What are the favorite adventure activities abroad?

What are the favorite adventure activities abroad of JoHo travelers and WorldSupporters

  • Canoeing or rafting down the Zambezi (near Victoria Falls!) or down the Orange or Doring rivers in South Africa
  • Kayak trips to Mumba Island, Malawi
  • White Water Rafting in Bali or in Australia
  • Kayaking, diving or surfing courses in Panama
  • Canyoning or mountain bike tour in Costa Rica
  • Kayak course on wild river in Turrialba (Costa Rica)
  • Descend the rivers (with rapids!) of the immense Amazon region by dugout canoe
  • Kayaking around Vancouver (Canada)
  • Skydive course at Cairns (Australia)
  • Helicopter tour in New York (the United States)
  • Hiking in the Scottish Highlands
  • Jeep safari through the Black and/or Crystal Mountains (Egypt)
  • Hiking tour or horseback riding in Colca Canyon (Peru)
  • Riverrafting on the Apurimac and Urubamba river (Peru)
  • Mountain biking (down hill!) Sacred Valley (Peru)
  • Cross country skiing or kayaking at Lake Baikal (Russia)
  • Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam: diving instructor course (PADI) where you also get all the diving equipment and so you can easily transfer to your first job (not for budget divers)
  • Trip to the Djara caves (Egypt)
  • Kitesurfing Cabo de la Vela (Guajira Peninsula, Colombia)
  • Hiking through the Pyrenees (France/Spain)
  • Abseiling Table Mountain in Cape Town (South Africa)
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