Travel to Guatemala to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking in Guatemala

  • Guatemala is often visited by backpackers as part of a longer Central/South America trip.
  • Characteristics: Mayans, many traveling nationalities, nature, taking care of safety.

Traveling in Guatemala

  • A trip through Guatemala is a journey through traditions of the Mayan culture, past and present. With high mountains and rainforest, in which a half-hidden Mayan city suddenly appears.
  • Spotting cities: Antigua, Chichicastenango, Quetzaltenango, Lago de Atitlan (Panajachel), Tikal
  •  nimal spotting: Guatemala is very high on the biodiversity rankings: jaguars, pumas, lizards, iguanas, turtles, crocodiles, toucans... and the extremely well-hidden Quetzal.

Study in Guatemala

  • Studies: in principle, all subjects and forms of education can be found. Studies such as archaeology, architecture, anthropology, biology, psychology and philosophy predominate.
  • Study cities: in Guatemala City you will find few - but good - public universities and several private educational institutions. Antigua is the city in Central America for Spanish language courses.
  • Characteristics: education is of increasingly better quality; many opportunities for studies of indigenous cultures.

Internship in Guatemala

  • Internships: Internships can be found in all sectors of society. The tourism sector has the most supply. Certainly also opportunities around biodiversity, welfare, agriculture, health care and education.
  • Internship cities: Guatemala City, Antigua, Quetzaltenango.
  • Characteristics: the work culture in general is also very 'mañana', slow down your pace and make sure you have learned Spanish beforehand.

Do volunteer work in Guatemala

  • Volunteer projects: especially in the social sectors and nature management.
  • Animal projects: protection of sea turtles, parrots, howler monkeys, jaguars, anti-poaching programs
  • Features: volunteer work possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months.

Working in Guatemala

  • Jobs: temporary work can mainly be found in the catering and tourism sectors, such as at diving schools and in the travel sector. Also (limited) options in healthcare, call center and agriculture/nature conservation.
  • Characteristics: take into account the mañana work culture, ensure good basic knowledge of Spanish and be prepared to work for board and lodging.

Working as a digital nomad in Guatemala

  • Favorite cities: UNESCO top location Anitgua -of course-, with good co-working spaces and a growing digital nomad community. Lake Atitlan (including Panajachel) is a good 'escape' if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of Antigua.
  • Features: take into account intermittent WiFi, frequently slow internet and varying 'value for money'. Digital nomad accommodation in particular can sometimes be more expensive than you would expect from this relatively cheap country.

Living in Guatemala

  • Language: Spanish is really the basis. English is spoken in the better known tourist towns and locations, especially in Antigua. In the smaller, remote villages in the high mountains you will encounter one of the many indigenous languages.
  • Features: You will certainly encounter the special Mayan atmosphere, enormous hospitality and mañana mentality. As long as you keep yourself informed of local safety warnings (and act on them!), you can live fine in the larger cities. It is pleasant to live in the better neighborhoods of Guatemala City if you work downtown. Cheaper than most other countries in Central America and better developed than, for example, Honduras or El Salvador.

Supporting content

Travel, living and working in Guatemala - Theme

Travel, living and working in Guatemala - Theme

Travel, living and working in Guatemala Guatemala, land of Maya people, mysterious traditions and amazing landscapes. Tikal, the Mayan center, in the jungle full of howler monkeys, together with the very colorful Guatemalan population, is the main attraction. Antigua is the place where many Spanish courses are given and where it is pleasant to stay. Chichi has something magical, Flores,....... read more
WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Guatemala

Een fantastische ervaring die ik nooit zal vergeten!


15 oktober vertrok ik, naar het verre Guatemala, om daar vrijwilligerswerk te doen voor T.E.S.S. Unlimited. Ik wist niet wat ik moest verwachten, en ik was redelijk zenuwachtig toen ik in het vliegtuig zat. Toen ik na de lange reis aankwam, werd ik heel vriendelijk opgehaald door Tessa zelf, en ik werd heel lief ontvangen door het gastgezin waar ik....... read more

Reis naar Guatemala

Mijn reis naar GUATEMALA!

In Guatemala gaan we naar een project dat zich inzet voor kinderen uit een lokale achterstandswijk.
Zij krijgen hier opvang, onderwijs en tijd voor ontspanning, zodat ze niet op straat belanden.

Wij gaan hier helpen waar we kunnen!

Ook gaan we helpen in een opvangcentrum voor kinderen die niet mer thuis kunnen wonen. more

Mijn vrijwilligerswerk bij TESS Unlimited in Guatemala

Graag zou ik in deze weblog vertellen over mijn ervaring met vrijwilligerswerk. Hoe het begon Vorig jaar in februari was ik klaar met de bachelor Rechtsgeleerdheid en ik wist al meteen dat ik niet meteen door zou gaan met een master, maar dat ik het ‘gat’ tot september zou gebruiken om iets meer van de wereld te gaan zien! Mijn....... read more



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Spotlight themes related to Guatemala

Travel, living and working in Guatemala Guatemala, land of Maya people, mysterious traditions and amazing landscapes. Tikal, the Mayan center, in the jungle full of howler monkeys, together with the very colorful Guatemalan population, is the main attraction. Antigua is the place where many Spanish ...

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Guatemala

You’ve probably heard of enchiladas before, but you might be thinking about a rolled tortilla filled with chicken, or beef, topped with melted cheese and sauce, which is more like a Mexican enchilada. These enchiladas -Guatemalan enchiladas- are made by topping a fried or toasted tortilla (cal...

Study Spanish @ Lago de Atitlán

Ofcourse, when travelling around in Guatemala and Central America, a basic knowledge of Spanish is 'a must' to connect with local Guatemaltecos. Guatemala has several hotspots if you decide to slow down and learn some Spanish -or improve your existing knowledge. Main Study Locations

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Iberia at Aurora airport, Guatemala

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Spotlight organizations related to Guatemala

T.E.S.S. Unlimited bestaat uit een lokale en een Nederlandse stichting die kleinschalige projecten in Guatemala ondersteunt en opzet. T.E.S.S. Unlimited vindt het belangrijk om kinderen te onderwijzen en een glimlach te bezorgen en probeert de Guatemalteekse bevolking steeds meer te laten profiteren...


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Favorite tips and suggestions related to Guatemala

You’ve probably heard of enchiladas before, but you might be thinking about a rolled tortilla filled with chicken, or beef, topped with melted cheese and sauce, which is more like a Mexican enchilada. These enchiladas -Guatemalan enchiladas- are made by topping a fried or toasted tortilla (cal...

Reis naar Guatemala

Mijn reis naar GUATEMALA! In Guatemala gaan we naar een project dat zich inzet voor kinderen uit een lokale achterstandswijk. Zij krijgen hier opvang, onderwijs en tijd voor ontspanning, zodat ze niet op straat belanden. Wij gaan hier helpen waar we kunnen! Ook gaan we helpen in een opvangcentrum v...


Goed lopend guesthouse Te Koop in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala! Nederlandse eigenaresse Marieke is in 2011 naar Guatemala verhuisd en heeft destijds een net nieuw guesthouse overgenomen. Ruim vijf jaar jaar later is het tijd voor iets nieuws, dus wil Marieke haar guesthouse verkopen. Het guesthouse hee...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Guatemala
Study Spanish @ Lago de Atitlán

Ofcourse, when travelling around in Guatemala and Central America, a basic knowledge of Spanish is 'a must' to connect with local Guatemaltecos. Guatemala has several hotspots if you decide to slow down and learn some Spanish -or improve your existing knowledge. Main Study Locations

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Volunteering in Central America an overview

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