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- Discussions and debates around sustainable versus affordable living
- Discussions and debates around to emigrate or not to emigrate
- Discussions and debates around volunteering abroad
- Discussions and debates around reasons to travel or not to travel
- Discussions and debates around right versus wrong
- Discussions and debates around mediation versus personal war
- Discussions and debates around human rights versus violations
- Discussions and debates around a happy versus a unhappy life
Climate has been on the forefront of international negotiations in the past decades. The evidence of human-induced climate change and its consequences is abundant and ever increasing. While states are delving into seemingly never-ending negotiations, citizens and other non-state actors are increasin...
A lot of places in the world rely heavily on tourism; for a lot of people -and countries- tourism is a key source of income. For many countries stimulating tourism is a way of showing off national and local heritage and "success". On the other hand, tourism causes environmental damage and pollution ...
When travelling we often like to post pictures of our adventures to social media. With our phone's gps function we can even add an almost exact location to the image, this is called geotagging. Geotagging has caused quite some controversy over the years, especially in the US, as many people hav...
Er wordt al jarenlang -en recent niet anders- geschreven over de bedreiging die "toerisme" vormt voor onze planeet. Los van allerlei culturele bedreigingen (de nadelige effecten van massa-toerisme in opkomende voormalige ontwikkelingslanden) gaat het dan vaak om bedreigingen voor het milieu -en spec...
Wie reist, is iemand. Reizen betekent iets te vertellen hebben. Wie thuis rustig in een kamer blijft zitten, is saai. Ik las pas een artikel in “De Groene” dat in ging op de filosofie van toerisme. Waarom gaan mensen op pad, waarom hebben ze een (haast oer)drift om er op uit te trekken? ...
Een tsunami die verwoestend werkte in grote delen van Indonesië, Thailand, Sri Lanka en India. Een terreuraanslag in Sri Lanka. Een orkaan die huishoudt op de Bahama's. Door de jaren heen worden populaire reizigersbestemmingen regelmatig getroffen door natuur- of ander geweld. Noodhulpverleners...
- For checking destinations related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability: you can check the World or backpacking and travel around the world
- For stimulating sustainability related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability: you can check the Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable travel and fair adventures
- For sharing knowledge related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability: you can check the use of summaries and study notes
- For choosing international insurances related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability: you can check insurances for abroad
- For checking volunteerships related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability you can also use volunteer, project support and opportunities
- For finding work as employee or digital nomad related to Discussions and debates around tourism, travel versus sustainability you can check also jobs and materials for teaching abroad or content for digital nomads, global worker and work & travel
- For living abroad you can check also use the checklists for global nomads, expats and other people moving abroad