Cultural anthropology and ethnology


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Cultural anthropology and ethnology


What is Anthropology?

  • In a basic sense, Anthropology is the study of humanity itself, of what makes us human. It further focuses on a wide variety of aspects like human behavior, culture, society and biology, in the present but also across the whole of human history. In doing so, Anthropology also takes a lot of its inspiration from other social science disciplines.

Why Anthropology?

  • By studying the way humans interact with one-another in the cultural and societal spaces they are apart of, throughout history and in the present, the goal is to come up with explanations and understandings for why certain human behavior exists. At the same time the study is able to celebrate the diversity we all share as the human race, by showcasing humanity in all its beauty and pain over it’s entire history

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Anthropology and ethnology - Theme

Anthropology and ethnology - Theme

Summaries, study notes, internships, tips and tools for study and work in anthropology, cultural anthropology, ethnology and development


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Cultural anthropology and ethnology

Article summary with Between horror and boredom: fairy tales and moral education by Lewin - 2020 - Exclusive

This article explores the complex role of fairy tales in moral education. Lewin argues that while fairy tales often contain elements of horror and violence, these elements can be crucial for engaging children and prompting moral reflection. He proposes a distinction between problematic reductionism, where the complexities of fairy tales are sanitized, and pedagogical reduction, which simplifies stories for educational purposes without sacrificing their core themes.


Lewin (2020) opens the discussion by acknowledging the enduring presence of fairy tales in childhood education and their perceived role in moral development. However, he raises a critical point: fairy tales often contain elements that can be unsettling for children, such as violence and horror. Traditional

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Article summary with The ethnic composition of the neighbourhood and ethnic minorities’ social contacts: Three unresolved issues by Vervoort a.o. - 2011 - Exclusive


Vervoort, Flap, and Dagevos (2011) tackle the relationship between the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods and social contact patterns among ethnic minorities. They argue that existing research overlooks three key "unresolved issues": accounting for spatial context, considering different types of social contacts, and understanding the role of individual preferences.


The study draws on the Netherlands Life Course Panel, a large-scale longitudinal survey. They employ regression analysis to examine how neighbourhood ethnic composition relates to various types of social contacts (family, friends, neighbours) reported by ethnic minority individuals.


  • Neighbourhood effects vary across contexts: While living in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods increases contact with co-ethnics, this effect weakens in larger cities and for more highly educated individuals.
  • Contact types matter: Neighbourhood diversity enhances co-ethnic friendships but not family ties or contact with native neighbours.
  • Individual preferences play a role: Individuals with stronger co-ethnic preferences are more likely to seek
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

My Anthropology

 Anthropology on WorldSupporter

What you can find on this page

This page bundles together the study guides, summaries and other materials that are available on WorldSupporter with relation to Anthropology. The pages are divided in different sub-categories to provide an easier way to locate the material that you are looking for.

Who am I?

Personally I hold a bachelor in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology from the University of Amsterdam, where I specialized in biomedicine, immigration and development. I like to share my passion for Anthropology with you, so please feel free to check out the pages below to learn more about this amazing field of study.

What is Anthropology?

In a basic sense, Anthropology is the study of humanity itself, of what makes us human. It further focuses on a wide variety of aspects like human behavior, culture, society and biology, in the present but also across

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Overarching Anthropological Works

Collection Ovearching Anthropological Works on WorldSupporter

What you can find on this page

This page bundles together the study guides, summaries and other materials that are available on WorldSupporter containing Overarching Anthropological subjects. Each book will have a short introduction in order to get a better understanding of what the material is about.

What are Overarching Anthropological works?

With Overarching Anthropological works is meant, material that covers broad Anthropological subjects which showcase a wide variety of concepts that cannot be pinned down to specific field of Anthropology. They are a great starting point for the people who are interested in getting to know more about the field of study without being throw into the deep-end immediately.

Overarching Anthropological work and guides

Commonly celebrated as one of the most complete introductions to Anthropology is a book that is still used in many universities today, is the introduction

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Samenvatting van Introduction to Sociological Theory van Dillon - 3e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Introduction to Sociological Theory


  • Hoofdstuk 0 - Waar gaat het boek 'Introduction to Sociological Theory' over?
  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat is sociologische theorie?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Wat is de sociologische theorie van Karl Marx?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Wat is de sociologische theorie van Emile Durkheim?
  • Hoofdstuk 4 - Wat is de sociologische theorie van Max Weber?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Wat zijn de sociologische theorieën van de Chicago School, Talcott Parsons en Robert Merton?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Wat is de kritische theorie?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat voor sociologische theorieën zijn er over conflict, macht en afhankelijkheid in macro-maatschappelijke processen?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Wat voor sociologische theorieën zijn er over uitwisseling, uitwisselingsnetwerken en rationele keuze?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Wat is het symbolisch interactionisme?
  • Hoofdstuk 10 - Wat zijn de fenomenologie en de etnomethodologie?
  • Hoofdstuk 11 - Wat zijn feministische sociologische theorieën?
  • Hoofdstuk 12 -
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Samenvatting van Bryman's Social Research Methods van Clark e.a. - 6e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Bryman's Social Research Methods


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat is ‘sociaal onderzoek’?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Wat zijn sociale onderzoeksstrategieën?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Welke onderzoekontwerpen zijn er?
  • hoofdstuk 4 - Hoe plan je een onderzoeksproject en formuleer je onderzoeksvragen?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Hoe voer je literatuurreview uit?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Wat is de rol van ethiek en politiek in sociaal onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat houdt kwantitatief onderzoek in?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Hoe worden steekproeven gebruikt in kwantitatief onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Wat houdt gestructureerd interviewen in?
  • Hoofdstuk 10 - Welk rol speelt de 'zelf in te vullen' vragenlijst in sociaal onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 11 - Welke soorten vragen kunnen worden gebruikt in sociaal onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 12 - Welke rol speelt de gestructureerde observatie in sociaal onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 13 - Wat houdt een inhoudsanalyse in?
  • Hoofdstuk 14 - Hoe kun je secundaire data gebruiken?
  • Hoofdstuk
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Summary of Lord of the Flies by Golding - per chapter of 1st edition

    Summary of Lord of the Flies by Golding - per chapter of 1st edition

    Table of contents:

    • The sound of the shell - Chapter 1
    • Fire on the mountain - Chapter 2
    • Cabins on the beach - Chapter 3
    • Painted faces and long hair - Chapter 4
    • Beast from the water - Chapter 5
    • Beast from the sky - Chapter 6
    • Shadows and tall trees - Chapter 7
    • Sacrifice in the dark - Chapter 8
    • A look at death - Chapter 9
    • The shell and the glasses - Chapter 10
    • The castle rock - Chapter 11
    • The cry of the hunters - Chapter 12
    • ExamTests with the 1st edition of Lord of the Flies by Golding - Chapter

    Summary of Cultural Psychology by Heine - 4th edition- Exclusive

    Summaries per chapter with Cultural Psychology

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - What is cultural psychology exactly?
    • Chapter 2 - What is culture and what does cultural life mean?
    • Chapter 3 - How does culture arise and how is it maintained?
    • Chapter 4 - How is psychological research done in the field of culture?
    • Chapter 5 - How does the environment influence a person's cultural view?
    • Chapter 6 - What are the views on self-concept and consciousness?
    • Chapter 7 - How do culture and migration processes influence each other?
    • Chapter 8 - What types of motivation exist?
    • Chapter 9 - What differences in cognition are visible between cultures?
    • Chapter 10 - In which ways can emotions be experienced and expressed?
    • Chapter 11 - How are groups, friends and attractions treated in different cultures?
    • Chapter 12 - How do ethics, justice and culture interact?
    • Chapter 13 - What
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    Summary of Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite - 3rd edition - Exclusive

    Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - How to introduce the concepts of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination?
    • Chapter 2 - How do psychologists study prejudice and discrimination?
    • Chapter 3 - What is social categorization and what are stereotypes?
    • Chapter 4 - What is stereotype activation and accuracy?
    • Chapter 5 - What are the old-fashioned and contemporary forms of prejudice?
    • Chapter 6 - What is the link between individual differences and prejudice?
    • Chapter 7 - How does prejudice develop in children?
    • Chapter 8 - What influence has the social context on prejudice?
    • Chapter 9 - How do you go from prejudice to discrimination?
    • Chapter 10 - How do you experience discrimination?
    • Chapter 11 - What is gender and sexual orientation?
    • Chapter 12 - What is the link between age, ability and appearance?
    • Chapter 13 -
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    Check or search summaries, tests and tips within topic: Cultural anthropology and ethnology
    Displaying 5 - 8 of 94
    Examtests with Cultural Psychology by Heine - 4th edition
    • What is cultural psychology exactly? - ExamTests 1
    • What is culture and what does cultural life mean? - ExamTests 2
    • How does culture arise and how is it maintained? - ExamTests 3
    • How is psychological research done in the field of culture? - ExamTests 4
    • Ho...
    TentamenTests bij Cultural Psychology van Heine - 3e druk
    • Wat omvat de culturele psychologie allemaal? - TentamenTests 1
    • Wat houden cultuur en cultureel leven in? - TentamenTests 2
    • Hoe ontstaat cultuur en hoe wordt het in stand gehouden? - TentamenTests 3
    • Hoe wordt psychologisch onderzoek op het gebied van cultuur gedaa...


    Check or search within topic: Cultural anthropology and ethnology
    Displaying 5 - 8 of 94
    Examtests with Cultural Psychology by Heine - 4th edition
    • What is cultural psychology exactly? - ExamTests 1
    • What is culture and what does cultural life mean? - ExamTests 2
    • How does culture arise and how is it maintained? - ExamTests 3
    • How is psychological research done in the field of culture? - ExamTests 4
    • Ho...
    TentamenTests bij Cultural Psychology van Heine - 3e druk
    • Wat omvat de culturele psychologie allemaal? - TentamenTests 1
    • Wat houden cultuur en cultureel leven in? - TentamenTests 2
    • Hoe ontstaat cultuur en hoe wordt het in stand gehouden? - TentamenTests 3
    • Hoe wordt psychologisch onderzoek op het gebied van cultuur gedaa...


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    Summary of Society the basics by Macionis
    • 1: The Perspective, Theory, and Method of Sociology
    • 2: The Workings of Culture
    • 3: Socialization Process, a Lifelong Process
    • 4: Social interaction in Daily Life
    • 5: The Workings of Groups & Organization in Society
    • 6: Sexuality and its Impact ...
    Culturele antropologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

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    Theorie en onderzoek hebben elkaar nodig. Zonder onderzoek kun je geen theorie opstellen en zonder theorie is je onderzoek weinig waard. In 'Social Research Methods' bespreekt Bryman de verschillende factoren die meespelen bij sociaal onderzoek. Zo benadrukt hij het belang van reflexiviteit van de o...

    Spotlight summaries related to Cultural anthropology and ethnology
    • ‘MUJERES EN MARRUECOS’: Una análisis desde el parentesco y el genero.
    • Tres gramáticas de la alteridad: Algunas antropo-lógicas de la construccion del otro en las constelaciones históricas
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    Boeksamenvatting bij Being There van Davis en Konner
    • Voorwoord
    • Introductie: Menselijk worden
    • Hoofdstuk 1. Een soort verwantschap
    • Hoofdstuk 2. Heiligen en verstotelingen
    • Hoofdstuk 3 Gekte door moderniteit
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