Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo

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  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente


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Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info


Module 1: Psychology: an Orientation

  • Study material: Psychology by Ciccarelli et al., 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of two written subtests
  • Exam dates: 2 October 2023 (partial exam) + 30 October 2023 (partial exam)

Module 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

  • Study material: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, 15th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a Written Test, an R-exam & assignments
  • Exam dates: 6 November 2023 (Written Test)

Module 1: Systematic Intervention Design

  • Study material: Reader Systematic Intervention Design in Psychology
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of written subtests, a project report, a project presentation, attendance to tutorials & project & handing in preparation exercises
  • Exam dates: 16 October 2023 (partial exam) + 23 October 2023 (exam)

Module 1: Project Management and Academic Writing

  • Study material: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association, 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a group project plan, a group literature assignment, an individual writing assignment, an individual reflective report, attendance to tutorials Professional Skills & attendance tutorials Academic Writing Skills


Module 2: Social (Developmental) Psychology

  • Study material:
    • Social Psychology by Kassin a.o., 11th edition
    • How children develop by Siegler, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on two partial exams and assignments
  • Exam dates: 11 December 2023 (subtest 1) + 29 January 2024 (subtest 2)

Module 2: Data Analysis I

  • Study material: Analysing data using linear models by Van den Berg, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on assignments and a written exam
  • Exam dates: 4 December 2023 (partial exam) + 23 January 2024 (exam) more
Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info

Module 5: Health Psychology and Applied Technology

Health Psychology

  • Study material: Introduction to Health Psychology by Morrison & Bennett, 5th edition

Persuasive Health Technology

  • Study material:
    • eHealth Research: Theory and Development. A multidisciplinary approach by Van Gemert-Pijnen o.a. 2018 edition
    • Articles and readings of other courses in this module

Module 5: Psychology in Learning & Instruction

Theories of Learning and Instruction

  • Study material: articles

Research and Teaching Skills

  • Study material: syllabus

Instructional Design Project

  • Study material: articles & readings through Canvas

Module 5: Psychology of Safety

Theoretical Models of Societal Safety

  • Study material: articles

Research and Design in Safety Contexts

  • Study material: self-selected articles

Module 6: Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics

  • Study material:
    • Psychopathology: Research, Assessment, and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey, 3rd edition
    • Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Applied Psychodiagnostics: Case Report

  • Study material: Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Mental Health in Practice (Project)

  • Study material: articles

Study material and exam info for modules 7 - 8

  • More information follows from your study association
Latest changes or updates tagged with: Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo

Summary of Chapter 13 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 13 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands


Chapter 13:

Approaches to the Self

  • Components of the self: important in our day-to-day lives  --> helps understand how we perceive and act on the world surrounding us (influences our goals/methods to reach those goals)
  • Self-concept: cognitive-descriptive knowledge we have of ourselves --> whole of cognitive schemas/knowledge structures used as personal resource
  • Includes:
  • Perceptions/evaluations of persona qualities/abilities
  • Is a psychological need, cornerstone of personality
  • High levels of self-concept predicts subjective well-being, less social anxiety and engagement at school
  • Development:
  • Awareness one’s body:
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Summary of Chapter 12 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 12 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands


Chapter 12:

Personality dispositions over time: Stability and Change

Conceptual issues:

  • Personality development: continuities/consistencies/stabilities over time and the ways in which people change over time
  • Rank order stability: maintenance of a relative individual position within a group (if people tend to maintain positions on dominance relative to other members of group, this is a high rank order stability to that personality characteristic)
  • Mean level stability: mean values of a trait, do not change much over time
  • Mean level change: people tend to get increasingly conservative (political orientation) as they get older
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Summary of Chapter 11 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 11 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands


Chapter 11:

Traits and Trait Taxonomies:

What is a trait? 2 basic formulations:

  1. as internal properties of a person that cause behaviour
  • Internal: desires and needs, presumed to be causal, hence explaining behaviour of those who posses the trait
  1. to describe the enduring aspects of a person’s behaviour
  • Descriptive summaries of attributes of persons, make no assumptions about internality/ causality --> Olaf is jealous, trait jealousy accurately summarizes general trend of Olaf’s expressed behaviour, yet no assumptions are made about the causes of his behaviour
  • Personality coherence: even though behaviours
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Summary of Chapter 10 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 10 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands


Chapter 10:

Introduction to personality psychology

Personality defined:

  • Personality: set psychological traits/mechanisms organized and relatively enduring, and influences person’s interactions with, and adaptations to, the intrapsychic, physical and social environments
  • Personality traits: characteristics describe ways people are different from each other
  • Average tendencies: high-talkative person starts more conversations than low-talkative person
  • Science of personality psychology: understanding psychological way people differ --> ask 4 questions --> explain/predict behaviour
  1. How many traits? Understanding amount of fundamental traits
  2. Organization? How traits are related to other traits
  3. Origins? Origin traits and how they developed
  4. Correlations and
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Summary of Chapter 9 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 9 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands



Ch.9: Therapist & ethical/moral framework

“The dilemma for the therapist is to allow themselves to be influential without imposing their moral values and choices. Therapy needs to possess and informed awareness of the ways in which moral and ethical issues may arise in their work”

Ethical knowing

  • Ethical knowing relevant for therapists:
    • Personal moral or ethical responses: understood as intuitive, taken for granted. Therapist rely on their intuitive moral judgment of ‘what feels right’ rather than on any more explicit guidelines
    • Value: enduring belief that a specific end-state or mode of conduct is preferable --> therapists values tend to
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Summary of Chapter 7 of the The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)

This is the Chapter 7 of the book The Individual (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 4 (The Individual) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.9: Narrative approaches in therapy

Narrative therapy

“Based in a relational understanding of identity, in which a person’s sense of self is not viewed as a fixed psychological structure, but instead as a fluid construct”

  • Narrative perspective: individuals/groups create personal/social realities through use of language, and problems understood as brought into being through language
    • Therapist: facilitate conversation within which new meaning can be found
  • Conversational approaches: imply strengths perspective --> intention engage in conversation implies person has ideas about how to resolve their problem

Philosophies interpreting narrative therapy

  • Constructivism: reality constructed at individual
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Summary of Narrative identity, McAdams (2011)

This is a summary of the article McAdams, (2011). Narrative identity. In S. Schwartz, K. Luyckx, & V. Vignoles (Eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research (pp. 99-115). New York, NY, US

Narrative identity

McAdams, 2011

“To be adult means among other things to see one’s own life in continuous perspective, in both retrospect and prospect. By accepting some definition as to who he is, usually on the basis of a function in an economy, a place in the sequence of generations, and a status in the structure of society, the adult is able to selectively reconstruct his past in such a way that, step for step, it seems to have planned him, or better, he seems to have planned it. In this sense psychologically we do choose our parents, our family history, and the history of our kings, heroes, and gods. By making them our

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Summary of Delivery formats online Lecture

This summary includes the Delivery formats online Lecture, it's a recorded lecture. The lecture covered Chapters 1 and 9 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)


Delivery formats online

“In the context of digital mental health interventions”

Therapeutic alliance: key role affects therapy -->

Can we do the same in an online interaction?

  • Clients can feel a strong alliance with what the digital mental health intervention is offering --> but not same effects, it supports other aspects
    • (Online settings) Client feels presence therapist, boosts the therapy effect
      • Increased engagement
      • Increased adherence
    • (Online settings) Enhance effects in a bidirectional way: therapist and client affect each other in a complex way, when there is 3rd system (online material) emerging

Therapeutic alliance by

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Summary of The Therapeutic Relationship Lecture

This summary includes the The Therapeutic Relationship lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 12-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 7 and 8 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)


Therapeutic Relationship:

“is the basis of everything that happens between client and psychologist”


  • The Dodo verdict: The factor that most influences the impact of the treatment is the therapist/the alliance
  • Alliance consists of the agreement between patient and therapist on the goals of treatment, collaboration on the tasks of treatment, and an emotional bond between patient and therapist (Eubanks, Muran, & Safran, 2018; Bordin, 1979)
    • significant predictor of therapeutic outcome (accounts for approximately 7–15%)

Therapeutic alliance, empathy, genuiness:

“Therapeutic alliance is significantly related to therapist empathy and of therapist genuineness (Nienhuis et al., 2018)”

  • Alliance
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Summary of Person-centered Approach Lecture

This summary includes the Person-centered Approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 09-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapter 6 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)


Person-centred approach:

The humanistic approach – third force

  • 1st Force -- Psychoanalysis: “Say whatever comes to mind”
  • 2nd Force -- Behaviourism
  • 3rd Force -- Humanistic psychology: Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
    • “The human capacity for creativity, growth and choice”
    • Six basic postulates (Bugental, 1964):
      1. Human beings are the sum of its parts
      2. Human beings exist in a uniquely human context, as well as in a cosmic ecology
      3. Human beings are conscious
      4. Human beings aware of oneself in the context of other people
      5. Human beings have choice and responsibility
      6. Human beings are intentional
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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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