Human rights and fundamental rights - Theme


Human rights, basic rights and fundamental rights

Human rights and fundamental rights

What is the concept of 'human rights'?

Regarding the definition of the concept of human rights, two approaches can be distinguished:

  • The philosophical-ethical, where human rights are characterized in terms of fundamental values ​​that must be protected by law. In this approach it is sometimes said that human rights belong to human beings, simply because they are human beings.
  • The structural-comparative of the modern, in which one tries to compare the structure of human rights with phenomena that resemble it. In this approach, human rights are an intermediate category, placed after natural law and before positive law

In principle, human rights apply to everyone who has the status of a human being and must be respected by everyone. Human rights ideology is a global issue that can be described using a typology of four types of rights:

  • Ordinary legal rights; law derives from a positive legal system;
  • Human rights as constitutional rights; right is a specially protected and solemnly proclaimed as fundamental right from, for example, treaties and Constitutions;
  • Ordinary moral rights;
  • Human rights as universal or natural rights.


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