Most important lecture notes with Interventions in individual development at the University of Groningen
Learning goals for all weeks
Understand and explain why we need person-centered interventions and person-centered research.
Understand and describe various interventions in individual development.
Understand and describe person-centered research methodologies.
Design and describe your own person-centered study of an intervention in individual development.
Week 1 Introduction and complex dynamic systems
Ergodiciteit is de eigenschap van een dynamisch systeem dat het gemiddelde gedrag over de tijd gezien ruwweg hetzelfde is als het gemiddelde over alle toestanden waarin het systeem kan verkeren. Ergodicity continuum is that there are individual differences, a single subject to increasingly fixed coefficients.Ways of having a ergodicity continuum are:
Ecological inference fallacy. This has to do with stereotypes. The individual members of a group have the average characteristics of the group at large. Like for example the way that the coronavirus symptoms are indicated. The
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