Social studies and social work


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Social studies and social work


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Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Table of contents

  • Summary with the book: Society the basics by Macionis a.o. - 12th edition
  • Summary with the book: Cultural studies: theory and practice by Barker and Jane
  • Summary with the book: The Human Web, a Bird's-eye view of world history by McNeill
  • Summary with the book: A history of the modern world by Palmer
  • Summary with the book: Roman Empire: An introduction by Kamm - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology and Organizations by De Cremer a.o. - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Introducing Sociolinguistics - The relationship between language and society by Mesthrie a.o.
  • Summary with the book: Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives by Hatch and Cunliffe
  • Summary with the book: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie - 15th edition
  • Summary with the book: Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Philosophy of Science and Logic by Van der Velde - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction by Okasha - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: What is this thing called Science by Chalmers - 4th edition

About Society and culture

  • Society is the network of people who interact and share a common space, while culture encompasses their shared beliefs, customs, behaviors, and expressions that shape their way of life.
Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Society and culture: The best textbooks summarized

Table of contents

  • Summary with the book: Society the basics by Macionis a.o. - 12th edition
  • Summary with the book: Cultural studies: theory and practice by Barker and Jane
  • Summary with the book: The Human Web, a Bird's-eye view of world history by McNeill
  • Summary with the book: A history of the modern world by Palmer
  • Summary with the book: Roman Empire: An introduction by Kamm - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology and Organizations by De Cremer a.o. - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Introducing Sociolinguistics - The relationship between language and society by Mesthrie a.o.
  • Summary with the book: Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives by Hatch and Cunliffe
  • Summary with the book: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie - 15th edition
  • Summary with the book: Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Philosophy of Science and Logic by Van der Velde - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction by Okasha - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: What is this thing called Science by Chalmers - 4th edition

About Society and culture

  • Society is the network of people who interact and share a common space, while culture encompasses their shared beliefs, customs, behaviors, and expressions that shape their way of life.
Society and culture - Theme

Society and culture - Theme

Summaries, study notes, internships, tips and tools for study and work in society and culture


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Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

Summaries for society, culture and arts

What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
  • Language: English, Dutch
  • Access: Public, Exclusive

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Versatile: samenvattingen en studiehulp


Hoe maak je gebruik van samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Versatile?

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Samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Versatile

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What are social sciences?

Social sciences are a vast and dynamic field dedicated to studying human societies and their complexities. It utilizes scientific methods to understand individual behavior, social structures, and the forces that shape our world. 

What are the main features of social sciences?

  • Systematic Inquiry: Social sciences employ rigorous methods like surveys, experiments, and data analysis to understand social phenomena.
  • Focus on Human Behavior: The core interest lies in exploring how individuals and groups interact, make decisions, and behave within societies.
  • Emphasis on Causality: Social scientists aim to identify cause-and-effect relationships between social factors and outcomes.
  • Value of Objectivity: While acknowledging inherent biases, social sciences strive for objectivity in data collection and analysis.

What are important sub-areas in social sciences?

  • Anthropology: Examines human cultures, societies, and languages across time and space.
  • Economics: Studies how societies allocate resources, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
  • Political Science: Analyzes political systems,
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What are social studies?

Social studies is a broad field that acts as a foundation for understanding the human experience in society. It integrates various disciplines to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be informed and engaged citizens. 

What are the main features of social studies?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Social studies draws upon history, economics, geography, civics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and even philosophy to create a comprehensive understanding of society.
  • Focus on Citizenship: It emphasizes developing critical thinking skills, analyzing information, and fostering active participation in civic life.
  • Understanding Change & Continuity: Social studies encourages looking at how societies have evolved over time while recognizing enduring patterns and structures.
  • Multiple Perspectives: Studying diverse historical and contemporary perspectives broadens understanding of social issues and complexities.

What are important sub-areas in social studies?

  • History: Explores the past, analyzing events, figures, and trends that shaped the world we live in today.
  • Geography: Examines the
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Study Guide with article summaries for Migrants and Integration at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with Migrants and Integration at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles with Migrants and Integration - 2023/2024
    • The effectiveness of immigration policies
    • Successive National Policy Models
    • Studying public policy through immigration policy
    • Migration to European Countries
    • Bogus refugees?
    • Contemporary theories of international migration
    • Refugee crisis in Europe
    • Immigration, acculturation, and adaptation
    • About but not without
    • Two logics of policy intervention in immigrant integration
    • Over-education among immigrants in Europe
    • Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage
    • The Netherlands as a Country of Immigration
    • What about the mainstream?
    • The integration paradox
    • The ethnic composition of the neighbourhood and ethnic minorities’ social contacts
    • Migrants’ multi-sited social lives
    • Transnationalism
    • Adjustment Outcomes of Immigrant Children and Youth in Europe
    • Mental Health in Adolescents with a Migration Background in 29 European Countries
    • The evolution of acculturation and development models for understanding
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Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Revising the adaptation theory of well-being
  • Strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being
  • Is the study of happiness a worthy scientific pursuit?
  • Non-traditional measures of subjective well-being and their validity
  • Concepts and components of well-being
  • What are the possibility, desirability, and justifiability of happiness?
  • Three revolutions in the global history of happiness
  • What is well-being?
  • What is eudaimonia?
  • The relationship between cognitive outlooks and well-being
  • Affective forecasting and impact bias explained
  • Factors that might influence high happiness
  • The dark side of happiness
  • Increasing happiness
  • The Sustainable Happiness Model (SHM)
  • Using Positive Psychological Interventions (PPIs) to increase subjective well-being
  • Impact of the size and scope of government on human well-being
  • Well-being in metrics and policy
  • Subjective well-being and national satisfaction
  • Can and should happiness be a policy goal?
  • Including subjective well-being measures
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Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

Summaries for society, culture and arts What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, R...

What are social sciences?

Social sciences are a vast and dynamic field dedicated to studying human societies and their complexities. It utilizes scientific methods to understand individual behavior, social structures, and the forces that shape our world.  What are the main features of social sciences?

  • Syst...

What are social studies?

Social studies is a broad field that acts as a foundation for understanding the human experience in society. It integrates various disciplines to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be informed and engaged citizens.  What are the main features of social studies?

  • Interd...

What general skills does a social worker need? - Chapter 6

The listening skills can be divided into non-selective (actually impossible not to perform) and selective. The 'non'-selective skills include non-verbal behavior, careful following of the conversation and the use of moments of silence. Selective listening means asking questions, reproducin...

Begrippenlijst bij Challenging Global Inequality van Greig e.a.

Begrippen hoofdstuk 1

  • Bruto Binnenlands Product : De totale geldwaarde van alle geproduceerde goederen en diensten gedurende een bepaalde periode, binnen een bepaald land/gebied.
  • Gini index: Een meetinstrument dat wordt gebruikt om de inkomensongelijkheid binnen een land te mete...



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Displaying 1 - 4 of 14
Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

Summaries for society, culture and arts What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, R...


Hoe maak je gebruik van samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Versatile?

  • Opgelet! Op deze pagina vind je hoe het werkt en hoe je online gebruik maakt van de samenvattingen en studiehulp.
  • Studievereniging Versatile zal voor komende tijd nog haar website en boodschappen a...

What are social studies?

Social studies is a broad field that acts as a foundation for understanding the human experience in society. It integrates various disciplines to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be informed and engaged citizens.  What are the main features of social studies?

  • Interd...


Versatile: samenvattingen en studiehulp

Versatile: samenvattingen en studiehulp


Hoe maak je gebruik van samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Versatile?

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  • Studievereniging Versatile zal voor komende tijd nog haar website en boodschappen aanpassen naar de laatste stand van zaken. Tot die tijd zal je nog informatie en more on this page


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Hoe maak je gebruik van samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Versatile?

  • Opgelet! Op deze pagina vind je hoe het werkt en hoe je online gebruik maakt van de samenvattingen en studiehulp.
  • Studievereniging Versatile zal voor komende tijd nog haar website en boodschappen a...


Spotlight: selection of contributions

Selected spotlight content related to Social studies and social work
What are social studies?

Social studies is a broad field that acts as a foundation for understanding the human experience in society. It integrates various disciplines to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be informed and engaged citizens.  What are the main features of social studies?

  • Interd...


Spotlight: favorites

Summaries related to Social studies and social work
What are social sciences?

Social sciences are a vast and dynamic field dedicated to studying human societies and their complexities. It utilizes scientific methods to understand individual behavior, social structures, and the forces that shape our world.  What are the main features of social sciences?

  • Syst...

Summaries: home page for society, culture and arts

Summaries for society, culture and arts What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, R...

What general skills does a social worker need? - Chapter 6

The listening skills can be divided into non-selective (actually impossible not to perform) and selective. The 'non'-selective skills include non-verbal behavior, careful following of the conversation and the use of moments of silence. Selective listening means asking questions, reproducin...

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