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ExamTests (100 questions and answers) with A History of Modern Psychology by Goodwin


Question 1

What did Eysenck find in his study of therapy effectiveness?

  1. Therapy was effective if the therapist had certain skills—the type of therapy did not matter
  2. Although neither therapy fared well, Freudian psychoanalysis was found to be more effective than eclectic therapy
  3. Improvement was actually better without therapy than with either Freudian or eclectic therapy
  4. The only therapy found to be better than the absence of therapy was “eclectic” therapy

Question 2

Which of the following is true about Neisser’s book Cognitive Psychology?

  1. It emphasized research that had ecological validity
  2. Because it was published when behaviorism was strong, it required an entire chapter to defend its existence
  3. The title of the book gave the movement (toward increased study of cognitive variables) a name
  4. Its central concept was the TOTE unit

Question 3

In his employee selection work, Münsterberg:

  1. Used a simulation procedure in his work for the New England Telephone Company
  2. Identified a number of specific tasks related to performance in his work with “motormen”
  3. Both used a simulation procedure in his work for the New England Telephone Company and identified a number of specific tasks related to performance in his work with “motormen”
  4. None of these

Question 4

Which of the following is inappropriately paired?

  1. Gilbreth—ergonomics
  2. Bingham—forensic psychology
  3. Münsterberg—simulations for employee selection
  4. Hollingworth—caffeine research

Question 5

Concerning the phi phenomenon, with which of the following statements would Wertheimer agree?

  1. The phenomenon cannot be analyzed into constituent elements
  2. Understanding it requires using the Helmholtz concept of an unconscious inference
  3. When observing the phenomenon, our eyes move, and it is these eye movements that provide the key to understanding the phenomenon
  4. It is an illusory phenomenon; we don’t really perceive motion, we just think we do

Question 6

Which of the following is not described as a trend in modern psychology?

  1. Increased interest in brain and behavior
  2. A return of evolutionary thinking
  3. Increased professionalization of practitioners
  4. An increased rejection of the importance of genetic influence

Question 7

In the Lake of Constance story, as the rider was on the way to the inn, what was the behavioral environment?

  1. He (believed he) was riding across an open plain
  2. He was riding on a frozen lake
  3. The fact that the inn was not really getting larger as he approached it; it just seemed that way
  4. The fact that he drowned before he got to the other side of the lake

Question 8

In order for insight to occur, according to Köhler, the individual

  1. Must be able to see all the elements of the problem situation
  2. Must have a large enough brain—at least at the level of a primate brain
  3. Must systematically try out all possible solutions
  4. Must see the solution being achieved by some other individual

Question 9

In Duncker’s candle problem, subjects sometimes fail to see that the box of tacks could also be used as a platform. The concept that best describes this failure is

  1. Zeigarnik effect
  2. Von Restorff effect
  3. Gestaltqualitat
  4. Functional fixedness

Question 10

According to Bluma Zeigarnik, what happens when we fail to complete some task?

  1. Embarrassed by our failure, we immediately repress it
  2. It can be said that we have achieved “closure”
  3. A “quasi-need” to complete the task will persist over a period of time
  4. We won’t recall it as well as a completed task

Question 11

According to the 19th century positivist ideas of Auguste Comte,

  1. The ability to control nature is evidence that nature has been understood
  2. Truth ultimately lies in metaphysical analysis
  3. We can never be sure of the reality of anything
  4. Psychology should be the study of consciousness, not the study of behavior

Question 12

After conditioning, a CS produces a CR. But if the CS is then presented repeatedly without the UCS, the CR diminishes. Pavlov called this process

  1. Extinction
  2. Differentiation
  3. Generalization
  4. Forgetting

Question 13

If a dog is salivating to a 60 cps tone, but not to a 70 cps tone, what has probably happened?

  1. Extinction
  2. Spontaneous recovery
  3. Experimental neurosis
  4. Differentiation

Question 14

How was Pavlov treated by the Soviet Union?

  1. His work was supported financially because it was consistent with the Soviet vision
  2. He was treated with suspicion and temporarily jailed because of his criticisms of the Soviets
  3. He was tolerated for a while, but his criticisms eventually led to his deportation to Great Britain
  4. Because of Pavlov’s enthusiastic public support for the revolution, he was a hero to the Soviets

Question 15

According to Watson and Carr, how do animals learn mazes?

  1. Kinesthetic responses are conditioned to the stimuli of the maze paths
  2. They rely on their sense of vision
  3. They don’t have to learn—maze running is innate for them
  4. They rely on a combination of their sense of vision, smell, and touch (from their whiskers)

Question 16

In the Little Albert study, Watson and Rayner investigated all of the following except

  1. Fear acquisition
  2. Extinction of the fear
  3. Generalization of fear
  4. Persistence of fear (over time)

Question 17

In the 1930s, Jewish psychologists were stereotyped, with the stereotype including all of the following labels except

  1. Overly defensive
  2. Clannish
  3. Shrewd and calculating
  4. Cooperative

Question 18

Why was logical positivism attractive to American experimental psychologists?

  1. It provided a means to study unobservable entities and still remain “scientific”
  2. It enabled researchers to avoid having to take unobservable entities into account in their theorizing
  3. Researchers like facts, not theory, and this movement enabled them to avoid theory
  4. It provided a way to reintroduce introspection into psychology, but to do it scientifically

Question 19

Which of the following is inappropriately paired?

  1. Hull—hypothetico-deductive system
  2. Skinner—intervening variable
  3. Tolman—cognitive map
  4. Bridgman—operational definition

Question 20

According to Tolman’s system,

  1. Intervening variables are to be avoided
  2. Logical positivism and operationism have harmed psychology
  3. Before being able to understand molar behavior, psychology must understand molecular behavior
  4. Behavior is goal-oriented or purposive

Question 21

What did Hull and Tolman have in common?

  1. They both rejected the idea of focusing on molecular behavior
  2. They both investigated hypnosis and its effects
  3. They both included intervening variables in their systems
  4. They both believed that reinforcement was essential in order for learning to occur

Question 22

Hull’s famous postulate #4 proposed that habit strength increases

  1. Only if drive state is very low
  2. Only if primary reinforcers are used; secondary reinforcers don’t work
  3. Simply as a result of practice; reinforcement isn’t important
  4. As a function of the number of reinforced trials

Question 23

Which of the following best summarizes Skinner’s ideas about operant conditioning?

  1. A stimulus paired with a response will, on recurrence, tend to elicit that response again
  2. Learning results from the gradual construction of cognitive maps
  3. Behaviors producing positive consequences tend to recur
  4. Learning occurs through the repeated pairing of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli

Question 24

Which of the following is true about the IQ Zoo?

  1. The Brelands found out that reinforcement was powerful enough to produce the conditioning of any kind of behavior in any species
  2. It demonstrated that some animals were instinctively smarter than others
  3. It showed that classical (Pavlovian) conditioning had greater application than operant (Skinnerian) conditioning
  4. The Brelands found that there were biological limitations on what could be conditioned

Question 25

What did Pinel’s approach to the treatment of the mentally ill have in common with William Tuke’s approach?

  1. Both involved seeking cures through bloodletting
  2. In both cases, physically restraining patients was eliminated completely
  3. Both tried to change behavior by using rewards and punishments
  4. Both based their ideas on Quaker philosophy and therefore sought to cure mental illness through religious conversion

Question 26

The Kirkbride design for asylums included

  1. Keeping asylums close to major populations centers, because most of the insane came from cities
  2. Eliminating individual rooms – patients kept in large wards to facilitate resocialization
  3. A “shallow V” design, so all rooms could have decent views
  4. Mixing male and female patients together

Question 27

What was the basic strategy used by Dorothea Dix to bring about reform?

  1. She would spend time in mental institutions pretending to be a patient, then write about her about her experiences
  2. She relied heavily on photographic evidence
  3. She would carefully tour an institution, then write a detailed exposé of conditions there
  4. As a former mental patient herself, she was able to describe the squalid conditions from a firsthand perspective

Question 28

Which of the following is true about the history of hypnosis?

  1. Mesmer believed that mental illness resulted from a misalignment of magnetic forces within the person
  2. Hypnotism has successfully cured psychological disorders (e.g., hysteria), but has failed in medical situations (e.g., surgery)
  3. Hypnosis is the same as sleepwalking (physiologically)
  4. Mesmerism relies on the power of suggestion, but hypnotism does not

Question 29

According to the traditional psychoanalytic view of hysteria,

  1. People suffering from it cannot be helped without undergoing hypnosis
  2. The main problem for hysterics is that they are being influenced by the repressed memory of some earlier traumatic event
  3. The symptoms can only be relieved if the person can be made to forget the precipitating event
  4. It occurs only in males

Question 30

What did Freud believe to be true about dreams?

  1. The real meaning of a dream is to be found in the latent content
  2. The manifest content of dreams reflects our repressed wishes and desires directly
  3. Dreams are random mental images that could mean just about anything
  4. We never actually dream; we just think we do

Question 31

Which of the following is true about Freud’s followers?

  1. Both Adler and Jung broke with Freud over the issue of sexual motivation
  2. Of the original members of Freud’s group, only Adler remained loyal over the years
  3. Jung was the most creative of Freud’s followers, developing the concepts of the collective unconscious and the inferiority complex
  4. Surprisingly, one of the first of Freud’s followers to desert him was his own daughter, Anna

Question 32

The most universal and common defense mechanism, according to Freud, is

  1. Projection
  2. Reaction formation
  3. Transference
  4. Repression

Question 33

Which of the following is true about shell shock?

  1. It resulted from physical damage to the nervous system, the result of exploding artillery shells
  2. It was most effectively treated by delivering electric shocks to soldiers suffering from it
  3. Myers argued that it resulted from the repression of the horrific memories of traumatic warfare
  4. In the vast majority of cases, soldiers showing shell shock symptoms were faking them to avoid duty

Question 34

Lightner Witmer

  1. Coined the term “school psychology”
  2. Was trained as a Freudian psychoanalyst but eventually rejected Freud’s emphasis on the unconscious
  3. Was a Wundtian PhD but developed part of his lab into American psychology’s first clinic
  4. Was an industrial psychologist best known for his Hawthorne studies

Question 35

According to Stern’s formulation, a 5-year-old with a mental age of 4 would have an IQ of

  1. 80
  2. 40
  3. 125
  4. 100

Question 36

Systematic desensitization is based on the principle that

  1. Relaxation responses were innate and just needed to be recognized by those with anxiety disorders
  2. Relaxation responses could be conditioned to replace fear responses
  3. The causes of phobic disorders are buried in the unconscious
  4. Medication is better than “talk” therapy when it comes to anxiety disorder

Question 37

Humanistic psychologists argued that

  1. Our past shapes our present and future
  2. Self-actualization results from insight into the unconscious
  3. It is important to recognize that we are responsible for our behavior
  4. All of these

Question 38

With which of the following statements would Carl Rogers agree?

  1. Successful therapy requires that the clinician dig deeply into the client’s unconscious
  2. Scientific methods can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy
  3. Ultimately, the only thing that matters in therapy is that people change their behavior
  4. The therapist must take an active role in guiding the client

Question 39

Boulder model is to Vail model as

  1. Clinical psychology is to counseling psychology
  2. Therapy is to research
  3. PsyD is to PhD
  4. Science emphasis is to practice emphasis

Question 40

The Hawthorne studies

  1. Were methodologically flawless, which is very hard to accomplish in a non-lab environment
  2. Helped support unionizing movements
  3. Suggested that physical factors (e.g. lighting) were more important to productivity than human factors
  4. Helped establish the human relations movement in industry

Question 41

What did Bartlett and Piaget have in common?

  1. They were both interested in cognitive development
  2. They were both interested in cultural influences on memory
  3. They both used the term schema and they used in similar ways
  4. They were both prominent in America during the heyday of behaviorism

Question 42

In his “War of the Ghosts” study, Bartlett

  1. Replicated the Ebbinghaus finding about the rate of forgetting with the passage of time
  2. Used himself as the only subject (in the Ebbinghaus tradition)
  3. Found that recall was influenced by the culture-bound schemata of his subjects
  4. Used the method of serial recall—one person read the story, told it to a second person, who told it to a third person, and so on through a half dozen people

Question 43

Leahey argued that the concept of a cognitive revolution

  1. Would not have occurred to anyone without the timely appearance of Kuhn’s paradigm book
  2. Is a useful way to summarize a historic trend
  3. Is valid, as is the earlier behaviorist revolution
  4. Implies a sudden change, which occurred in the early 1950s when behaviorism essentially disappeared

Question 44

Which of the following subtests would you expect to find on the Army Alpha test?

  1. Mazes
  2. Synonym-antonym
  3. Picture completion
  4. Cube analysis

Question 45

Leon Festinger is best known for

  1. The development of the theory of cognitive dissonance
  2. Writing social psychology’s first textbook
  3. Developing a research program that rejected the use of deception in research
  4. All of these

Question 46

Which of the following is an example of an idiographic strategy?

  1. Festinger’s research that was designed to support dissonance theory
  2. Miller’s study of STM limits
  3. Allport’s Letters from Jenny study
  4. Milgram’s obedience studies

Question 47

All of the following are associated with Gordon Allport except

  1. Advocated the case study as a method
  2. Believed the “trait” was the central unit of personality
  3. Doctoral research not well received by Titchener’s group
  4. Advocated an approach to personality assessment in the psychoanalytic tradition

Question 48

Which of the following is true about the presence of women in experimental psychology?

  1. After Titchener’s death, women started playing a major role in the reorganized Society of Experimental Psychologists
  2. Until the 1990s, few women were elected into membership in the Society of Experimental Psychologists
  3. Starting with the pioneering work of Calkins, Washburn, and Ladd-Franklin, women have always been a major force in experimental psychology
  4. Since the Society of Experimental Psychologists was reorganized, Eleanor Gibson has been the only woman ever elected to it

Question 49

Watson’s “dozen infants” quote is a good illustration of his belief in the importance of

  1. Individual differences in children
  2. Natural instincts
  3. The environment in shaping behavior
  4. The irrational side of us (i.e., the unconscious)

Question 50

Which of the following is appropriately paired?

  1. Köhler—article called “Perception: An Introduction to Gestalt-Theorie”
  2. Koffka—applied gestalt thinking to developmental psychology
  3. Lewin—studied problem solving in apes
  4. Wertheimer—applied gestalt principles to social psychology

Question 51

Why did phrenology fail as legitimate science?

  1. it was wrong about localization (the brain acts as a whole; there are no localized functions)
  2. by explaining all possible outcomes, the theory failed the test of disproof
  3. it didn’t propose a large enough number of faculties
  4. it never caught on with the general public

Question 52

In Külpe’s Würzburg lab, Marbe did a study in which subjects compared weights. His introspectors found that at the moment when the judgment was made, all of the following were experienced except

  1. Hesitation
  2. Images
  3. Doubts
  4. Searching

Question 53

According to Descartes,

  1. Mind and body interact at a place in the body that is not duplicated anywhere else, namely, in the area of the heart
  2. Animals are pure machines; humans have bodies that are machines, but they also have rational minds
  3. The sensory and motor components of the reflex occur in two different sets of nerves
  4. The ideas of self and God are learned through the experiences of early childhood

Question 54

What did Terman and Goddard have in common?

  1. They both conducted studies of gifted children
  2. They collaborated on revising the Binet IQ scales, producing the Terman-Goddard scale
  3. They both emphasized the influence of environmental factors in shaping intelligence
  4. They were both committed to fight the growing threat of the eugenics movement

Question 55

Berkeley’s philosophy has come to be called “subjective idealism” or immaterialism. He believed that

  1. All knowledge is innate but dormant; we have to use our reason to get at the knowledge
  2. The uncertainty of the physical world meant that God probably didn’t exist
  3. Our belief in the existence of the external world depends on our perception of it
  4. We learn mostly through experience, but visual phenomena like depth perception are innate

Question 56

James Mill’s model of the mind (exemplified by the quote about complex and duplex ideas in houses) could be described as _____; his son’s model was more of _______.

  1. Traditional empiricism; a rationalist system
  2. Mental chemistry; a mental mechanics
  3. Mental mechanics; a mental chemistry
  4. Rationalism; an empiricist system

Question 57

Suppose you hypothesize that having a flower garden reduces stress. Using Mill’s method of agreement, you would hope to find that

  1. Everyone with a garden has low stress levels
  2. Everyone without a garden has high stress levels
  3. Both everyone with a garden has low stress levels and everyone without a garden has high stress levels
  4. None of these

Question 58

The French philosopher Leibniz argued that

  1. Animals are true “empirics” (blank slate at birth)
  2. The human mind is more like veined marble than a blank slate, with the veins representing our innate predispositions
  3. Both animals are true “empirics” (blank slate at birth) and the human mind is more like veined marble than a blank slate, with the veins representing our innate predispositions
  4. None of these

Question 59

According to Robert Whytt,

  1. Voluntary actions are under the control of the spinal cord
  2. Habits are actions that start as voluntary, but eventually become more like reflexes
  3. Without an intact brain, reflexes cannot occur
  4. The spinal cord’s dorsal root controls sensory processes

Question 60

Goddard believed that Deborah Kallikak

  1. Was mentally “slow” but could have her IQ raised to well above normal at Vineland as a result of training
  2. Was the eventual outcome of an ancestor’s “casual intimacy” with a “feebleminded” barmaid
  3. Demonstrated that intelligence was the result of one’s environment
  4. Was the exception that proved the rule—a moron who was descended from the “good” side of the Kallikak line

Question 61

Helmholtz is known for

  1. Advocating vitalism
  2. Showing that nerve impulses moved at the speed of light
  3. Arguing that different sound frequencies were associated with different cochlear locations
  4. Arguing for an opponent process theory of color vision

Question 62

Chapter 2 opens with the Ebbinghaus quote about psychology having a short past but a long history. What did Ebbinghaus mean?

  1. He meant that it was important for psychology to break completely with philosophy in order to become scientific
  2. He meant that the issues of interest to psychologists could be traced to ancient times
  3. He meant that psychology really has a lengthy history, but most people don’t remember any of it so they believe that psychology has just a short history
  4. He meant that most psychologists don’t appreciate the importance of studying psychology’s history

Question 63

Phrenologists believed all of the following except

  1. Functions are localized very precisely within the brain
  2. Everyone has a different set of faculties
  3. There are individual differences in the strengths of various faculties
  4. The strength of faculties can be inferred from skull shape

Question 64

Broca is to Wernicke as _____ is to _____.

  1. Clinical method; electrical stimulation
  2. Electrical stimulation; clinical method
  3. Sensory aphasia; motor aphasia
  4. Motor aphasia; sensory aphasia

Question 65

Hearing tests, which present sequences of tones that steadily decrease in loudness, are using a method closest to which of the following developed by Fechner?

  1. Adjustment
  2. Limits
  3. Constant stimuli
  4. Fractionation

Question 66

Wundt is considered the founder of experimental psychology because he

  1. Was the first to be doing experimental research on psychological phenomena
  2. Established the most popular laboratory in Europe
  3. Explicitly set out to identify and establish a “new” science
  4. Wrote the first book that dealt with research topics of interest to psychologists

Question 67

How did Wundt propose to study immediate conscious experience?

  1. Through the use of a form of introspection that he called internal perception
  2. Through the use of a form of introspection that he called self observation
  3. Through the use of inductive observational techniques and case study
  4. By avoiding introspection completely and relying on physiological measures

Question 68

If discrimination reaction time takes .30 seconds and simple reaction time takes .21 seconds, then

  1. The mental event of discrimination takes .09 seconds
  2. The mental event of discrimination takes .51 seconds
  3. The sensory component has taken .21 seconds and the motor component has taken .09 seconds
  4. An imageless thought has occurred during the lost .09 seconds

Question 69

Wundt’s influence has been reevaluated recently, in part because of his psychology has shifted interests in the late 20th century. In particular, Wundt’s research was similar to the work completed by modern-day ______ psychologists.

  1. Physiological
  2. Social
  3. Cognitive
  4. Behavioral

Question 70

Why did Ebbinghaus use CVCs in his research?

  1. He was trying to examine the how associations were initially created
  2. He wanted simple materials that he could learn more quickly than prose
  3. He was only interested in short-term memory, not long-term memory
  4. There was no way he could measure recall if he used meaningful materials

Question 71

All of the following are associated with G. E. Müller except

  1. Helped invent the memory drum
  2. With Pilzecker, studied retroactive inhibition
  3. Made the initial discovery of imageless thought
  4. Most of his work involved replicating and (significantly) extending the work of others

Question 72

On the mind-body question, Descartes believed that

  1. Mind and body were two aspects of the same essence
  2. Mind and body were two distinct, noninteracting essences
  3. Mind and body were two distinct essences that interacted directly with each other
  4. Mind could be reduced to body (i.e., brain) - thus, he rejected dualism

Question 73

According to Lyell’s uniformitarian view of geology,

  1. The earth was not more than 5 or 6 thousand years old
  2. The earth is in a general steady state, but occasionally undergoes very large changes
  3. Geologic change is slow and occurs steadily through such forces as erosion
  4. The Biblical account of the earth’s formation is correct (Darwin set out to disprove Lyell’s idea)

Question 74

Darwin took the concept of there being a struggle for existence from

  1. Lyell’s work on geology
  2. Malthus’s work on population
  3. His observations of pigeon breeders
  4. His cousin’s (i.e., Galton’s) research on mental testing

Question 75

According to Darwin,

  1. In the struggle for existence, only the physically strong survive
  2. Generally speaking, the food supply grows faster than the population for a given species
  3. Variations within a species that are “adaptive” are “naturally” selected for survival
  4. There is a lot of variation from one species to another, but variation within a species is virtually nonexistent

Question 76

Darwin believed that emotional expressions evolved from behaviors that once aided survival. He referred to this as the principle of

  1. The struggle for existence
  2. Antithesis
  3. Survival of the fittest
  4. Serviceable associated habits

Question 77

Which of the following was true about Romanes’ work on animal psychology?

  1. Because he relied on introspection, he failed to notice just how remarkable the mental capacities of animals were
  2. He believed that dogs learned to open gates as a result of trial and error learning
  3. His conclusions were overly anthropomorphic
  4. His conclusions were consistent with Lloyd Morgan’s canon

Question 78

Lloyd Morgan believed that

  1. It was never appropriate to attribute mental processes to animals
  2. Very simple animals cannot think, but advanced animals (e.g., dogs) can use reason to figure out such things as how to open gates
  3. Scorpions could experience despair and commit suicide
  4. Different species of animals reach a level of mental complexity just sufficient for them to survive

Question 79

Galton believed that society should take deliberate steps to promote “good breeding.” That is, he advocated

  1. Remedial schools for the poor
  2. A program of eugenics
  3. A social welfare system
  4. Equal treatment for men and women

Question 80

On his word association test, Galton found that

  1. He tended to produce completely different associations each time he went through the list
  2. He could rule out the existence of anything like an “unconscious”
  3. When he went through his word list repeatedly, the same associations tended to occur to the same words
  4. His responses tended to be the same as the other people he studied

Question 81

Prior to William James, what was true about psychology in America?

  1. It didn’t really exist
  2. It was based entirely on the Wundtian model
  3. It was modeled on faculty psychology
  4. It was taught as part of the biology curriculum

Question 82

Which of the following is true about Upham’s Elements of Mental Philosophy?

  1. It was based on faculty psychology
  2. It included information about the new experimental psychology found in Germany
  3. It proclaimed that psychology was an empirical science
  4. It deliberately avoided any discussion of morality

Question 83

The concept of the women’s sphere included the idea that

  1. Women, although treated unfairly in the nineteenth century, had abilities equal to those of a man
  2. Women could only be free of elderly parent caring if they had an older brother in the home
  3. Women were considered to be intellectually incapacitated once a month
  4. Women were thought to have a wider range of abilities than men

Question 84

According to William James’s philosophy,

  1. Materialism is the most reasonable belief for an educated person to hold
  2. First, you must establish the absolute truth of some proposition by using reason and logic; then you can decide if it is useful (or “pragmatic”)
  3. A proposition can be considered to be true if it is in some way useful for the individual in adapting to the environment
  4. Any position contending that truth is relative cannot be true

Question 85

In the Principles, James defined psychology as

  1. The study of immediate conscious experience
  2. The scientific study of observable human behavior
  3. The science of mental life
  4. The study of human faculties

Question 86

All of the following are associated with G. Stanley Hall except

  1. Founded and became first president of APA
  2. Created American Journal of Psychology, America’s first psychology journal
  3. Became first American student to earn a doctorate at Leipzig with Wundt
  4. Was first president of Clark University

Question 87

In her research on memory, Calkins investigated frequency, vividness, primacy, and recency. All enhanced memory, but which was the most critical factor, according to her results?

  1. Frequency
  2. Vividness
  3. Primacy
  4. Recency

Question 88

My reputation is based primarily on my ability as a textbook writer. My Elements of Physiological Psychology, which appeared in 1887, was the first detailed description of the new Wundtian laboratory psychology in the English language. I spent most of my career at Yale. Who am I?

  1. James Mark Baldwin
  2. William James
  3. G. Stanley Hall
  4. George Trumbull Ladd

Question 89

According to Titchener, in his 1898 paper on “The Postulates of a Structural Psychology,” structuralism is analogous to the study of

  1. Anatomy
  2. Physiology
  3. Both anatomy and physiology
  4. Physics

Question 90

In Titchener’s Manuals,

  1. Introspection was an important part of the qualitative experiments
  2. The experiment using the olfactometer was an example of a quantitative experiment
  3. A study examining just noticeable differences would be an example of a qualitative experiment
  4. The instructor’s manuals were not very detailed, a major weakness

Question 91

Which of the following was true of Titchener’s version of introspection?

  1. There had to be special rules of introspection for children
  2. To give a description of immediate experience was to commit the stimulus error, a problem that invalidated an introspection
  3. Introspections could only be completed by those who had received extensive training
  4. It was virtually identical to the procedures used by Wundt

Question 92

John Dewey’s reflex arc paper,

  1. Clearly identified (and named) functionalism as a school and denounced structuralism
  2. Argued for an understanding of reflexes as they help the organism adjust to the world
  3. Argued that reflex arcs could be reduced to simple stimuli and responses
  4. Provided strong support for Titchener’s vision of psychology

Question 93

What did Thorndike conclude from his puzzle box research?

  1. He rejected the concept of trial and error learning as simplistic
  2. Cats are capable of learning by imitation (i.e., by watching other cats escape)
  3. Because they were unable to escape from the boxes despite repeated tries, the cats could not be considered to have “consciousness” or “rationality”
  4. Cats initially behaved randomly, but eventually used only the behaviors that worked for escape

Question 94

The conflict between Mills and Thorndike was in essence an argument over whether

  1. The laboratory was the best place to study animal behavior
  2. Animals can be said to show thinking and reasoning powers
  3. Introspective analysis was appropriate for comparative psychology
  4. Structuralism or functionalism should be the dominant school of psychology

Question 95

In the so-called Columbia bible, Woodworth

  1. Associated dependent variables with experimental research and independent variables with correlational research
  2. Distinguished between experimental (causal) and correlational (non-causal) methods
  3. Rejected the concept of transfer
  4. Emphasized the importance of correlational techniques and downplayed experimental methods

Question 96

Concerning motivation, Woodworth

  1. Rejected an S-O-R formulation in favor of the more parsimonious S-R model
  2. Believed that human behavior could not be fully understood without studying motivation
  3. Believed that because motives were personal, they could not be studied scientifically
  4. None of these—it was Thorndike, not Woodworth, who was interested in motivation

Question 97

Binet called his psychology an “individual” psychology because

  1. He believed that psychology should focus on how individuals differ from each other
  2. He preferred to study people one at a time (i.e., individually)
  3. He thought psychology would advance by identifying “individual” laws of behavior that would apply to everyone to varying degrees
  4. None of these—it was Cattell who called his psychology individual psychology

Question 98

According to Binet and Simon, a débile was

  1. A child scoring at a mental level two years below actual age
  2. The type of child least capable (of the feebleminded) of being educated
  3. A child whose mental level was the equivalent of actual age
  4. Any child with an IQ greater than 120 (i.e., these were gifted children)

Question 99

What is the Bell-Magendie law?

  1. The spinal cord controls voluntary movement, while the brain controls involuntary movement
  2. The brain controls voluntary movement, while the spinal cord controls involuntary movement
  3. The posterior root controls sensation, while the anterior root controls motion
  4. The posterior root controls motion, while the anterior root controls sensation

Question 100

John Locke was the first major British Empiricist. He is associated with all of the following ideas except

  1. The only important principles of association are spatial and temporal contiguity
  2. The only reality we can be sure of is our perception
  3. There are two sources of ideas: sensation and reflection
  4. The mind at birth is like a white paper

Answer key

Question 1


Question 2


Question 3


Question 4


Question 5


Question 6


Question 7


Question 8


Question 9


Question 10


Question 11


Question 12


Question 13


Question 14


Question 15


Question 16


Question 17


Question 18


Question 19


Question 20


Question 21


Question 22


Question 23


Question 24


Question 25


Question 26


Question 27


Question 28


Question 29


Question 30


Question 31


Question 32


Question 33


Question 34


Question 35


Question 36


Question 37


Question 38


Question 39


Question 40


Question 41


Question 42


Question 43


Question 44


Question 45


Question 46


Question 47


Question 48


Question 49


Question 50


Question 51


Question 52


Question 53


Question 54


Question 55


Question 56


Question 57


Question 58


Question 59


Question 60


Question 61


Question 62


Question 63


Question 64


Question 65


Question 66


Question 67


Question 68


Question 69


Question 70


Question 71


Question 72


Question 73


Question 74


Question 75


Question 76


Question 77


Question 78


Question 79


Question 80


Question 81


Question 82


Question 83


Question 84


Question 85


Question 86


Question 87


Question 88


Question 89


Question 90


Question 91


Question 92


Question 93


Question 94


Question 95


Question 96


Question 97


Question 98


Question 99


Question 100


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