What are attitudes?

Attitudes are complex evaluations that influence how we think, feel, and behave towards something or someone. They act as a summary of our:

  • Beliefs: What we think about a person, object, or issue (e.g., "Fast food is unhealthy").
  • Emotions: Feelings associated with the object (e.g., dislike for the taste of greasy food).
  • Behavioral Tendencies: How we're likely to act in relation to it (e.g., avoiding fast food restaurants).

What are the main features of attitudes?

  • Enduring: Attitudes tend to be relatively stable over time, though they can change through new experiences or information.
  • Learned: We form attitudes through personal experiences, social interactions, and cultural influences.
  • Multifaceted: Attitudes are not simply positive or negative; they can be a complex mix of evaluations.

Why are attitudes important?

Attitudes are important because they:

  • Simplify Processing Information: They act as mental shortcuts, guiding our reactions without extensive analysis.
  • Predict Behavior: Attitudes influence our choices and actions related to the attitude object.
  • Shape Social Identity: Shared attitudes can create a sense of belonging to groups.

How are attitudes applied in practice?

Attitudes play a role in many aspects of life:

  • Consumer Choices: Our attitude towards a brand influences our buying decisions.
  • Social Interactions: Attitudes towards social groups can influence how we interact with others.
  • Health Behaviors: A positive attitude towards exercise motivates us to engage in physical activity.

Practical example

Imagine someone who strongly believes in environmental protection (belief). This belief might lead to feelings of concern about pollution (emotion) and a tendency to recycle and support eco-friendly practices (behavioral tendency).

Critical comments

  • Resistance to Change: Strong attitudes can be resistant to change, even when presented with new information.
  • Inconsistent Behavior: Attitudes don't always predict behavior perfectly. Other factors can influence our actions.
  • Implicit Attitudes: Unconscious biases can shape our attitudes and behavior without our full awareness.
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Flashcards en definities bij Sociale Psychologie

Online flashcards en definities bij sociale psychologie

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