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Examtests with the 14th edition of Understanding Human Sexuality by Hyde & Delamater

How can we put sexuality in perspective? - ExamTests 1


Question 1

What is a problem with a lot of contemporary sex research?

  1. It confuses the terms gender and sex.

  2. It is based on the gender binary; one is either male or female.

  3. The definition of sex is not clear.

  4. The exchange of information about sex is taboo in many societies

Question 2

What did Freud describe in the very first book about theoretical perspectives on sexual activity?

  1. The cultural background of sex.

  2. Myths about hetero- and homosexuality.

  3. He reported the first large-scale survey towards sex.

  4. The biological mechanisms involved in sexual behavior.

Question 3

What does the concept of cultivation entail?

  1. The fact that ideas and norms about sex are dependent on culture.

  2. The fact that the media draw attention to certain topics and attitudes towards sex, and not to others.

  3. The fact that people use the media to gain knowledge about sex.

  4. The fact that people are exposed to information about sexual behavior in the media leading to the idea that this information resembles reality.

Question 4

What is true about homosexuality?

  1. It is forbidden in some cultures.

  2. It is promoted in some cultures.

  3. It is in no culture the most prevalent form of relationship.

  4. All of the above.

Question 5

What applies to all cultures when we consider the norms of attractiveness?

  1. A pale skin color is considered attractive in nearly all cultures.

  2. A pale skin color is considered unattractive in nearly all cultures.

  3. It does not influence the choice for a sexual partner

  4. There are no conformities among cultures.

Question 6

What attitude applies to the Latinx culture?

  1. Machismo is important for males and females.

  2. Marianismo is important for males and females.

  3. Machismo is important for only males.

  4. Marianismo is important for only males.

Question 7

What is a point of criticism considering generalizing culturally-based sexual norms?

  1. It is based on a gender binary.

  2. It overgeneralizes and does not consider individual differences.

  3. It does not consider religious and economical attitudes.

  4. It does not consider the fact that many people nowadays are biracial or multiracial.

Question 8

What is the sexual health perspective?

  1. It is a political and social movement directed towards sexual health.

  2. It is a political and social movement directed towards sexual rights.

  3. It is a political and social movement directed towards sexual health and sexual rights.

  4. It is a political and social movements directed towards sexual education.

Answer indication

  1. B. It is based on the gender binary; one is either male or female.

  2. A. The cultural background of sex.

  3. D. The fact that people are exposed to information about sexual behavior in the media leading to the idea that this information resembles reality.

  4. D. All of the above.

  5. B. A pale skin color is considered unattractive in nearly all cultures.

  6. C. Machismo is important for only males.

  7. D. It does not consider the fact that many people nowadays are biracial or multiracial.

  8. C. It is a political and social movement directed towards sexual health and sexual rights.

What are the theoretical pespectives on sexuality? - ExamTests 2


Question 1

Sociobiology is defined as the application of ... biology to understanding the behavior of animals, including humans.

  1. Normative.

  2. Quantum.

  3. Evolutionary.

  4. Sociocultural.

Question 2

Which of the following is true of sociobiology?

  1. It creates a framework within which the economic stratification of society can be studied.

  2. It is based on the assumption that human sexuality is the result of culture alone.

  3. It tries to explain why certain patterns of sexual behavior have evolved in humans.

  4. It assumes that people are entirely free and responsible for developing their potential.

Question 3

... is a specific type of selection identified by Darwin that creates differences between males and females

  1. Sexual selection.

  2. Ecological selection.

  3. Individual selection.

  4. Survival selection.

Question 4

Which of the following is a criticism of sociobiology?

  1. It includes the survival of the group in its analysis.

  2. It does not consider the mating preferences of females.

  3. It rests on an outmoded model of evolutionary theory.

  4. It fails to value the importance of reproduction in survival.

Question 5

Evolutionary psychology has been criticized because ...

  1. It believes that men and women are identical when it comes to their mating preferences.

  2. It does not give weight to the fact that emotional structures have evolved like human behavior.

  3. It allows for the fact that some traits displayed by humans may be simply "design flaws".

  4. It assumes that every characteristic that we observe must have some adaptive significance.

Question 6

According to the psychoanalytic theory, after the resolution of the Oedipus or Electra complex, children pass into a prolonged stage known as ...

  1. Cadency.

  2. Potency.

  3. The genital stage.

  4. Latency.

Question 7

From a scientific point of view, one of the major problems with psychoanalytic theory is that ...

  1. It is applicable to only women and not to men.

  2. Most of its concepts cannot be evaluated scientifically to see if they are accurate.

  3. It does not take the sexuality of children into account.

  4. It assumes that men are inferior to women, since they lack wombs.

Question 8

A woman with a vaginal infection repeatedly experiences pain during intercourse, leading her to eventually stop having intercourse. This is an example of:

  1. Classical conditioning.

  2. Operant conditioning.

  3. The Electra complex.

  4. Relative conditioning.

Question 9

In the context of the matching hypothesis, which of the following reflects the operation of matching?

  1. Unattractive people do not have partners.

  2. People at all levels of attractiveness find partners.

  3. People look for the most attractive mate.

  4. Attractiveness equals health and fertility.

Question 10

Social exchange theory has been criticized because ...

  1. It gives weight to concepts like altruism and martyrdom.

  2. It applies the concept of rewards and costs to romantic relationships.

  3. It does not take the equity of relationships into account.

  4. It applies only to men and not to women.

Question 11

A ... is defined as a general knowledge framework that a person has about a particular topic.

  1. Schema.

  2. Thanatos.

  3. Animus.

  4. Anime.

Question 12

Upon what evidence is gender-neutral evolutionary theory based?

  1. Mathematical modeling and proofs.

  2. Interviews and other field work.

  3. Archaeological evidence.

  4. There is no evidence: it is a speculative theory.

Question 13

Which of the following is true in queer theory?

  1. It assumes that heterosexuality is the only pattern of sexuality that is normal and natural in a society.

  2. It supports the gender binary that separates people into male and female.

  3. It argues that sexual identities are fixed for an individual.

  4. It argues that social norms privilege heterosexuality and marginalize other sexual orientations.

Question 14

Sexual scripts ...

  1. Do not shape the sexual behavior of people.

  2. Have no significant impact on people's sexual expression.

  3. Tell us the meaning we should attach to a particular sexual event.

  4. Suggests that human sexual behavior is unpredictable and spontaneous.

Answer indication

  1. C. Evolutionary.

  2. C. It tries to explain why certain patterns of sexual behavior have evolved in humans.

  3. A. Sexual selection.

  4. C. It rests on an outmoded model of evolutionary theory.

  5. D. It assumes that every characteristic that we observe must have some adaptive significance.

  6. D. Latency.

  7. B. Most of its concepts cannot be evaluated scientifically to see if they are accurate.

  8. B. Operant conditioning.

  9. B. People at all levels of attractiveness find partners.

  10. B. It applies the concept of rewards and costs to romantic relationships.

  11. A. Schema.

  12. A. Mathematical modeling and proofs.

  13. D. It argues that social norms privilege heterosexuality and marginalize other sexual orientations.

  14. C. Tell us the meaning we should attach to a particular sexual event.

What does the field of sex research entail? - ExamTests 3


Question 1

On what aspects do sexual research methods not differ:

  1. Whether they are conducted in a laboratory or natural setting.

  2. The method of measurement; self-report, observations or biological measures.

  3. Whether the behavior is manipulated or observed in a natural way.

  4. Whether males or females are studied.

Question 2

What is the correct order of the three stages of sampling?

  1. Determine the population, choosing a sampling method, contacting the people in the sample.

  2. Determine the population, contacting the people in the sample, choosing a sampling method.

  3. Choosing a sampling method, contacting the people in the sample, determine the population.

  4. Choosing a sampling method, determine the population, contacting the people in the sample.

Question 3

What is a problem with the Kinsey reports?

  1. It does not account for the reliability of the method that was used.

  2. It has low validity.

  3. It has a questionable sample, which makes generalizations difficult.

  4. Only males were used in the sample.

Question 4

What is not an advantage of web-based surveys?

  1. Larger samples can be used.

  2. It is a rather cheap method.

  3. It makes it easier to study taboo behavior.

  4. The researcher has control over the environment.

Question 5

The influence of mass media can be studied using ...

  1. Web-based surveys.

  2. Content analysis.

  3. A coding protocol.

  4. Intercoder reliability.

Question 6

The ... is the average score of all participants.

  1. Population mean.

  2. Mean.

  3. Median.

  4. Correlation.

Answer indication

  1. D. Whether males or females are studied.

  2. A. Determine the population, choosing a sampling method, contacting the people in the sample.

  3. C. It has a questionable sample, which makes generalizations difficult.

  4. D. The researcher has control over the environment.

  5. B. Content analysis.

  6. B. Mean.

What is the sexual anatomy? - ExamTests 4


Question 1

Which organ is not part of the female external organs?

  1. The clitoris.

  2. The inner lips.

  3. The vagina.

  4. The vaginal opening.

Question 2

What is not true about the hymen?

  1. It can be ruptured during the first time a female is penetrated.

  2. Some females are born without it.

  3. It is not a reliable sign of virginity.

  4. A woman without a hymen is not a virgin anymore.

Question 3

What is the function of the skene's glands (G-spot)?

  1. It can cause female orgasm.

  2. It can lead to female ejaculation.

  3. It serves to lubricate the vagina during intercourse.

  4. The function is not yet discovered.

Question 4

What is the most extreme form of female genital cutting?

  1. Clitoridectomy.

  2. Infibulation.

  3. The removal of the clitoris, inner- and outer lips.

  4. The removal of the clitoris and inner lips.

Question 5

What is an advantage of male circumcision?

  1. It improves the hygiene of the penis.

  2. Sexual pleasure becomes more intense.

  3. The chances of getting an HPV infection are reduced.

  4. There is no biological advantage.

Question 6

What is not a consequence for females who have had a surgical breast removal?

  1. The female hormones will experience dysregulation.

  2. Females can suffer from posttraumatic symptoms.

  3. Relationship tensions sometimes increase

  4. Females may suffer from depression and anxiety.

Question 7

Cancer of the cervix, endometrium or ovaries is often caused by ...

  1. An HPV infection.

  2. Too early heterosexual intercourse.

Answer indication

  1. C. The vagina.

  2. D. A women without a hymen is not a virgin anymore.

  3. B. It can lead to female ejaculation.

  4. B. Infibulation.

  5. C. The chances of getting an HPV infection are reduced.

  6. A. The female hormones will experience dysregulation.

  7. A. An HPV infection.

What are sex hormones, sexual differentation, and the menstrual cycle? - ExamTests 5


Question 1

What is a common misconception about the hormones in males and females?

  1. That females would not have any testosterone, whereas in fact they do.

  2. That levels of estradiol and progesterone differ in males and females, whereas in fact they are the same.

  3. That levels of FSH and LH differ in males and females, whereas in fact they are the same.

  4. That levels of oestrogen and progesteron differ in males and females, whereas in fact they are the same.

Question 2

What is the function of luteinizing hormone (LH) in males?

  1. To increase sex drive.

  2. To regulate testosterone production.

  3. To regulate sperm production.

  4. To give negative feedback to the hypothalamus.

Question 3

The levels of oestrogen and progesteron differ during ...

  1. Different phases of the menstrual cycle.

  2. Pregnancy.

  3. Menopause.

  4. All of the above.

Question 4

In females, the ... ducts become the fallopian tubes, the vagina and the uterus. In males, the ... ducts become the ejaculatory duct, the vas deferens, and the epididymis.

  1. Mullerian, Wolffian.

  2. Wolffian, Mullerian.

Question 5

What effects can endocrine disrupters not have during prenatal development?

  1. They can affect hormones and their binding to receptors.

  2. They can alter the metabolism of hormones.

  3. They can contribute to impaired neurodevelopment.

  4. They can lead to increased risk on intersex conditions.

Question 6

Puberty starts ... for boys and begins by (an) increased level(s) of ...

  1. Earlier, testosterone.

  2. Later, testosterone.

  3. Later, LH and FSH.

  4. Earlier, LH and FSH.

Question 7

What is the correct order of the phases of the menstrual cycle?

  1. Follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation.

  2. Luteal phase, ovulation, follicular phase, menstruation.

  3. Ovulation, follicular phase, luteal phase, menstruation.

  4. Ovulation, luteal phase, follicular phase, menstruation.

Question 8

What is not a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

  1. An altered sex drive.

  2. Depression.

  3. Breast pain.

  4. Anxiety.

Answer indication

  1. B. That levels of estradiol and progesterone differ in males and females, whereas in fact they are the same.

  2. B. To regulate testosterone production.

  3. D. All of the above.

  4. A. Mullerian, Wolffian.

  5. D. They can lead to increased risk on intersex conditions.

  6. C. Later, LH and FSH.

  7. A. Follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation.

  8. A. An altered sex drive.

How do pregnancy and childbirth work? - ExamTests 6


Question 1

Where does conception occur?

  1. In the vagina.

  2. In the uterus.

  3. In the outer part of the fallopian tube.

  4. In the cervix.

Question 2

What is the name for a fertilized egg?

  1. An embryo.

  2. A foetus.

  3. A conceptus.

  4. A zygote.

Question 3

During what trimester will a female first feel movement of her baby?

  1. Likely during the first trimester.

  2. Likely during the second trimester.

  3. Likely during the third trimester.

Question 4

The severity of symptoms of a foetal alcohol spectrum disorder is determined by ...

  1. The amount of substance and occurrence.

  2. Whether the alcohol intake occurred already during the first trimester.

  3. The amount of alcohol consumed.

  4. How often the mother consumed alcohol.

Question 5

What is a reason to choose for a c-section instead of a vaginal birth?

  1. When a female is close to complete physical exhaustion.

  2. When the vagina is too narrow.

  3. When the health of the mother or child is in danger.

  4. All of the above.

Question 6

Which of the following does not apply to the postpartum period?

  1. Psychological changes occur, which can in some cases lead to a postnatal depression.

  2. Severe exhaustion after the labor occurs.

  3. Attachment with the mother begins.

  4. A severe drop in hormones occurs.

Question 7

What are the hormones involved in breastfeeding?

  1. Progesteron and oxytocin.

  2. Progesteron and prolactin.

  3. Prolactin and oxytocin.

  4. Oestrogen and prolactin.

Question 8

What is the method used during a GIFT procedure (gamete intrafallopian transfer)?

  1. Sperm and egg are inserted into the vagina together.

  2. A fertilized egg is inserted into the fallopian tube.

  3. Sperm are inserted into the uterus to improve the chances of fertilization.

  4. Sperm and egg are inserted into the fallopian tube.

Question 9

What is not true about gender selection?

  1. There is no scientific evidence or method to select the gender.

  2. There are methods which are forbidden.

  3. These techniques are very expensive.

  4. There are serious ethical considerations.

Answer indication

  1. C. In the outer part of the fallopian tube.

  2. D. A zygote.

  3. B. Likely during the second trimester.

  4. A. The amount of substance and occurrence.

  5. D. All of the above.

  6. C. Attachment with the mother begins.

  7. C. Prolactin and oxytocin.

  8. A. Sperm and egg are inserted into the vagina together.

  9. A. There is no scientific evidence or method to select the gender.

How do contraception and abortion work? - ExamTests 7


Question 1

What is not true about the use of the contraception combination pill?

  1. Females who use it have an increased risk on developing blood clots in the circular system.

  2. Females who use it have an increased risk on contracting chlamydia.

  3. Perfect users have a chance of about 0.3% to get pregnant.

  4. Getting pregnant after stopping the pill comes with no difficulties.

Question 2

How does the Depo-Provera injection work?

  1. Progesteron and oestrogen are injected, and ovulation is inhibited.

  2. Progesteron and oestrogen are injected, and ovulation is inhibited and the cervical mucus is thickened to prevent implantation.

  3. Progesteron is injected, and ovulation is inhibited and the cervical mucus is thickened to prevent implantation.

  4. Progesteron is injected, and ovulation is inhibited.

Question 3

Emergency contraception are less effective or not effective at all when ...

  1. They are not taken within 5 days after intercourse.

  2. The woman uses drugs to treat epilepsy at the same time.

  3. Conception has already occurred.

  4. All of the above.

Question 4

What is not true about the use of a male condom?

  1. It disrupts the spontaneity of intercourse.

  2. It protects against STDs.

  3. The condom must be rolled over the penis before the male senses that ejaculation will soon occur.

  4. There are condoms available that don't contain latex; for people who are allergic to it.

Question 5

What is true about male sterilization?

  1. The procedure can be reversed.

  2. The procedure performed is called laparoscopy.

  3. An incision is not necessary.

  4. The procedure ensures that a male cannot ejaculate any longer.

Question 6

What is one of the probable reasons that abortion rates in the US have gone down?

  1. Abortion has been legalized in many states nowadays.

  2. There has been an increase in the use of LARC methods.

  3. The average age of having intercourse for the first time has gone up.

  4. The use of contraception has been made considerably cheaper.

Question 7

What method is used mostly for a very early abortion?

  1. A surgical abortion during which the contents of the uterus are suctioned out.

  2. An emergency contraception pill.

  3. Abortion medication which sloughs off the endometrium of the uterus.

Answer indication

  1. D. Getting pregnant after stopping the pill comes with no difficulties.

  2. C. Progesteron is injected, and ovulation is inhibited and the cervical mucus is thickened to prevent implantation.

  3. D. All of the above.

  4. C. The condom must be rolled over the penis before the male senses that ejaculation will soon occur.

  5. A. The procedure can be reversed.

  6. B. There has been an increase in the use of LARC methods.

  7. C. Abortion medication which sloughs off the endometrium of the uterus.

What is sexual arousal? - ExamTests 8


Question 1

What are the stages of the sexual response cycle?

  1. Excitement, arousal, orgasm and resolution.

  2. Excitement, orgasm and resolution.

  3. Arousal, orgasm and resolution.

  4. Excitation, orgasm and resolution.

Question 2

Retrograde ejaculation occurs when...

  1. A male has an orgasm, but does not ejaculate through the urethral tract.

  2. A male ejaculates, but does not experience the pleasure of an orgasm.

  3. A male has an orgasm, but does not ejaculate.

  4. A male has an orgasm, but was not receiving any physical stimulation when he ejaculated.

Question 3

Hormones interact with the nervous system in generating a sexual response. ... effects of hormones stimulate aggressive and sexual behaviors in adults.

  1. Organizing.

  2. Activating.

  3. Testosterone.

  4. Sexual.

Question 4

What is not true about erogenous zones?

  1. Freud has first proposed the existence of them.

  2. Erogenous zones are extremely sexually sensitive.

  3. Erogenous zones are rather generalizable among people.

  4. Erogenous zones can be stimulated in various ways.

Question 5

What is the most frequently used position of intercourse?

  1. The woman-on-top position.

  2. The rear-entry position.

  3. The missionary, or man-on-top position.

  4. That is dependent on culture.

Question 6

Homosexual and lesbian positions of sex are ..., except for positions of ...

  1. Largely the same as for heterosexuals, intercourse.

  2. Largely the same as for heterosexuals, mouth-genital stimulation.

  3. Different from those for heterosexuals, mouth-genital stimulation.

  4. Different from those for heterosexuals, intercourse.

Question 7

What factor does not influence whether sex is satisfying for both partners?

  1. Whether there is emotional intimacy between the partners.

  2. Whether both partners are equally focused.

  3. Whether the partners engage in good communication.

  4. Whether both partners have equal inhibiton and an equal feeling of self-consciousness.

Answer indication

  1. B. Excitement, orgasm and resolution.

  2. A. A male has an orgasm, but does not ejaculate through the urethral tract.

  3. B. Activating.

  4. C. Erogenous zones are rather generalizable among people.

  5. C. The missionary, or man-on-top position.

  6. A. Largely the same as for heterosexuals, intercourse.

  7. D. Whether both partners have equal inhibiton and an equal feeling of self-consciousness.

How does sexuality develop along the life cycle: childhood and adolescence? - ExamTests 9


Question 1

What concept is not named as central in preschool and infant sexuality?

  1. Attachment with the primary caregiver(s).

  2. First experiences with self-stimulation.

  3. Knowledge about gender.

  4. Child-teacher encounters.

Question 2

In nudity and doctor games, a Danish study has proven that children generally have ... attitudes towards nudity.

  1. Indifferent.

  2. Intolerant.

  3. Tolerant.

  4. Uncomfortable.

Question 3

What is true about sexting?

  1. Consequences of sexting are rather innocent.

  2. Sexting has a major impact on romantic relationships.

  3. Sexting is very common nowadays among adolescents.

  4. When someone involuntarily receives a message from someone under-aged, this does not apply as possession of child pornography.

Question 4

What is not true about engaging in sex too early?

  1. It forms a risk of developing cervivical cancer.

  2. It forms a risk of developing STIs.

  3. It forms a risk for teen pregnancy.

  4. It forms a risk of developing sexual disorders.

Question 5

Which of the following is the best reason that adolescents, and namely males, engage in risky sexual behaviors?

  1. Delayed maturation of the prefrontal cortex.

  2. Delayed maturation of brain areas related to seeking feel-good rewards.

  3. Teenagers tend to pursue pleasure.

  4. Teenagers are not willing to control their impulses.

Question 6

What is true about sex during college years?

  1. The percentage of males and females who masturbate are the same.

  2. Same-gender sexual behavior occurs more often between two males during college years.

  3. People start to form a sexual orientation during college years.

  4. "Hooking up" sexual encounters are often not coercive in nature.

Answer indication

  1. D. Child-teacher encounters.

  2. C. Tolerant.

  3. C. Sexting is very common nowadays among adolescents.

  4. D. It forms a risk of developing sexual disorders.

  5. A. Delayed maturation of the prefrontal cortex.

  6. C. People start to form a sexual orientation during college years.

How does sexuality develop along the life cycle: adulthood? - ExamTests 10


Question 1

What is singleism?

  1. The group of people who have never had a serious relationship during their life.

  2. The group of people who wanted to have a serious relationship, but yet did not have one yet.

  3. The stigmatization of people who are not in a relationship.

  4. The state of not being in a relationship.

Question 2

What is not true about cohabitation?

  1. Nowadays, it is becoming a popular alternative to marriage.

  2. Cohabitation is for some people of trying out a committed residential relationship.

  3. Marriages preceded by cohabitation are more likely to end in a divorce.

  4. Marriages in which cohabitation was preceded by engagement are also more likely to end in a divorce.

Question 3

What is true about sexual patterns in marriage?

  1. They are influenced by both partner's sexual desire.

  2. Sexual satisfaction consists of an emotional part and a part that is dependent on the activity itself.

  3. In most marriages, men and women are equal in initiating sex.

  4. Masturbation is often openly discussed in partners.

Question 4

In two-career families, couples have ... sexual intercourse, and experience ... sexual satisfaction and desire compared to couples with fewer working hours.

  1. An equal amount of, equal.

  2. An equal amount of, less.

  3. Fewer, less.

  4. Fewer, equal.

Question 5

What factor does not lead to infidelity in marriage?

  1. Traits of narcissism.

  2. Traits of impulsiveness.

  3. Dissatisfaction with marriage.

  4. Greater sexual desire than the other partner.

Question 6

What does the equity theory state about extramarital sex?

  1. An individual will feel equity in marriage when he/she feels that they are not getting what they deserve.

  2. Extramarital sex serves to restore equity in a relationship.

  3. Extramarital sex stems from equity of the primary relationship.

  4. People in a marriage together determine what are the appropriate costs and rewards.

Question 7

What is true about open non-monogamous relationships?

  1. Closed swinging is when partners only exchange partners with one other couple.

  2. Polyamory is the ethical philosophy of the capability of loving two people simultaneously.

  3. There is evidence that cases of open non-monogamy have negative psychological consequences for the people in the primary relationship.

  4. Open non-monogamy leads to more divorces.

Question 8

What is not true about sex after menopause?

  1. Most women continue to have enjoyable sex.

  2. A higher level of oestrogen is the cause of a decline in sexual functioning after menopause.

  3. The levels of testosterone in the ovaries decline, leading to a decline in sexual desire.

  4. There is a decline of lubrication of the vagina.

Answer indication

  1. C. The stigmatization of people who are not in a relationship.

  2. D. Marriages in which cohabitation was preceded by engagement are also more likely to end in a divorce.

  3. D. Masturbation is often openly discussed in partners.

  4. A. An equal amount of, equal.

  5. D. Greater sexual desire than the other partner.

  6. B. Extramarital sex serves to restore equity in a relationship.

  7. B. Polyamory is the ethical philosophy of the capability of loving two people simultaneously.

  8. B. A higher level of oestrogen is the cause of a decline in sexual functioning after menopause.

What are theories about attraction, love and communication? - ExamTests 11


Question 1

What is the girl next door effect?

  1. We are more attracted to people based on proximity.

  2. We are more attracted to people based on similarity.

  3. We are more attracted to people who are highly attractive.

  4. We are more attracted to people who we perceive to have an equal social worth.

Question 2

What is not true about online attraction?

  1. Different dating websites use different matching strategies.

  2. Impatience, career or a lack of time are common reasons to go into online dating.

  3. A risk is that the person we are dating online is not always the person we think he/she is.

  4. Online dating has been found not to be effective in finding long-term relationships.

Question 3

What does Byrne's law of attraction state?

  1. Byrne claims that we are attracted to people who are similar to us, because this gives us a positive view of ourselves.

  2. Byrne claims that we tend to like people who give us rewards and dislike those who punish us.

  3. Byrne claims that how much we like a person depends on the number of rewards we receive from this person relative to the number of punishments.

  4. Byrne claims that we are attracted to those who have symmetrical facial features.

Question 4

Self-disclosure ...

  1. Is the ability to tell things about yourself to your partner.

  2. Is the ability to be honest with your partner.

  3. Leads to self-disclosure of the partner as well.

  4. Is not related to sexual satisfaction.

Question 5

What three aspects does the triangular theory of love contain?

  1. Emotion, cognition, and motivation.

  2. Intimacy, decision for commitment, and passion.

  3. Eros, storge, and ludus.

  4. Mania, agape, and pragma.

Question 6

What is not an assumption of the attachment theory of love?

  1. Securely attached partners have fewer relationship problems.

  2. People with anxious or avoidant attachment styles have less trust in their partner.

  3. The combination of a securely attached partner with an anxious or avoidant partner does not occur in real life.

  4. Preoccupied lovers are insecure in the relationship.

Question 7

Storge lovers are primarily invested in ...

  1. Physical pleasure.

  2. Stability of the relationship.

  3. Maintaining independency.

  4. Increasing trust in a relationship.

Question 8

... is/are related to mating and bonding, and ... is/are related to passion.

  1. Dopamine, prolaction and oxytocin.

  2. Oxytocin, dopamine.

  3. Prolactin and oxytocin, dopamine.

  4. Dopamine, oxytocin.

Question 9

The two-component theory of love states that ... and ... are the two components needed for love.

  1. Psychological arousal, the label of love should be attached to this feeling.

  2. Desire, the label of love should be attached to this feeling.

  3. Physical arousal, the label of love should be attached to this feeling.

  4. Atraction, the label of love should be attached to this feeling.

Question 10

... is needed to sustain a good relationship and sex life.

  1. Passion.

  2. Attraction.

  3. Communication.

  4. Trust.

Question 11

Which of the following factors was not named as a factor in effective communication?

  1. Using I-language.

  2. Active listening.

  3. Nonverbal communication.

  4. Considering your own arguments.

Answer indication

  1. A. We are more attracted to people based on proximity.

  2. D. Online dating has been found not to be effective in finding long-term relationships.

  3. C. Byrne claims that how much we like a person depends on the number of rewards we receive from this person relative to the number of punishments.

  4. A. Is the ability to tell things about yourself to your partner.

  5. B. Intimacy, decision for commitment, and passion.

  6. C. The combination of a securely attached partner with an anxious or avoidant partner does not occur in real life.

  7. B. Stability of the relationship.

  8. A. Dopamine, prolaction and oxytocin.

  9. A. Psychological arousal, the label of love should be attached to this feeling.

  10. C. Communication.

  11. D. Considering your own arguments.

How does gender influence sexuality? - ExamTests 12


Question 1

Which of the following statements is not true considering gender differences?

  1. Men tend to masturbate more often and from an earlier age.

  2. The use of pornography is more common among men than women.

  3. Conscious arousal is more common in women than in men.

  4. Orgasm consistency is greater in men than in women.

Question 2

What is not a cause of these differences?

  1. Men are able to look at their penis when aroused, and women cannot. That is why women explore their sexuality less.

  2. There are cultural restrictions on female sexuality.

  3. Women more often have body image issues.

  4. Women have lower levels of progesterone.

Question 3

What is not a method of a genital male-to-female surgery?

  1. Penectomy.

  2. Orchiectomy.

  3. Vaginoplasty.

  4. Hysterectomy.

Question 4

Which statement is true?

Statement I. Hormone therapy to feminize or masculinize the body is only partially irreversible.
Statement II. Hormone therapy to accomplish pubertal suppression is reversible.

  1. Statement I and II are both true.

  2. Statement I is untrue, statement II is true.

  3. Statement I is true, statement II is untrue.

  4. Statement I and II are both untrue.

Question 5

... is the irrational and strong fear for trans people. ... is a combination of the negative attitudes and behaviors on trans individuals.

  1. Transphobia, trans prejudice.

  2. Transphobia, anti-trans prejudice.

  3. Trans prejudice, transphobia.

  4. Anti-trans prejudice, transphobia.

Question 6

What is not true about gender dysphoria?

  1. Gender dysphoria is psychological distress caused by a mismatch between biological gender and gender identity.

  2. Gender dysphoria that occurs during childhood always persist until adulthood.

  3. The chance that gender dysphoria beginning in adolescence persist until adulthood is higher than the chance that gender dysphoria beginning in childhood persist until adulthood.

  4. Gender dysphoria does not occur for cisgender people.

Answer indication

  1. C. Conscious arousal is more common in women than in men.

  2. D. Women have lower levels of progesterone.

  3. D. Hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus.

  4. A. Statement I and II are both true.

  5. B. Transphobia, anti-trans prejudice.

  6. B. Gender dysphoria that occurs during childhood always persist until adulthood.

What are different sexual orientations? - ExamTests 13


Question 1

What is not true about LGB communities?

  1. The pink triangle is their symbol of pride.

  2. The LGB community stimulates members to be more open about their sexual orientation.

  3. The Internet is a place that is often used to meet a new partner.

  4. There are no specific rituals related to the LGB community.

Question 2

What is not true about conversion therapy?

  1. The therapies are mostly created by religious groups.

  2. These treatments hold the assumption that homosexuality is a disease.

  3. The therapy has negative psychological consequences.

  4. The therapy has been reported to be effective in some cases.

Question 3

Which statement is true?

Statement I. Biological theories state that the epigenetic phase of pregnancy may be crucial in the development of sexual orientation.
Statement II. According to the learning theory, when early sexual experiences are homosexual, this can increase the likelihood of one "becoming" homosexual.

  1. Statement I and II are both true.

  2. Statement I is true, statement II is untrue.

  3. Statement I is untrue, statement II is true.

  4. Both statements are untrue.

Question 4

What is true about homosexuality and culture?

  1. The occurrence of homosexuality is generalizable over all cultures.

  2. Asian Americans homosexuals are more likely to come out of the closet than in other cultures.

  3. Black and Latino men are more likely to engage in same-gender sexual behavior overtly.

  4. In most societies, homosexuality is treated the same.

Answer indication

  1. D. There are no specific rituals related to the LGB community.

  2. D. The therapy has been reported to be effective in some cases.

  3. A. Statement I and II are both true.

  4. A. The occurrence of homosexuality is generalizable over all cultures.

What are the variations in sexual behavior? - ExamTests 14


Question 1

The ... approach describes abnormal sexual behavior as inefficient, bizarre and disconforming.

  1. Medical.

  2. Sociological.

  3. Psychological.

  4. Physiological.

Question 2

What is not true about paraphilia?

  1. It is not necessarily a mental disorder, only when it becomes dysfunctional.

  2. To be classified as paraphilia, the fantasies must occur for a period of at least 6 months.

  3. To be classified as paraphilia, the distress causes impaired social and occupational functioning.

  4. Fetishes are rare.

Question 3

The ... explanation of fetishism states that not only the perception of the object, but also the perception of arousal is distorted in cases of fetishism.

  1. Learning theory.

  2. Cognitive psychology.

  3. Sexual addiction model.

  4. Psychological.

Question 4

What is true about cross-dressing?

  1. Many transsexuals experience a phase of cross-dressing.

  2. Drag queens dress up like the other gender.

  3. A transvestic disorder occurs when cross-dressing becomes dysfunctional.

  4. A transvestic disorder occurs in both males and females, with an equal incidence.

Question 5

A person who gets aroused by humiliation, beating or bondage is called a ...

  1. Sexual sadist.

  2. Sexual masochist.

  3. Paraphilic.

  4. Sadomasochist.

Question 6

Sexually addictive behavior consists of ...

  1. Preoccupation, rituals, and compulsive sexual behavior.

  2. Preoccupation, rituals, compulsive sexual behavior, and despair.

  3. Preoccupation, rituals, compulsive sexual behavior, and decreased impulse control.

  4. Preoccuptation, rituals, decreased impulse control, and despair.

Question 7

A ... becomes aroused when covertly observing sexual behavior of others.

  1. Exhibitionist.

  2. Voyeurist.

  3. Paraphilic.

  4. Sadomasochist.

Question 8

Nymphomania in women and satyriasis in men are cases of ...

  1. Asexuality.

  2. Hyposexuality.

  3. Hypersexuality.

  4. Paraphilia.

Question 9

Cybersex can be classified into different categories, which are ...

  1. Non-arousal online sexual activity, solitary-arousal online sexual activity, and partnered-arousal online sexual activity.

  2. Non-arousal online sexual activity, individual-arousal online sexual activity, and collective-arousal online sexual activity.

  3. Solitary-arousal online sexual activity and partnered-arousal online sexual activity.

  4. Individual-arousal online sexual activity and collective-arousal online sexual activity.

Question 10

... is the sexual fantasy, urge or behavior to rub genitals against someone else in a public space.

  1. Frotteurism.

  2. Saliromania.

  3. Exhibitionism.

  4. Troilism.

Answer indication

  1. C. Psychological.

  2. D. Fetishes are rare.

  3. B. Cognitive psychology.

  4. A. Many transsexuals experience a phase of cross-dressing.

  5. B. Sexual masochist.

  6. B. Preoccupation, rituals, compulsive sexual behavior, and despair.

  7. B. Voyeurist.

  8. C. Hypersexuality.

  9. A. Non-arousal online sexual activity, solitary-arousal online sexual activity, and partnered-arousal online sexual activity.

  10. A. Frotteurism.

What is sexual coercion? - ExamTests 15


Question 1

What is not true about rape?

  1. Self-blame is related to worse psychological outcomes after rape.

  2. Most rape is committed by strangers.

  3. Date rape occurs when there is a miscommunication about sexual wishes.

  4. The severity of the experienced violence is associated with the severity of the psychological outcomes after rape.

Question 2

... is the assumption that the victimized female is always responsible for rape.

  1. Psychopathology of rapists.

  2. Victim-precipitated rape.

  3. Feminists theory.

  4. Social disorganization.

Question 3

What is true about alcohol and rape?

  1. Men who are intoxicated have reported a higher willingness to force sexual activity than men who are sober.

  2. The correlation between alcohol and rape are high.

  3. The bodily effects of alcohol predispose a male to commit rape.

  4. Alcohol causes a female to unconsciously agree to sex.

Question 4

What factor does not fit with the profile of a typical male rapist?

  1. Male rapists have poor self-regulation.

  2. Male rapists often experienced poor parental attachment.

  3. Male rapists were often triggered by a harsh environment.

  4. Male rapists often lack empathy.

Question 5

What is not true about child abuse?

  1. Incest covers a large percentage of all child abuse.

  2. The perpetrators of child abuse are most often males.

  3. Being a victim of child sexual abuse is related to developing an eating disorder.

  4. Sextortion is online sexual solicitation; where the perpetrator tries to arrange a meeting with the child.

Question 6

The #MeToo movement originated as a reaction on ...

  1. Sexual harassment in education.

  2. Sexual harassment at work.

  3. Sexual harassment in general.

Answer indication

  1. B. Most rape is committed by strangers.

  2. B. Victim-precipitated rape.

  3. A. Men who are intoxicated have reported a higher willingness to force sexual activity than men who are sober.

  4. B. Male rapists often experienced poor parental attachment.

  5. D. Sextortion is online sexual solicitation; where the perpetrator tries to arrange a meeting with the child.

  6. C. Sexual harassment in general.

What is 'sex for sale'? - ExamTests 16


Question 1

The method of a(n) ... is sending a prostitute who meets clients for sexual encounters.

  1. Out-call service.

  2. In-call service.

  3. Strip club.

  4. Brothel.

Question 2

The differential susceptibility to media model does not state that:

  1. Several factors predict who chooses to view porn.

  2. Pornography has cognitive, emotional, and excitative effects on the person who views it.

  3. Certain people are more susceptible than others to experience negative effects from viewing pornography.

  4. Viewing pornography has generalizable effects on the viewer.

Question 3

What is not a reason for feminists to oppose pornography?

  1. The unequal power between males and females is glamorised.

  2. Pornography associates violence towards women with sex.

  3. Pornography debases women.

  4. Pornography does not focus on female pleasure.

Question 4

The sexual script theory describes how ...

  1. Exposure to sexual material influences our sexuality.

  2. Sexual scripts are formed by the influence of mass media.

  3. Exposure to pornography is related to enjoy sex with the current partner.

  4. All of the above.

Question 5

What is not a cause of sex tourism?

  1. The commodification of sexual intimacy.

  2. Migration to third world countries.

  3. A greater gap between the rich and poor.

  4. Globalization.

Answer indication

  1. A. Out-call service.

  2. D. Viewing pornography has generalizable effects on the viewer.

  3. D. Pornography does not focus on female pleasure.

  4. D. All of the above.

  5. C. A greater gap between the rich and poor.

What are sexual disorders? - ExamTests 17


Question 1

What is not true about sexual disorders?

  1. We make a distinction between lifelong and acquired disorders.

  2. Defining a sexual disorder is quite straightforward; there is one or there is not.

  3. We only consider a sexual problem a sexual disorder when it causes mental distress.

  4. Sexual disorders are either caused by only psychological or only organic causes.

Question 2

... is often caused by a spinal cord injury, ... is more often caused by psychological factors.

  1. Delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation.

  2. Premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation.

  3. Retrograde ejaculation, premature ejaculation.

  4. Retrograde ejaculation, delayed ejaculation.

Question 3

... are things that occur during lovemaking that cause an inhibition of the sexual response.

  1. Emotional factors.

  2. Prior learning factors.

  3. Behavioral factors.

  4. Immediate psychological causes.

Question 4

People who score ... on sexual excitation and ... on sexual inhibition are more likely to develop a sexual disorder.

  1. High, high.

  2. High, low.

  3. Low, high.

  4. Low, low.

Question 5

What is not a point of criticism to the way sexual disorders are described by the DSM?

  1. Male sexuality and female sexuality are considered to be equivalent in the DSM; although they are not.

  2. The DSM does not consider the difference between sexual disorders in men and women.

  3. The naturally occurring variation between men and women's sexuality are not considered.

  4. The relational aspect to sex is not considered.

Question 6

What is not a therapy for treating sexual disorders?

  1. Online sex therapy.

  2. Couple therapy.

  3. Group therapy.

  4. Mindfulness therapy.

Question 7

What is the Kegel exercise?

  1. Women train the muscles around their vagina in order to treat orgasmic disorder.

  2. It is helpful for men suffering from premature ejaculation; the partner stimulates an erection in the male, and then stops stimulating so that the male looses his erection again.

  3. It is an exercise during behavioral therapy that aims to eliminate goal-oriented sexual performance.

  4. It is the use of a masturbation technique in order to get to know one's own body.

Question 8

Testosterone supplements can be taken by males who suffer from ...

  1. Hypogonadism.

  2. Erectile disorder.

  3. Orgasmic disorder.

  4. Delayed ejaculation.

Answer indication

  1. D. Sexual disorders are either caused by only psychological or only organic causes.

  2. A. Delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation.

  3. D. Immediate psychological causes.

  4. C. Low, high.

  5. B. The DSM does not consider the difference between sexual disorders in men and women.

  6. C. Group therapy.

  7. A. Women train the muscles around their vagina in order to treat orgasmic disorder.

  8. A. Hypogonadism.

What are sexually transmitted infections? - ExamTests 18


Question 1

What is not true about chlamydia?

  1. It is caused by a bacterium transmitted via sexual relationships.

  2. It increases the risk on cervical cancer.

  3. Chlamydia increases the risk on infertility.

  4. The best prevention method is using a condom.

Question 2

What is not true about HPV?

  1. It is caused by a bacterium transmitted via sexual relationships.

  2. HPV causes genital warts.

  3. It increases the risk on genital cancers.

  4. There is a vaccination available to protect against some types of HPV.

Question 3

... is caused by a virus that attacks the body's own immune system.

  1. HIV.

  2. Aids.

  3. Genital herpes.

  4. HPV.

Question 4

HIV is a retrovirus, which means that ...

  1. It reproduces in the living cells of the immune system because it invades the genetic code of the host cell.

  2. It can be transmitted via blood, semen and secretions of the vagina and cervix.

  3. It is latent for a long period before it comes to expression.

  4. There is no cure.

Question 5

In ... of the HIV infection, the immune system starts to decline because the number of T-cells start to drop.

  1. Stage 1.

  2. Stage 2.

  3. Stage 3.

  4. Stage 4.

Question 6

What does the new development of PreP entail in the fight against aids?

  1. It is a behavioral program that aims at changing people's behavior to avoid an infection with HIV.

  2. It is a method that prevents HIV from being transmitted via breast milk.

  3. It is a drug that is given to people who are at high-risk for contracting HIV; and protects them from it.

  4. It is a method of gene mutation to avoid HIV from entering healthy cells.

Question 7

What is true about gonorrhea?

  1. It can be transmitted via all forms of sexual encounters.

  2. It causes pain during sex.

  3. The prevalence of asymptomatic gonorrhea is high.

  4. When females with the infection are not treated, the fallopian tubes can become infected.

Question 8

The ... of syphilis is when the infection is no longer active in the person body; yet it can still be transmitted from mother to child.

  1. Primary stage.

  2. Secondary stage.

  3. Latent stage.

  4. Late stage.

Question 9

What is not an effective way of preventing STIs?

  1. Regularly washing the genitals.

  2. Inspecting the genitals of a (potential) bed partner.

  3. Using the combination pill.

  4. Having a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner.

Question 10

What is not true about pubic lice?

  1. They feed on human blood.

  2. They can be transferred from one person to another via toilet seats.

  3. There is medication available to kill the lice.

  4. Washing the genitals regularly can make pubic lice go away.

Question 11

Which statement is true?

Statement I. Trichomoniasis can cause pain during urination.
Statement II. Hepatitis B causes the liver to become larger.

  1. Statement I and II are both true.

  2. Statement I is true, statement II is untrue.

  3. Statement I is untrue, statement II is true.

  4. Both statements are untrue.

Answer indication

  1. B. It increases the risk on cervical cancer.

  2. A. It is caused by a bacterium transmitted via sexual relationships.

  3. B. Aids.

  4. A. It reproduces in the living cells of the immune system because it invades the genetic code of the host cell.

  5. B. Stage 2.

  6. C. It is a drug that is given to people who are at high-risk for contracting HIV; and protects them from it.

  7. D. When females with the infection are not treated, the fallopian tubes can become infected.

  8. C. Latent stage.

  9. C. Using the combination pill.

  10. D. Washing the genitals regularly can make pubic lice go away.

  11. C. Statement I is untrue, statement II is true.

How do ethics and religion influence sexuality? - ExamTests 19


Question 1

... is the belief that there is more to life than only material components.

  1. Hedonism.

  2. Asceticism.

  3. Legalism.

  4. Materialism.

Question 2

In ancient Greece, pederasty was a sexual relationship between ...

  1. An older man and a younger boy.

  2. Two men.

  3. An older man and a younger woman.

  4. Two teen boys.

Question 3

The Islam has a double-standard way of thinking about sex, namely:

  1. Sex is prohibited before marriage, but is encouraged within marriage.

  2. Extramarital affairs are tolerated for men but not for women.

  3. Sex is prohibited before marriage for females, but it is tolerated for men before marriage.

  4. A woman who engages in sex before marriage is considered sinful, whereas a man is considered a womanizer.

Question 4

What is true about middle-aged Christian attitudes towards sex?

  1. Sex for pleasure was considered sinful.

  2. Sex was considered to be a part of divine creation.

  3. Celibacy was a central concept.

  4. Sex was considered as a source of temptation.

Question 5

Nowadays, contraception is ...

  1. Prohibited by most religious groups when it is artificial.

  2. Encouraged by Jews to serve as family planning

  3. Viewed as necessary for unmarried individuals by ethicists.

  4. All of the above.

Question 6

... includes respect, love and interpersonal responsibility but fails to consider the actual effects of our actions.

  1. The new morality.

  2. Situational ethics.

  3. The middle ground.

  4. The centrist position.

Answer indication

  1. B. Asceticism.

  2. C. An older man and a younger woman.

  3. B. Extramarital affairs are tolerated for men but not for women.

  4. A. Sex for pleasure was considered sinful.

  5. D. All of the above.

  6. B. Situational ethics.

How is sex included in the law? - ExamTests 20


Question 1

The roots of laws of sex stem from ...

  1. The Hebrew Bible.

  2. The Roman empire.

  3. The ancient Egyptians.

  4. The middle ages.

Question 2

What is not true about laws for sexual behavior?

  1. They are aimed to prevent sexual coercion.

  2. Judeo-Christian laws stem more from morality then from religion.

  3. We are not sure how wide the variety of sexual laws is.

  4. The laws on sex are rather constant.

Question 3

Which statement is true?

Statement I. Most people in the United States are against same-sex marriage.
Statement II. Crimes against reproduction prohibit homosexuality.

  1. Statement I and II are both true.

  2. Statement I is true, statement II is false.

  3. Statement I is false, statement II is true.

  4. Both statements are false.

Question 4

... of sexual behaviors is morally neutral, whereas ... causes conflict.

  1. Decriminalization, legalization.

  2. Legalization, discrimination.

  3. Legalization, decriminalization.

  4. Discrimination, legalization.

Question 5

Restrictions on funding for abortions and actions against providers of abortions are examples of the ...

  1. Pro-choice movement.

  2. Feminist movement.

  3. Pro-life movement.

  4. Sexual law movement.

Question 6

Victimless crime is a concept that is only applied in sex-law, and it states that ...

  1. When there is not a victim of the sexual behavior under question, it cannot be seen as a crime.

  2. When the sexual behavior does not harm the victim, it cannot be seen as a crime.

  3. When the sexual behavior is not offensive to society and authorities, it cannot be seen as a crime.

  4. All of the above.

Question 7

What is not a concept in the argued minimum legislation on artificial reproduction, formulated by medical and social scientists?

  1. It should be a non-commercial service.

  2. Cloning techniques should be illegal, without exception.

  3. There should be a time-restriction on the preservation of gametes and embryos.

  4. There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding experiments with human embryos.

Answer indication

  1. A. The Hebrew Bible.

  2. D. The laws on sex are rather constant.

  3. A. Statement I and II are both true.

  4. A. Decriminalization, legalization.

  5. C. Pro-life movement.

  6. B. When the sexual behavior does not harm the victim, it cannot be seen as a crime.

  7. D. There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding experiments with human embryos.

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