Travel to Peru to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Peru?

  • One of the most popular countries in South America for a dash of culture and nature. Peru is geared for travelers and offers great adventures for nature lovers, history buffs and adventure seekers alike. 
  • Activity spotting: imagine yourself Tarzan or Jane with a visit to the rainforest, climb snow-capped mountains with a good guide, find your way to the famous Machu Picchu, the Huacachina oasis, explore Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America, go to “the Galapagos for the poor” (Ballestas Islands) and meet beautiful species, hike among the colorful Rainbow Mountains, wander through beautiful Cuzco and discover ancient Spanish architecture combined with local markets and outdoor adventures. 

Studying in Peru?

  • There are several universities in Peru with a relatively good quality of education for South America. Some popular studies include engineering, administration, computer science, education, economics, business administration, IT, tourism. 
  • Classes are taught mostly in Spanish, a good time to pick up your Spanish (again). 

Internship in Peru?

  • A good location for internships in the fields of human rights, health care, environmental protection, social work, research. In both local and international organizations. 
  • Cities: Lima and Cusco.
  • Competencies: Spanish, cross-cultural collaboration, local skills, a deeper look into Peruvian culture. 

Volunteer in Peru?

  • Social work with local communities, conservation, animal care, work with street animals, archaeology, child care and education.
  • Possible from one week to several months. 

Working in Peru?

  • Getting a job is not easy, but long-term opportunities include those with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, computer science and education. 
  • Just make sure you speak Spanish! And take into account a low salary. 
  • Locations: Lima, Cusco, Arequipa.

Working as a digital nomad in Peru?

  • Peru, especially Lima, is a wonderful place for digital nomads that is still relatively undiscovered. For a combination of work and adventure, at low cost this is the place to be. The Internet is relatively good, but not excellent, depending on your location. 
  • Favorite locations: Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, Miraflores (Lima).

Living in Peru?

  • Peru's rich cultural history and mixed culture make it an attractive country to live in for many. But not only that, the impressive Amazon and Andes also attract many nature lovers and adventurers. 
  • Costs are low, the people friendly and the food delicious. There is a mix of traditions and ancient beliefs, and facilities are becoming increasingly modern. 
  • In terms of weather, too, there is a climate for everyone. 
  • Just be aware of areas with security risks.

Supporting content

Peru Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Peru Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Content about Peru on WorldSupporter

Peru: Updates & Travel

Peru: Updates & Travel

Travel in Peru?

  • In Peru, culture really is there for the taking. Visit the world-famous Inca city of “Machu Picchu” or admire Spanish colonial architecture in Arequipa, Cuzco and Puno. Besides a rich culture, you will also find a huge diversity of animals and nature: volcanoes, beach, jungle, rainforest and snow-capped mountains. This variation in nature provides a huge range of activities for the quiet hikers and the adrenaline seekers. Peru has it all.
  • Natural parks: Peru is incredibly diverse in natural beauty. You can find everything from the Amazon rainforest to snow-capped mountain peaks and coastal sand deserts.
  • Hiking: The variety of nature ensures that both beginners and advanced hikers can make very nice hikes. For example, the “Inca Trail” is an extraordinary four-day hike through the mountains to the hidden city of Machu Picchu.
  • (Extreme) sports: For adrenaline seekers, there is much to do. In Peru you can zipline through the mountains, bungee jump from great heights, skydive, white water rafting and mountain climbing, among other things.
  • JoHotspots in Peru
  • Cuzco: Many travelers only stay in Cuzco to get to Machu Picchu via there. The city is also absolutely worth staying a little longer. Take two days to see the unique architecture, experience the culture and taste the delicious food.
  • Oasis of Huacachina: This unexpected village of about 100 inhabitants is a real oasis, built around the lake “oasis of America” in the middle of the sandy desert.
  • Cathedrals and churches: Lima, the capital of Peru has many magnificent structures, including the famous “Cathedral of Lima” and the “Church of San Francisco.” Many other extraordinary religious buildings can also be found in Lima and other cities of the country.
  • It is advisable to pay close attention when participating in traffic.
  • Also, do not just get into a cab, but check if it has a “cab” sign and if the car looks decent.

Updates Peru

  • More about Peru, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Peru: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
Themes: main theme pages for activities abroad

WorldSupporter Theme pages for activities abroad

Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Gap Year, Time out and Sabbatical - Theme
Internship Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad and digital nomads - Theme
Study Abroad - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Work abroad and working holidays - Theme



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Stories, tips and experiences from Peru


Spotlight: contributions

Stories and experiences related to Peru
Peru in Nederland

Deze week ben ik een half jaar terug. Aan de ene kant lijkt het zo ver weg, maar andere kant weet ik alles nog in details en lijkt het zo kort geleden! Helemaal als ik medevrijwilligers die ik daar heb ontmoet (die ook vriendinnen zijn geworden) spreek. Het is zo fijn om met hun herinneringen o...


Algemeen Er is geen toeristenvisum nodig voor een verblijf tot maximaal 90 dagen per 180 dagen. Je krijgt een stempel bij de grens en vaak mag je hier echter maximaal 90 dagen mee verblijven in het land. Er is een eenmalige verlenging mogelijk via de immigratie authoriteiten. Wil je l...


Spotlight: favorites

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Peru

Hierbij mijn favoriete Peruaanse recept, Lomo saltado! Zoals mijn spaans leraar het noemde, una comida rapida, snel klaar dus! 1 Verhit de plantaardige olie tot 170 ºC in een grote, diepe steelpan. Test de temperatuur met een thermometer of laat voorzichtig een blokje brood in de hete olie vall...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Peru
Duurzaamheid in Cuscu

In Cuscu (Peru) heb ik een maand 'gewoond' omdat ik daar op een talenschool zat, hierdoor heb ik veel mee kunnen krijgen van het leven daar. Wat me het meest was opgevallen, was het gebruik van gas. Hier gingen ze heel zuinig mee om, super duurzaam. Het duurde even voordat ik door had waarom, niet o...


Beste allemaal, Wij zijn ondertussen anderhalve week op onze boerderij in de Peruaanse jungle en lezen met jaloezie over de Hollandse ijspret. Wij hebben hier elke dag tussen de 25 en 30 graden en elke dag wel regen (daarover later meer). Onze locatie: Wij zitten op ongeveer 2 uur rijden van Quillab...


6 april hebben we een donatie gemaakt bij het project Chaska Wasi, wat betekend 'het huis van de sterren' in Quechua, samen met Mijn Bestemming Peru. De coördinator die hier in Cusco zit, Marcelo, had gevraagd of mensen hem uit de brand konden helpen omdat hij het in zijn eentje niet zou redden...


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