Travel to Nepal to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Nepal

Backpacking in Nepal?

  • Known for its mountains, hippie culture and delicious food - Nepal is a spot-on yet intensely beautiful country that has an enormous amount to offer with 8 climate zones.  
  • Whether you spend two weeks trekking here, or three months exploring every corner of the country, it's a trip to remember.
  • Features: from tropical zones to the highest mountain in the world in a small area, friendly people, beautiful cultural and religious sites and a paradise for spirituality.

Traveling in Nepal?

  • Besides climbing Everest, there are many other wonderful hikes of all levels.  
  • With high mountains and tropical landscape a short distance away, you can expect plenty of variety.  
  • The long history of Hinduism and Buddhism also makes for an intense, cultural experience that is a lot less intense than in India.
  • City spotting:  Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lumbini, Bhaktapur, Sauraha.
  • Activity spotting: mountain climbing and trekking, animal spotting, yoga courses, visiting temples and delicious food.
  • Nature spotting: the several areas within the Himalayan Mountains, the jungles of Chitwan and Bardia, the harsh landscape of Upper Mustang, Rara Lake and the rolling hills of Khaptad National Park.
  • Animal spotting: from Bengal tigers, rhinos, elephants and many bird species, to snow leopards and red pandas.

Studying in Nepal?

  • Education in Nepal: Nepalese universities are of varying quality and score low in international rankings.  
  • The quality can also vary greatly within a university. Many Nepalese youth seek studies abroad which may also indicate a lower quality of education.
  • Language: the main language is Nepali, some universities also offer studies in English. 
  • Studies: in Nepal you will find several studies, from traditional to modern.  
  • For example, you can study Buddhism and studies such as business administration, IT and civil engineering are also popular.
  • Study cities: Kathmandu, Pokhara.
  • Language learning: you can learn the language in many places, including through language centers linked to universities and in these cities themselves.

Internship in Nepal?

  • Internships: there are many opportunities for internships in all fields. Popular sectors for foreigners are health care, community development, women's empowerment, conservation and education.
  • Internship cities: Kathmandu, Pokhara, Biratnagar.
  • Characteristics: Nepal is a developing country, so you can contribute a lot by doing an internship. Many internships are associated with institutions and non-profits. 

Doing volunteer work in Nepal?

  • Volunteering is a very special experience in Nepal because of the development, culture and variety of the country.  
  • Volunteering in education, women's empowerment, healthcare and sustainable agriculture (such as tea plantations) is popular.
  • Animal/nature projects: there are projects with stray animals, and forest protection and regeneration.
  • Characteristics: you can volunteer from as little as a week to several months. Your work and your possible financial contribution really help people and is highly appreciated.

Working in Nepal?

  • Jobs: most foreigners come to Nepal through foreign organizations and companies. For example, in civil engineering, charitable organizations or government agencies. 
  • Work culture: in Nepal, people work hard and have great respect for superiors and elders. In the workplace, people use formal manners.
  • Characteristics: formal, hierarchical, dedication and cooperation are important. 

Working as a digital nomad in Nepal?

  • Favorite locations: Pokhara, Kathmandu.
  • Characteristics: cheap, cozy, large community and adventure is close by. Do keep in mind power outages and volatile internet.

Living in Nepal?

  • Language: people in Nepal speak Nepali, sometimes Hindi and in many cases English. 
  • Quality of life: the quality of life in Nepal is considered low to average, depending on where you live. There is a lot to do, people are open and friendly, but the healthcare system does leave much to be desired and the infrastructure is poor.
  • Features: cheap living, you will definitely feel the spiritual atmosphere and if you are good at adjusting to less luxury/no luxury you can enjoy a peaceful life in Nepal.  
  • Health care: health care in Nepal, with the exception of a few traveler clinics, is not good. Hygiene is often a problem, as is the absence of instruments and medicines. In travelers' clinics, however, health care is often of good quality.
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Displaying 21 - 24 of 30
Clean Water Nepal

The devastating earthquakes to hit Nepal killed over 7,000 people and destroyed thousands of homes and wiped out entire villages. The very basic essentials such as fresh clean water, electricity, food and shelter are in great need. The Pure Water Movement is planning a trip to Nepal to help provide ...


Iedereen is van harte welkom op mijn boekpresentatie 18 april a.s. van 15.15 - 17.00 uur in OBA Amsterdam (naast CS station).  Er zijn lezingen van mijzelf, de Indiase advocate Kiruba Munusamy, het Etty Hillesum centrum en er is Indiase dans van Mohini. Het boek is het resultaat van jarenlange ...


Foto's op hoogte geschoten in het Annapurna gebergte, Nepal.


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Stories, tips and experiences from Nepal


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Nepal

Prerana is a girl who lives in the orphanage in the slums. She is the daughter from the founder of the orphanage. I'd talk to her mostly of the time when there where other kids around. It was good to talk to her alone, because now she can say what she was really thinking. Me: Where do you live? Prer...


Ik kan het me niet voorstellen dat het alweer een jaar geleden is dat ik door mijn familie uitgezwaaid werd op Schiphol. Met mijn waterdichte Timberlands, fleecevest en een koffer vol verbandmiddelen stond ik daar, klaar voor vertrek! Ik had geen idee wat deze reis en het vrijwilligerswerk me zouden...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Nepal
Het boekenvak van Nepal, door de ogen van uitgever Ajit Baral

  Het is 2006 als journalist Ajit Baral in Nepal begint aan een nieuw avontuur. Hij schrijft onder andere voor de Nepali Daily, waar hij met veel plezier literatuur recenseert. Vanuit zijn rol is hij nauw betrokken bij de literaire ontwikkelingen in Nepal. Hij ziet dat het uitgeefvak ouderwets ...


Vol indrukken schreef ik natuurlijk mijn blog hier tijdens mijn reis. Maar ook snel na mijn reis werd ik door verschillende partijen benaderd iets over mijn ervaring in Nepal te schrijven. Sommige stukjes zitten nog in de pijplijn, omdat de publicatie pas later zal zijn (dit is natuurlijk tijdschrif...

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Nepal
Clean Water Nepal

The devastating earthquakes to hit Nepal killed over 7,000 people and destroyed thousands of homes and wiped out entire villages. The very basic essentials such as fresh clean water, electricity, food and shelter are in great need. The Pure Water Movement is planning a trip to Nepal to help provide ...


Iedereen is van harte welkom op mijn boekpresentatie 18 april a.s. van 15.15 - 17.00 uur in OBA Amsterdam (naast CS station).  Er zijn lezingen van mijzelf, de Indiase advocate Kiruba Munusamy, het Etty Hillesum centrum en er is Indiase dans van Mohini. Het boek is het resultaat van jarenlange ...

Nepalees diner

Wil je een Nepalees diner door een Nepaleze familie gemaakt? Een Nepaleze man en vrouw komen naar Nederland om daar geld in te zamelen voor hun project "gehandicapte kinderen in Nepal"  Zij maken bij mensen thuis een typisch Nepalees diner en het geld dat zij daarvoor verdienen gaat naar hun or...


Dal Bhat (Nepalese linzen) met groenten Anders, Hoofdgerecht, 4 personen, Bereidingstijd 45 minuten, Wereldkeuken Laatst aangepast: 20 aug. 2006, 21:38 | 17 keer bewaard   Traditioneel Nepalees gerecht Ingrediënten

  • 2 koppen linzen
  • 1 eetl garam massala
  • 2 theel ke...

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