emotion - summary of chapter 14 of Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M


Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 14
Cognition and emotion

Skin conductance response: (or galvanic skin response GSR) reflects changes in the skin’s ability to conduct electricity in the presence of an emotion-eliciting stimulus.

What is an emotion?

Emotion: a number of mental states including anger, joy and disgust.
Relatively short-lived and associated with an eliciting event, be it an environmental trigger or a thought.

Four key features that distinguish the emotions form other affective states:

  • Emotions are bounded episodes elicited when an event occurs that is of relevance to an organism’s need, goals or well-being. Relevance is determined by an appraisal of the event on a number of criteria, including novelty, pleasantness and its motivational value.
  • Emotions prepare the organism to act so as to deal with an event.
  • Emotions affect most or all bodily systems such that their functioning can be synchronizes for an effective purpose.
  • Emotions establish control precedence over behavior, so that actions can be prioritized.

Emotions provide us with essential feedback on the execution of our plans relative to our goals, and allow us to detect, and work to reduce, discrepancies between actual and expected value.

An emotion has a clear onset and a somewhat fuzzy offset.
Emotions tend to be intense, and short-lived, preparing us to act.

Moods can be caused by emotions and can be the after-effects of an emotional reaction.

Particular regions of the brain might be linked with particular emotions.
Amygdala: an almond shaped set of structures located in the medial temporal lobe. Linked to fear.

Limbic system: consist of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala, and other structures.
Insula: an area hidden within the folds of the cortex, with connections to the cingulate, amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex, implicated in aspects of emotion, cognition and action. Linked to disgust.
The anterior cingulated cortex is linked to sadness.
Orbitofrontal cortex is linked with anger.

Default network: a network of brain regions that is active when a person is not focused on the external environment.
Salience network: involved in monitoring the external and internal environments to allow detection of salient stimuli.

The cognitive view of emotions is that they have important immediate and long-term functions that allow us to adapt to a changing environment.

Core emotions

Emotions are associated with distinctive facial expressions and gestures.
Display rules: social conventions governing how, when and with whom emotions may be expressed.

There is evidence for a basic set of emotional expressions that is largely consistent across cultures.
These arguably correspond to a set of basic or core emotions. more
Introduction to cognitive psychology

Year 1 of psychology at the uva

Introduction to psychology
Introduction to developmental psychology
Introduction to organisational psychology
Introduction to social psychology
Introduction to cognitive psychology
Introduction to clinical psychology
Test theory and practice
Samenvatting Statistics: The arts of learning from data (Agresti, 2009)

Samenvatting Statistics: The arts of learning from data (Agresti, 2009)


Voor veel psychologiestudenten is het vak statistiek beangstigend. Wat moet je met al die getallen en cijfertjes en hoe zitten alle formules in elkaar? Deze samenvatting zal zo goed mogelijk proberen statistiek op een duidelijke manier uit te leggen. Er zitten veel voorbeelden in die het wiskundige probleem proberen te verduidelijken. Deze samenvatting is echter geen wondermiddel. Het is vooral erg verstandig om veel te oefenen en aanwezig te zijn bij de colleges.

Voordat je aan deze samenvatting gaat beginnen toch enkele tips voor het werken met statistiek:

  • Wil niet altijd precies weten en begrijpen hoe een formule tot stand is gekomen. Soms is het van belang aan te nemen dat slimme wis- en natuurkundigen dit hebben verzonnen. Voor jullie is het belangrijk om er vooral mee te kunnen werken. Raak dus niet in paniek als je iets niet geheel snapt, maar probeer te kijken wat je wel begrijpt en probeer daarmee te werken.
  • Weet je een antwoord niet, sla de vraag dan tijdelijk over. Vaak komt het voor dat je tijdens het tentamen opeens op het antwoord komt of de manier waarop het berekend moet worden.
  • Het antwoord is altijd te vinden in de tekst; er wordt niet zomaar wat cijfers bij gegoocheld om het antwoord te vinden.
  • Lees dus goed, vaak wordt over belangrijke informatie heen gelezen.

Statistiek is dus niet om van in paniek te raken, maar zonder studeren wordt het wel erg moeilijk. Hopelijk maakt dit overzicht statistiek voor jullie wat duidelijker.



Hoofdstuk 1 Data

Statistiek is de wetenschap die informatie uit verschillende studies en onderzoeken analyseert. Deze informatie wordt data genoemd. Op een objectieve manier worden onderzoeksvragen onderzocht en geanalyseerd. Na de analyse van data kunnen conclusies en voorspellingen gedaan worden.

De drie statistische processen die het meeste voorkomen:

  1. Design: het plannen en onderzoeken van een studie. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan hoe relevante data verkregen moeten worden. Dit wordt meestal met behulp van samples (steekproeven) uit een populatie gedaan. Een populatie duidt niet op de gehele wereldbevolking. Het kan ook duiden op bijvoorbeeld alle scholen van Nederland of alle voetbalclubs in Noord-Holland.
  2. Descriptief: Het opsommen en uitvinden van patronen in een data sample. Dit wordt gedaan met behulp van grafieken en tabellen of op een beschrijvende manier, zoals het weergeven van gemiddelden en percentages.
  3. Gevolgtrekking (inference): besluiten en voorspellingen maken over de hele populatie
  4. more
Psychology at the uva
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