
Latest changes or updates tagged with: Goal 13: Climate Action

3 main goals to make your everyday life more sustainable

What better place to start making the world more sustainable than by changing your own small habits? 
To put your dreams into action there are a couple of things you could do to contribute to a more sustainable world:

1. Reduce your plastic waste
A report called Plastic & Health: The Hidden Costs of a Plastic Planet of the Center for

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5 easy things you can do right now to help better your environment

In countries like the Netherlands we are lucky to have efficient systems for processing and recycling trash. Many homes have efficient heating systems that limit the amount of resources we use when we're at home. All passenger trains are powered by stored wind energy and electric vehicles are on the rise in 2019. Still, we impact our environment and its health

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5 vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Kyoto


If you're a vegetarian and have been to Japan, you'll probably know that finding vegetarian, let alone vegan, food is quite a challenge. If you haven't been to Japan, now you know... Most dishes contain meat or fish, and even if they seem vegetarian, they often hide some fish stock, bonito flakes or other type of broth that was used

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Flygskam - ofwel Vliegschaamte


Mensen beseffen steeds beter hoe slecht vliegen is voor het milieu en schamen zich collectief voor hun eigen aandeel in de kerosineconsumptie en zoeken naar alternatieven, zoals reizen per trein. Flygskam dus, deze vanuit het meestal behoorlijk milieubewuste Zweden overgewaaide trend; in lelijk Nederlands vertaald als vliegschaamte. Kiest heel reizend Nederland inmiddels al voor andere middelen van vervoer en

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4 tips for sustainable travel products


Hi everyone!

As you might have noticed, lately I've been trying to figure out how to live more sustainably. However, while I'm getting better at it at home, my travels could do with a sustainability upgrade as well. Therefore, I've been gathering some tricks I use at home, that could also be used for travelling. 

1. Get a

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Pifworld - Pay It Forward


Wat is Pifworld?

Pifworld is een organisatie die mensen verbindt met non-profits en maakt het mogelijk dat iedereen mee kan werken aan een betere wereld. De wereld wordt geconfronteerd met mondiale uitdagingen zoals klimaatverandering. Tegelijkertijd verschaft het internet ons de mogelijkheid om samen te werken op een manier alsnog nimmer gezien. Daarom geeft Pifworld iedereen de

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Tips to reduce your carbon footprint from travelling



In this blog I want to give you some tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint for travelling. While travelling is great fun, it can have a big impact on global warming and the environment. Therefore, it can be important to think about how you want to travel. In that way you can have an even better

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Climate has been on the forefront of international negotiations in the past decades. The evidence of human-induced climate change and its consequences is abundant and ever increasing. While states are delving into seemingly never-ending negotiations, citizens and other non-state actors are increasin...


Hey!  So I've been a little bit absent lately... Well that was because I was finishing my studies (omg!! after 6 years of university it's suddenly over.....) and preparing for and having my job interview in.. JAPAN! However, in this blog I will tell you something about the place where...


Alright, I did it! I booked a flight to Japan because of a job interview (they didn't want to do it over skype because I should get to know the company). I couldn't pass the chance for something I always wanted to do, so against my own moral judgement I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks in August. Howeve...

5 easy things you can do right now to help better your environment

In countries like the Netherlands we are lucky to have efficient systems for processing and recycling trash. Many homes have efficient heating systems that limit the amount of resources we use when we're at home. All passenger trains are powered by stored wind energy and electric vehicles ...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Goal 13: Climate Action

Climate has been on the forefront of international negotiations in the past decades. The evidence of human-induced climate change and its consequences is abundant and ever increasing. While states are delving into seemingly never-ending negotiations, citizens and other non-state actors are increasin...


This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

  • Great gift ideas (The one in Dutch is about the store WAAR at various locations in The Netherlands, where you can buy unique Fair Trade goodies!)
  • Stories and tips

5 easy things you can do right now to help better your environment

In countries like the Netherlands we are lucky to have efficient systems for processing and recycling trash. Many homes have efficient heating systems that limit the amount of resources we use when we're at home. All passenger trains are powered by stored wind energy and electric vehicles ...

Wie is Jitse Bouma (Stichting DreamCycle)

Mijn naam is Jitse Bouma, ik ben fanatiek sporter en groot liefhebber van reizen. Sinds september 2018 fiets ik van Nederland naar India om geld in te zamelen voor het Prinses Maxima Centrum. Waarom ga ik 10.000 km’s fietsen voor kinderen met kanker? Op mijn 12de kreeg ik leukemie. G...

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