Corporate and business law and legal entities


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Corporate and business law and legal entities


Corporate and business law and legal entities

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Law and administration

What is law and administration?

  • What is law?
    •   Law as a field of study, delves into the systems of rules and principles that govern human conduct within a society. It encompasses the creation, interpretation, and enforcement of these rules to establish order, protect rights, and achieve justice.
  • What is administration?
    • Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholders

What are the main topics related to law and administration for summaries and study assistance?

What are the main topics related to Dutch law and administration?

What countries, regions and cities are related to law and administration?

What internships are related to law and administration?

Which travel topics are related to law and administration?

What volunteering jobs are related to law and administration?

  • See for volunteering, project support and volunteer projects the main page about  Volunteering and projects
  • Check below for blogs, contributions and tips

Which work abroad is related to law and administration?

Which Worldsupporter goals related to law and administration?




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Bato's erf - Arrest

Bato’s Erf (HR 16 juni 1995) Casus Het ging in dit geval om een bedrijfsterrein. Op dit terrein was tot 1982 een steenfabriek gevestigd en het terrein werd in 1998 verkocht. De nieuwe eigenaar kwam erachter dat er sprake was van bodemverontreiniging. De Nederlandse Staat zocht verhaal op de v...

VNU Media - Arrest

VNU Media (Gerechtshof 's-Hertogenbosch 16 september 2014)  Casus  X en Y hebben samen een vof gevormd, deze vof exploiteerde een webwinkel. VNU Media plaatste in opdracht en voor rekening van de vof advertenties. Zij deden dit op basis van een overeenkomst die ze hadden gesloten met de v...

VDV Totaalbouw - Arrest

VDV Totaalbouw (HR 06-02-2015, ECLI:NL:HR:2015:251, JOR 2015/181) Casus Bepro heeft in november 2013 de rechtbank verzocht om het faillissement uit te spreken van VDV Totaalbouw (hierna te noemen ‘VDV’) en vennoot X. Op 1 april 2014 heeft de rechtbank beide faillissementen uitgesproken....

Stichting Administratiekantoor Diva - Arrest

Stichting Administratiekantoor Diva (HR 24-01-1997, NJ 1997, 399) Artikelen Art. 2:93 BW, art. 2:203 BW Onderwerp Art. 2:93 en 2:203 BW (bekrachtiging van rechtshandeling verricht namens een rechtspersoon in oprichting) zijn analoog van toepassing op andere rechtspersonen dan de BV en de NV Casus O...



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Selected spotlight content related to Corporate and business law and legal entities

Summaries, internships, tips and tools for study and work in law and public administration Definitions, Jurisprudence, Stories, Subjects, Study assistance,

What is corporate law?

Corporate law is a specialized field of law that focuses on the legal aspects of corporations and other business entities. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Advise and represent businesses on legal matters
  • Structure and govern corporations
  • Facilitate ...


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Stories and suggestions related to Corporate and business law and legal entities
Summaries related to Corporate and business law and legal entities
What is law?

Law, as a field of study, delves into the systems of rules and principles that govern human conduct within a society. It encompasses the creation, interpretation, and enforcement of these rules to establish order, protect rights, and achieve justice. What are the main features of law?

  • ...

Eggenhuizen / Unidek Volumebouw - Arrest

Eggenhuizen/Unidek Volumebouw (HR 15 april 2005, NJ 2005, 484) Relevante artikelen 2:134, 2:244, 3:316, 7:680, 681 BW Onderwerp Ontslag Casus Dhr. Eggenhuizen was in 1997 op basis van een arbeidsovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd in dienst getreden als directeur en statutair bestuurder van Unidek. O...

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