Travel to Turkmenistan to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Turkmenistan: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Turkmenistan?

  • Traveling through Turkmenistan offers insight into one of the world's most closed societies with an authoritarian regime. Traveling comes with challenges because most of the time you must have a pre-planned tour. If you manage to get a visa, you will be rewarded with sights like the burning Darvaza gas crater and the marble city of Ashgabat and the incredibly friendly and curious people. 
  • You do have to adjust to strict rules and limited access. 
  • Activity spotting: visit Merv, one of the most important cities on the ancient Silk Road; camp in the stars under the beautiful Karakum desert; explore the ancient ruins of Kunya-Urgench; wander the streets of Ashgabat and visit the National Museum; admire the “Gates of Hell,” the Darvaza gas crater that has been burning for decades; attend traditional Turkmen festivities! 
  • Animal spotting: caracal sheep, goitered gazelle, karakal (desert lynx), wolves, flamingos, pelicans.
  • Food spotting: plov (rice dish with mutton), Shashlik (grilled meat or chicken satay), manti (type of dumplings), chorek (flatbread), samsa (savory pastries), ayran (sour yogurt drink) and local cheeses and many vegetable dishes.

Studying in Turkmenistan?

  • Considerable strides are being made in terms of studying in Turkmenistan and there are several educational institutions you can go to. 
  • However, education is influenced by the government. There is little room for critical thinking and discussion and the facilities are generally somewhat outdated. It does offer you an insight into one of the most secluded communities in the world and a glimpse into Turkmen culture.  
  • So it is possible to study in Turkmenistan, but getting a visa can be tricky. But don't be discouraged if you want to get to know the culture and the country better and study in Turkmenistan! 
  • Popular studies include engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics and business administration. Especially focused on the situation and developments of the home country. 
  • Language: Turkmen, Russian and some English programs. 

Internship in Turkmenistan?

  • Internship opportunities in Turkmenistan are relatively limited due to the closed nature of the country and strong government control. However, there are some sectors where you can find opportunities as an international intern. These include the energy/oil & gas sector, agriculture and water management, education and with international organizations in the field of diplomacy. 
  • Competencies: adaptability, intercultural communication, diplomacy, international cooperation, problem-solving skills. 

Doing volunteer work in Turkmenistan?

  • It is very difficult to find volunteer work in Turkmenistan. 

Working in Turkmenistan?

  • To work in Turkmenistan, you need knowledge of the language. The easiest sectors to find work are oil & gas, marketing, construction and finance. 

Working as a digital nomad in Turkmenistan?

  • It is not a popular country for digital nomads, due to internet restrictions, censorship and small expat community. There are also few good facilities for working remotely. 
  • Favorite locations: Ashgabat, Mary, Dashoguz. 

Living in Turkmenistan?

  • Living in Turkmenistan is a unique experience and is not for everyone. You live in a strict, isolated society with few other foreigners. Yet the country also offers a fascinating insight into one of the most closed and traditionally minded societies in the world, with special cultural customs and historical sites to explore.
  • Turkmenistan has a deeply rooted, traditional culture. Family values and respect for elders are important, and many people still live according to ancient customs. The Turkmen are proud of their nomadic and tribal history, which is reflected in festivals, costumes, and crafts.
  • The expat community in Turkmenistan consists mainly of diplomats, employees of international organizations, and workers in the oil and gas industry. Social interactions with locals may be limited due to language barriers and cultural differences.
  • Turkmenistan is relatively safe in terms of crime. Strict government control ensures that there is little violence or organized crime. Still, the ubiquitous presence of the security forces can be perceived as intimidating, and expats, especially women, may be harassed.
  • Health insurance: health care is reasonable, measure not very modern. So be sure to have your own well-covered health insurance if you need to go to a private clinic, for example.

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Turkmenistan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Turkmenistan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Turkmenistan: Updates & Travel
How does healthcare work in Turkmenistan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
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Turkmenistan: Updates & Travel
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  • Updates Turkmenistan
  • Travel in Turkmenistan

    • When you think of Turkmenistan, you don't immediately think of a whole slew of attractions to visit. Not so long ago, the country was very closed off from the rest of the world. Nowadays, the c...

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  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...

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  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...

Safety and insurances for Turkmenistan

How does healthcare work in Turkmenistan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does healthcare work in Turkmenistan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Turkmenistan?

What is the quality of healthcare in Turkmenistan?

  • Healthcare in Turkmenistan consists of good healthcare workers and poor facilities. In general, healthcare is not good and lags far behind, for example, the West. Both locals and foreigners often go abroad for healthcare (Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan).
  • In Ashgabat you will find the most healthcare, outside of that it is immediately much more difficult to find good healthcare.
  • The most common causes of death in Turkmenistan are cardiovascular diseases, HIV/AIDS, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and respiratory problems. Diseases are mainly caused by bad food, bad drinking water and pollution from industry and agriculture.
  • The residents of Turkmenistan still rely a lot on old, traditional healthcare.
  • Life expectancy in Turkmenistan is relatively low, with 65 years for men and 72 years for women (2021). Life expectancy has increased in recent years, but slightly below the world average.
  • English-speaking medical staff is limited available. It may be useful to hire a local interpreter or acquire basic knowledge of the Turkmen language.
  • There are private pharmacies in Turkmenistan. The largest chain is Gedeon Richter. There are frequent shortages of essential medicines in Turkmenistan. So make sure you bring your own supplies.

How does the public healthcare system work in Turkmenistan?

  • There is a public healthcare system, funded by the government. Unfortunately, it is underfunded and the national bureaucracy blocks positive steps in healthcare. The current system is poorly implemented and there is little change, which makes it difficult for the local population.
  • Healthcare is supposed to be free for residents, but in practice this is not the case. Foreigners are not allowed to use public healthcare.
  • Public hospitals are often overcrowded and not well equipped for serious care. There are many shortages and equipment is often outdated (especially in rural areas).

How does the private healthcare system work in Turkmenistan?

  • More expensive, but of better quality. That is the private healthcare in Turkmenistan, as in most countries. Expats and emigrants mainly use private healthcare. The doctors are good and the facilities are generally available.
  • It is a lot more expensive, and because foreigners are only allowed to use the private sector, and medical evacuation may be necessary, most expats take out good international health insurance with coverage in neighboring countries and coverage for medical evacuation/repatriation.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Turkmenistan?

  • Finding a general practitioner, let alone one who speaks English, can be difficult. Private clinics usually have general practitioners. Your embassy will probably have a list of good doctors, or you can ask other expats for advice.

How is the dentist arranged in Turkmenistan?

  • Dental care in Turkmenistan is reported as not good. Most expats go abroad for professional dental care as there are few specialists and well-equipped clinics.

How is pregnancy care arranged in Turkmenistan?

  • The infant mortality rate in Turkmenistan is relatively high, which reflects the quality and availability of public maternity care.
  • In Turkmenistan, the family plays a central role in women’s lives, and pregnancy is seen as an important milestone. Traditionally, the emphasis is on motherhood and homemaking.
  • Although public health facilities are available, it is wise for expats to consult private clinics for prenatal care. It is also important to check that the chosen facility meets international standards.
  • However… Given the limitations in medical facilities, some people choose to travel abroad for childbirth, especially for complicated pregnancies.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Turkmenistan?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Turkmenistan?

  • There are no official crime figures for the country, as they are not published. The capital is considered relatively safe, but there are risks of alcohol-related incidents and violent crime throughout the country (although this is usually gang-related and not aimed at expats).
  • Women can be harassed when travelling alone.
  • Be careful at the Turkmen-Afghanistan border.
  • Small-scale theft also occurs. Be careful in busy places and do not openly wear expensive items.
  • Turkmenistan has strict laws. Always carry an ID with you and be aware of the rules. For example, it is sometimes not allowed to take photos of certain buildings or to smoke in public. There are also strict rules for women.
  • For certain areas, such as border regions and nature reserves, you need a special permit. If you go there without a permit, this can lead to fines or deportation.
  • Turkmenistan is located in a seismically active zone, which means that earthquakes can occur. It is wise to be familiar with earthquake safety procedures.

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Turkmenistan?

  • There are many infectious diseases in the country. Drink only bottled or well-boiled water and avoid raw foods. Discuss necessary vaccinations with a doctor long before you plan to leave. 
  • The air quality can be quite poor in urban areas. Be careful on these days, stay indoors if possible and clean regularly!
  • In summer, temperatures can reach 45°C in the shade. It is crucial to drink plenty of water and avoid excessive exposure to the sun.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Turkmenistan?

  • The road network is improving, but outside the major cities many roads are narrow, potholed and poorly lit. This can make driving, especially at night, challenging and potentially dangerous.
  • In addition to frequent roadworks, unexpected obstacles such as camels crossing the road (yes, really!) can pose a risk to drivers. So stay alert!
  • Using official taxis or hiring a vehicle with a driver is often considered safer than driving yourself. Many people use the train in Turkmenistan.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Turkmenistan?

  • Is the trip to Turkmenistan and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Turkmenistan if you are going to live there for a while?

  • Even though it may not be mandatory (for everyone), good international health insurance is a must in Turkmenistan because of the state of healthcare and to prevent high costs of private healthcare, healthcare abroad or medical evacuation. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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