
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Strategic Management

Definities en begrippen Supply Chain Management oefenen

Lijst met kernbegrippen en uitleg van definities rond thema Supply Chain Management - geschreven in 2016, gedoneerd aan WorldSupporter

Basis: Operations en Supply Chain Management

Wat is operations en supply chain management (OSCM)?

  • Operations and supply chain management (OSCM) is het ontwerp, de bewerking en verbetering van de systemen die de primaire producten en services van een organisatie leveren en creëren.

Wat betekenen de begrippen operations en supply chain?

  • Operations refereert naar productie- en serviceprocessen die gebruikt
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Summary Fundamentals of Strategy van Johnson en Whittington

Summary Fundamentals of Strategy by Johnson & Whittington, written in 2015, donated to WorldSupporter

Chapter 1: Introduction Strategy

Strategy: Long-term direction of an organisation.

Corporate level strategy: is concerned with the overall scope of an organization and how value is added tot he constituent businesses of the organizational whole.

Business-level strategy: is about how the individual businesses should compete in their particular markets.

Operational strategies: are concerned with

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Strategic Management (B&M) - RUG - Practice exam (4)


Question 1

Which one of Porter’s 5 forces would be most directly affected if an existing firm in that niche threatens to engage
in vertical integration?

  1. Pressure from substitutes
  2. Barriers to entry
  3. Supplier power
  4. Intensity of rivalry

Question 2

Regarding the statement “patents protect innovation better than any other mechanism":

  1. a century of evidence shows this is true.
  2. no one can confirm or disprove this statement.
  3. is true for process innovation, but not product innovation.
  4. evidence shows that this is not true in most industries.

    Question 3

    In the material from Lecture 1, Rumelt gives four criteria for evaluating a strategy. Which criterion has to do with
    making sure that.........Read more


    Business ethics: concepts and cases van Velasquez & Manuel (7th edition)

    Chapter 1. Ethics and business

    Business ethics is about how a company incorporates ethics into its operations. There are many firms that choose profits over ethics; they profited through unethical behaviour. Even though there are many firms that at one time have engaged in unethical behaviour, it is not a good long-term business strategy for a company.

    Unethical behaviour of a company may change its reputation. Employees are more likely to loyally serve a company with a good reputation. Therefore, many argue that ethical behaviour is the best

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    Boeksamenvatting bij de 3e druk van Exploring Strategic Change van Balogun e.a.

    Hoofdstuk 1. waarom strategische verandering?

    Verandering is ‘a way of life’ geworden. Daarbij ervaren organisaties veel verschillende typen verandering. Veel organisaties moeten hun strategie aanpassen om competitief te blijven. Echter, een groot deel van de veranderingen in organisaties is niet succesvol. Veel organisatieveranderingen worden slecht uitgevoerd. Mede daardoor is veranderingsmanagement een belangrijke management competentie. Veranderingsmanagement moet een onderdeel zijn van de toolkit van een manager. In dit boek worden vier inzichten aangereikt op het

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    Strategic Management of Technological Innovation - Schilling - 4th edition - BulletPoints

    BulletPoints 1: Introduction

    • Technological innovation is the act of introducing a new device, method, or material for application to commercial or practical objectives.

    • The aggregate impact of technological innovation can be observed by looking at gross domestic product (GDP). The gross domestic product of an economy is its total annual output, measured by final

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    Operations and Supply Chain Management, Chapter 1 &2

    1. What is Operations and Supply Chain Management? What is Operations and Supply Chain Management? Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) is the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and services. OCSM is concerned wi...

    Samenvatting Contemporary Strategy Analysis

    Deze Samenvatting bij Contemporary Strategy Analysis van Grant is geschreven in 2014 - 8e druk

    • Hoofdstuk 1: Het concept van een strategie
    • Hoofdstuk 2: Doelen, waarden en prestaties
    • Hoofdstuk 3: De beginselen van bedrijfsanalyses
    • Hoofdstuk 4: Concurrentieanalyses ...

    Summary Fundamentals of Strategy van Johnson en Whittington

    Summary Fundamentals of Strategy by Johnson & Whittington, written in 2015, donated to WorldSupporter

    • Chapter 1: Introduction Strategy
    • Chapter 2: The environment
    • Chapter 3: Strategic capabilities
    • Chapter 4: Strategic Purpose
    • Chapter 5: Business Strat...

    Definities en begrippen Supply Chain Management oefenen

    Lijst met kernbegrippen en uitleg van definities rond thema Supply Chain Management - geschreven in 2016, gedoneerd aan WorldSupporter

    • Basis: Operations en Supply Chain Management
    • Strategie en Duurzaamheid
    • Voorspellen
    • Strategische Capaciteit Management
    • P...



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    Balloon Ventures

    Balloon Ventures is een Britse organisatie die zich inzet voor verbinding tussen jongeren en afgestudeerden over de hele wereld. Dit doet Balloon Ventures onder andere door Europese young professionals te matchen met jonge initiatiefnemers in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana en op de Filipijnen, via het Balloon...

    Boeksamenvatting bij Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy van Hillier

    Voor de samenvatting, zie de bijlagen. chapter_1_capital.pdf chapter_2_debt.pdf chapter_3_equity.pdf chapter_4_portfolio.pdf chapter_5_capm.pdf chapter_6_factor_models.pdf chapter_7_derivative_pricing.pdf chapter_8_options.pdf chapter_9_discounting_cash_flows.pdf chapter_10_risk-free_pro...

    Summary with Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy by Hillier

    The following chapters of the book 'Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy' by Hillier & Grinblatt are summarized and included in the attachments:

    • Chapter 9: Cash Flows
    • Chapter 10: Risk-free Projects
    • Chapter 11: Risky Projects
    • Chapter 12: Valuation Technique...



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