Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People

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24 things in 2024


Actually Gretchen Rubin wrote the book the Happiness Project. She blogs personally every year something about her Happiness Project. I was inspired by her and tried to make my own list, a little bit of her and a little bit of myself, custom made. Very personal, but on the other side it isnt. 

It is 24 things for 2024:

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The Purpuz Planner (only available in dutch)

01 Visualize your dreams with a mindmap. Where are you now? What do you dream of? How would you want your life to look 3 years from now?

02 Organize your dreams. You have to make a choice what to do first. Per dream: how would you like to accomplish the dream? How much energy do you get to work on this dream? It is a matrix, to delegate/ to do/to test/to let go and what you like to do/ gives you energy/ what you don't really like to do/less energy.

03 Make a Purpuz plan, divided into steps. Make a mindmap with small steps.

04 The Purpuz pad, put the steps with the goal and how much time it will cost. So the total time it will cost you can use for your deadline.

05 Make a monthly planning, with the goals. Because a happy life is more than

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Casusvragen Neurologie

Set van 65 casusvragen voor het thema Neurologie onder andere bruikbaar als voorbereiding op de Universitaire Voortgangs Toetsen

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01 Visualize your dreams with a mindmap. Where are you now? What do you dream of? How would you want your life to look 3 years from now? 02 Organize your dreams. You have to make a choice what to do first. Per dream: how would you like to accomplish the dream? How much energy do you get to work on t...


Chapter 17: A view from the bottom   Poor health can be caused by our bad living situations and our position in society (pollution, no heat in winter, overcrowded apartment etc.) Once social groups in animals have been established, those who are lower ranking become more chronically stressed (i...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People

Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


Na ongeveer een week weer terug in Nederland te zijn begin ik Oeganda wel weer te missen :'( het waren 2 onvergetelijke weken. Ik mocht genieten van de zon, de projecten, de bevolking, de natuur en de groep wereldsupporters. Als je Oeganda en Nederland naast elkaar zet zijn er natuurlijk veel v...


Hola Amigos! Fruits are one of the main parts of a healthy diet, but also just simply DELICIOUS. Well, if you want a good choice of fruits, head out to South-America. It's FRUIT HEAVEN! The fruits here are sweet, fresh, without travel pollution and cheap, what else do you want? Well, today for&...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People
Learning the art of helping (Young, 5th edition)
  • 1. A Personal Approach to Helping Others
  • 2. Helping Basics
  • 3. The Helping Relationship
  • 4. Invitational Skills: Nonverbal Skills and Opening Skills
  • 5. Reflecting Skills Part 1: Reflecting Thoughts: Paraphrasing
  • 6. Reflecting Skills Part 2: Reflec...
rijkdom en armoede

Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Inleiding
  • Hoofdstuk 1. De ongelijkheden van de natuur
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Antwoorden op geografie: Europa en China
  • Hoofdstuk 3. Europese uitzonderlijkheid: een andere weg
  • Hoofdstuk 4. De ontdekking van...

Spotlight content related to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People
rijkdom en armoede

Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Inleiding
  • Hoofdstuk 1. De ongelijkheden van de natuur
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Antwoorden op geografie: Europa en China
  • Hoofdstuk 3. Europese uitzonderlijkheid: een andere weg
  • Hoofdstuk 4. De ontdekking van...

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