Travel to Colombia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Colombia

Backpacking in Colombia?

  • A beautiful and challenging destination with jungles, mountains, beaches, culture clashes, natural areas and entertainment hotspots. All relatively close to each other and in a mixed society.
  • Characteristics: something for everyone, relatively cheap, lots of backpackers, somewhat unsafe at times.   

Traveling in Colombia?

  • A country with many faces, in terms of climate, nature, music and dance. Travel from Caribbean coast through the jungle to the high Andes or visit the opposites Cartagena and Medellin, for example.
  • City spotting: Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Manizales. 
  • Activities spotting: Explore historic cities, bizarre nature, see the country from above while paragliding, visit the famous coffee plantations, experience one of the most colorful carnivals in the world, learn to salsa dance, visit beautiful beaches and dive or snorkel the water. 
  • Nature spotting: from tropical rainforests and vast deserts to breathtaking mountain landscapes. For example, visit Tayrona National park, Rosario Islands, Caño Cristales, Los Nevados National Park, the Tatacoa Desert, the Amazon and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. 
  • Animal spotting: an awful lot, including the Andean condor, jaguar, pink river dolphin, caiman turtle, harpy (bird of prey), poison frogs, the lazy sloth, howler monkeys and the spectacle bear. 

Studying in Colombia?

  • Education in Colombia: the quality of education is good in Colombia, especially at Universidad Los Andes and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The cost is also relatively low compared to the Netherlands, especially if you can get your hands on a government scholarship. 
  • Language: Spanish.  
  • Studies: there is a wide range of educational opportunities. 
  • Study cities: Medellin & Bogota. 
  • Study culture: students have access to a wide range of facilities such as libraries, labs, sports facilities, and student clubs. There is a strong emphasis on community and collaboration, both inside and outside the classrooms. In addition, there is considerable contact with universities abroad. 
  • Language Learning: You can learn Spanish at universities, language institutes, and through private tutors, among other places.  

Internship in Colombia?

  • Internships: popular sectors are environment and conservation, education and research, health care, agriculture and work with NGOs, but internships can be found in other sectors as well.
  • Internship cities: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena. 
  • Characteristics: If your Spanish is not pretty good, your chances are pretty slim. Other than that, most sectors are open to internships.
  • Competencies: Spanish, international cooperation, subject-specific knowledge (e.g. of nature/environment).

Doing volunteer work in Colombia?

  • Especially in education, healthcare, organic farming and conservation projects.
  • Animal/nature projects: stray animals, conservation projects, wildlife protection and rehabilitation. 
  • Characteristics: both short and long volunteer work is possible. 

Work in Colombia?

  • Jobs: in terms of work, popular sectors for foreigners are (English) education, multinational companies, health care, IT, tourism and work for NGOs. 
  • Work culture: personal relationships with friends and colleagues are very important in Colombia, while time and punctuality are a lot less so. So greet everyone, everywhere (yes really) and don't feel offended if a colleague is late, this is quite normal! Furthermore, personal hygiene is also extremely important, dress to impress (formally!).
  • Characteristics: there are quite a few options for foreigners and if you find a job then come dressed formally, be cordial in your dealings and don't pay too much attention to time. 

Working as a digital nomad in Colombia?

  • Colombia is becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads, with regular events and meetups. 
  • Favorite locations: Working online is excellent in digital nomad hotspot Medellin, but it's also great to work from sunny coastal towns (Santa Marta, Bocachica, among others).
  • Features: costs are low, there are many options for affordable accommodations, in the cities you will find many modern amenities and the Internet is good. You can also meet many other digital nomads and travelers. 

Living in Colombia?

  • Whether you are running a lodge in the Andes, a project in the Amazon, or a tour company in Cartagena, with a good knowledge of Spanish, a good dose of love for South American culture, and occasional nerves of steel, you can live and breathe beautifully in Colombia.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Quality of life: as the second most biodiverse country in the world, Colombia has a lot to offer. Combined with wonderfully friendly and hospitable people, you can have a great time here. You are provided with everything you need, can undertake many activities and life goes on at a more leisurely pace. 
  • Culture: Hospitality and social relations are key! This is reflected in the many festivals and celebrations such as Carnival, Feria de las Flores and Day of the Dead. There is a lot of dancing and music, which is very special to experience. These aspects therefore play a central role in life in Colombia.  
  • Features: The people make Colombia, at first glance not very exciting (Cali) or even ugly cities (Barranquilla) come alive when you stay there longer. Decades of inequality have provided high quality healthcare and education for locals and expats with good salaries.
  • Health care: the quality of health care is very high, especially in the cities, with both public and private institutions. Do arrange your own (international) health insurance well.


Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Making compost, together with another volunteer from the United States. Worked with farmers in the Colombian Caribbean and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the highest coastal mountain range in the world, which reaches 5,700m and has a complex network of ecosystems.  The area is home to m...


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