Interview with a local

I lived for 2 months at a local family in Cusco, Peru. The daughter of my host family was Jackie. Jackie was my 'sister' for 2 months and i liked her so much. 
Jackie is 29 years old and doesn't live at her parents house anymore. Jackie lives in a litte town close to Cusco, she lives there because she had a job in that place. And it is 1.5 hours traveling with a local bus to Cusco, so it isn't possible to travel that every day. Jackie had once a week a day off. The evening before she came back to Cusco to spend time with her family and friends. And after that day off she goes back the here own place. We spend a lot of time together when she was in Cusco. We became good friends, she inspires me, so i thought that she was the perfect person to have a interview with. 

1. Do you consider yourself to be a Global Citizen? Why?
Yes. I guess because I enjoy the sunshine as much as someone in Spain for example ;
2. What does Global Citizenship mean to you?
There are no borders! The whole world is for us to enjoy, sharing it in equal parts, and because of that, we all have to work together and being involve preserving it. I could define this by: mi casa es tu casa!
3. How do you contribute (daily/weekly/monthly) to a better, more equal or sustainable world?
I guess doing small things that contributes to preserve our ecosystem like not wasting water, recycling, only print something when it is really necessarily. like on my work.
4. When you first met me did you think you were very similar or very different? How do you feel about that now?
I think very similar. It feels good although I didn´t have the chance to spend as much time as you did with my parents and brother,  I always felt very comfortable around you. It is a shame there was no more time to get to know you even more.
5. How do you inspire others with the activities that you do?
You know what? I don´t have an answer for this. Thanks for this question! I just realize all I do lately is work. That sucks! I remember I use to participate in social events, organize free seminars with friends or do something special on Christmas for poor kids. I should try making more time for these things again.
6. What talents/skills do you use to do these good things?
Being optimistic and perseverant helps!

Personal (skills/talent) development
7. What are the things you have learned from your work and how do you use these skills?
I guess one the most important things I´ve learned is to understand people´s feelings and needs better. That makes me see the world different and help me interact with people easily.
8. What kind of skills/competences would you like to learn still?
I wish I could learn how to be more organize.
9. How would you like to develop these skills/competences?
Maybe working together with somebody who is very organized will help me develop this "skill".
10. What would you do with these skills or where would you use them?
I would definitely use it in everything I do, that would give me time to do more things at work, during my free time, home.
11. What are you proud of?
I´m proud of my achievements
12. How do you help others with your skills?
Hope they can see me as an example and can feel motivated for the things I do and how I do it looking to the results.
13. What inspires you? Which song, movie, book?
I guess there are many things that inspire me. There is this phrase my class at school created: SELHENI World, which means: siempre estaremos luchando hasta encontrar nuestros ideales por el mundo (in English is something like: never give up and keep fighting for what you want). I see my class, my friends of that time reflected in many people nowadays who doesn´t have anything, who grew up in poverty where opportunities are very few, but when I see them smiling, I see their strength and their desire to move on, that inspires me, because I think it is pretty amazing to see how these people puts so much effort and energy to make of their lifes a better one.

Millennium development goals:
14. Which millennium development goal you think is most important for Peru?
I think GOAL 1. (Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015)
15. Which Millennium Development goal do you consider most important globally?
Goal 7. (ensure environmental sustainability)
16. How do you personally contribute to reaching a millennium development goal?
I guess by doing what I said on question 3. Sorry, my answer might not help that much but to be honest I´ve been thinking about what to say and I don´t find an answer. Maybe I should take more coincience about this topic / question and start contributing more to reach one of these goals.  

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